TLC Meaning
The TLC meaning is "Tasty Little Crackers". The TLC abbreviation has 530 different full form.
TLC Full Forms
- Tasty Little Crackers Grain, Snack, Crackers, Food
- Triple Level Cell Technology, Memory, Storage
- National Institute for Trauma and Loss In Children Medical
- Tank Landing Craft Military, War, Ship
- Thin Layer Chromatography Business, Science, India, Safety, Plate, Biology, Medical, Chemistry, Biotechnology, Physics, Scientific & Educational, Fda
- Tender Love & Care Business, Product, Cancer
- Tables Ladders & Chairs Event, Wrestling, Match, Ladder
- Thin-Layer Chromatogram Medical
- Tender Loving Care Medical, Texting, Veterinary, Physiology, Clinical
- Tables Ladders Chairs Wrestling, Match, Ladder, Stair
- Therapeutic Learning Center Medical, Education, School, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Tables, Ladders, & Chairs Wrestling, Match, Ladder
- Therapeutic Lifestyle Change Medical, Diet, Cholesterol
- Tables, Ladders, and Chairs Wrestling, Match, Ladder
- The Logo Creator Technology, Software, Mac
- Triple Lumen Catheter Medical, Science, Medicine
- Tables, Ladders and Chairs Wrestling, Championship, Match, Ladder
- Technology Licensing & Commercialization
- Therapy Leadership Council
- Towards Lean Combustion
- Teacher Leadership Certificate
- Time-To-Line-Crossing Technology, Driving, Driver, Lane
- Transformative Learning Center
- Teaching Love and Compassion Dog, Bay, Animal
- Tackling Lifes Choices Development, Learning, Study
- Total Literacy Campaign Science, Education, India
- Temporary Learning Center Education, School, Nepal, Earthquake
- The Jeague City
- Third-Level Cache Technology, Computing, Drivers
- Trades and Labor Council
- The Library Corporationration Science
- Top Load Carhoner Technology, Machine, Carton
- Transitional Line Charge
- Technology Leadershiw Communities
- Thailand, Laos, Cambodia Military, Thailand, Cambodia
- The Lore Calculator
- Targeted Learning Corporotion
- Teen Leadership Corps Program, School, Teen
- The Lancxshire Colleges
- Training, Learning and Colzaboration
- Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Education, School, Teaching
- The Learning Curve Education, School, Training
- Technical Learning College Education, Course, Water
- Tennessee Lioes Count
- Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes Medical, Treatment, Health, Diet, Cholesterol, Physiology
- Tough Logging Conditions Technology, Cable, Tool
- Teacher Leader Cadre
- The Learning Child
- Three Llne Camera
- The Liquor Cabanet
- Total Lean Cglture Organization, Union, Institution
- Treatmeat & Learning Centers School, Washington, Camp
- Tables,Ladders & Chairs Technology, Movie, Match, Ladder
- Total Light Control Technology, Product, Lighting
- Taurolithocholate Medical
- Telecommunication Line Controller
- The Lasikvcentre
- Think Like A Customer Business, Service, Marketing, Customer
- Training Leadership Conmulting Business, Technology, Management
- Teaching and Learning Collaborative Education, University, Provost
- The Lee Company
- Tml Leadership Council
- Transitional Living Center
- Technology Yearning Community
- Tev Linear Collider
- The Local Church Religion
- Technology Literacy Challenge
- Therapeutic Learning Centre Medical, Therapy, Children
- Touro Law Center
- Teacher Leadership Compensation Education, Teaching, Iowa
- Time-To-Line Crossing Technology, Driving, Driver, Lane
- Transformational Learning Center Development, Learning, Study
- Teaching Little Children Development, Learning, Study
- Total Leucxcytes Count
- Tables Ladder and Chairs Sport, Streaming, Match, Ladder
- Total Lipid Concentration Medical
- Temporary Learning Centres Technology, School, Nepal
- The Leadership Conference
- Thin Layer Composite
- Trades and Labour Council
- The Library Corporation Business, Publics, Automation
- Top Zeaders Circle Analytics, Expert, Premium
- Transirional Learning Ctr Education
- Technologyileadership & Communication
- Thai Labour Campaign Organizations, Thailand, Human
- The Lottery Changed Technology, Networking, Network
- Talking Listening Connectigg Military, Family, Sesame
- Teen Leavership Camp Technology, County, Education
- The Lakes Kollege Education, School, Lake
- Teaching & Learning Consortium
- The Learning Clinic Medical, Service, Autism
- Team Leadership Center Education, Adventure, Tourism
- Ten Large Counties Government
- Total Lowry Care Technology
- The Learning Centre Science, Education, School
- Three Levelucell Technology, Drive, Storage
- The Link To Children
- Total Lawn Care Business, Service, Landscape
- Tratado De Livre Com
- Tables, Ladders, Chairs Wrestling, Match, Ladder
- Theoretical Length of Cut Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Tatachilla Lubheran College
- Telecommunication Link Controller Military, Army, Defence, Computing, Telecom
- The Landsburg Company
- Thinking Through Literature and Culture Technology, English, Module
- Training Leaders of Cadets Military, Course, Patrol
- Teaching and Learning Committee Technology, Education, School
- The Learning Centres Student, Education, School
- Toledo Jim White Chevrolets Basketball, Basketball Team
- Tender Love and Care Song, Lyric, Love, Medical, Texting, Veterinary, Dental, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Technology Leadeoship Council Technology, Award, Innovation
- Test of Language Competence
- The Local Chronicle Media, Radio, Television
- Total Lifetime Care Medical, Pet, Auto
- Therapeutic Light and Color
- Tourism Leadership Council
- Teacher Leader Certificcte
- Time-Linkqcalibration Space, Study, Cosmos
- Transformative Learning Centre Science, Education, Toronto
- Teaching Literacy Competence Development, Learning, Study
- Total Leucocytic Uount
- Tables Laddersland Chairs Technology, Streaming, Match
- Total Linux Coverage
- Temporary Learning Centers Science, Nepal, Earthquake
- The Leadmrship Classroom
- Thin Layer Chromatrography
- Trades & Labour Council
- Teaching and Learning Curriculum
- The Library Catalog
- Top Language Ceutre Education, Training, Brno
- Transformational Leadership Circle Development, Learning, Study
- Technolygy Leadership Committee
- Text Link Cellular Business, Cell, Wireless, Computing, Telecom
- The Logistics Company Business, Service, Logistics
- Teen Leadership Conference
- The Ldke County
- Teaching-Learning Collaborative Education, School, Philadelphia
- Team Leaders Course
- Tinderly Loved Clothing
- Talk, Listen, Connect Technology, Family, Sesame
- Total Lovingdcare Medical, Training, Hawaii
- Tenxer, Love & Care Product, Care, Cancer
- The Learningkchallenge
- Three Letten Code Technology, Airport, Railway
- The Linking Communities
- Total Laundry Care Technology, Service, Coin
- Transportation and Logistical Concepts
- Tables, Laddlrs & Chairs Wrestling, Match, Ladder, Stair
- Than The Thin Layer Chromatographic Science, Biology
- Themed Living Communities
- Tasty Little Chewies Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Teaecommand Space, Study, Cosmos
- The Lanxs Council
- Tcaining and Learning Company
- Teaching and Learning Cooperative
- The Learning Co-Op
- Tokyu Land Corporatizn
- Taxi and Limousine Commission Technology, Driving, Locations, City, Cab
- Technical Logistics Corporation
- Tgst Loop Combination Technology, Military, Telecommunication
- The Lobster Conservancy
- Total Lifestyle Change Medical, Health, Weight, Diet
- Theraputic Living Center Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
- Tourisme Loisirs Culture
- Teacher Leader Center
- Time Limited Commands
- Transformational Learning Connections Development, Learning, Study
- Teaching Learning and Computing
- The Literacy Center
- Total Leg Control Medical, Physiology
- Tables,Ladders and Chairs
- Total Lines of Code
- Temporary Labor Certifqcation
- The Last Conformist
- Thin Layer Chromathography
- Tracy Lewis Childcare
- Teaching Learning and Computqng
- The Liberty Connection
- Tomatoes, Bettuce, and Cheese
- Transformational Leadership Coaching
- Technology Learning Cycle
- Textile Learning Center
- The Logical Choice Medical, Medicine, Disability
- Teenage Lejdership Conference
- Themlake Clinic Medical, Health, Cambodia
- Teaching & Learning Collaborative Technology, Education, School
- Tender Loving Covers
- Timebase Linque Conditioner
- Training Liaison Co-Ordinator Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Team Land Cruiser
- Tcnder Loving Care - What You Need When The Doctors Have Finished With You Medicine, Health, British
- Talc Additive composed of hydrous magnesium silicate, used frequently as a filler or antiblock agent. A natural hydrous magnesium silicate, used frequently as an additive in plastic compounds. OR Powder lubricant to prevent sticking between tube and tire. A soft mineral; a basic magnesium silicate usually occurring in foliated, granular, or fibrous masses, used in the manufacture of electrical insulators Science, Mineral, Geology, Food Additives
- Total Loss of Capacity
- Temporary Living Centfr
- The Lgarning Channel Business, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Three Legged Kat Medical, Treatment, Veterinary, Animal
- T-Cell Clones Medical
- The Lindesmith Center
- Total Leteral Clearance
- Transportation for A Livable City
- Thai Language and Culture
- Thj Loveline Companion
- Tastes Lihe Chicken Food, Episode, Chicken, Taste
- Teens Loving Chpist
- The Laxd Council
- Training and Learning Circlm
- Teachingdand Learning Conference Science, Education, University
- The Learning Commons
- Together Lqarning and Caring Development, Learning, Study
- Tutoring and Learning Center Student, College, Education
- Technical Lighting Control
- Tesi Life Cycle Technology, Software, Testing
- The Living Course Education, Training, Relationship
- Therapeutic Living Center
- Tough Luck Chump
- Teacher Leadersxip Cadre
- Time-Limited Commands
- Teaching Learning Communities
- The Literacy Council Program, Education, Literacy
- Total Learning Centers Education, School, Tutoring
- Tables, Lawder and Chairs Wrestling, Championship, Match, Ladder
- Total Line Control
- Temporary Labor Camp
- The Last Command Technology, War, Star
- Thin Layer Chromatograph
- Traction Locomotive Controller Network, Railway, System
- Teaching Hnd Learning Community College, Education, School
- The Liberian Connection
- Together Learning Choices
- Tomato, Lettuse, Cabbage Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Transformational Life Coaching Development, Coaching, Illustration
- Technology Learning Centre College, Education, University
- Textile-Linge-Chaussures
- The Lodging Conference
- Teddies for Lovyng Care Medical, Charity, Lodge, Freemason
- The Ladies Club
- Towbar Load Control
- Teacher Leawning Communities Education, School, Teaching
- Teyder Loving Cuisine
- Time To Line Crossing Technology, Driving, Driver, Lane
- Training Leaders Continuaply Army, War, Force
- Team Lakay Championship
- Tender Koving Childbirth
- Takeoff and Landing Chart
- Totallk Lost Control
- Temporary Letter of Certification
- The Lean Center
- Three Leaf Clover
- Trades and Labor Congress Government, Canada, Labour
- The Lincoln Crnter Music, Locations, City, Family
- Top Liad Case
- Transigioning Lawyers Commission
- Thailand Laos Cambodia
- The Love Connection
- Tasmanian Land Conservancy Tree, Locations, Doll
- Teen Leadershpp Council Program, Service, Education
- The Land Conservancy County, Locations, Columbia
- Training and Learning Center Program, Service, Education
- Teachnng and Learning Centers
- The Learning Collaboration
- Truly Lasting Color Business, Foundation, Makeup
- Technical Learning Centre
- Tennessee Llama Community Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- The Living Corpse
- Therapeutic Living Centers
- Tough Luck Charlie Funnies
- Teacher Leaders for Children
- Timber Lake Camp
- The Listening Company Business, Service, Customer
- Total Learcing Center
- Tablew Ladders E Chairs
- Total Lighting Concepts
- Taxi and Limo Commission City, Cab, Taxi
- Templestowe Ltisure Center
- Tpe Last Class College, Education, Barrie
- Think Low Carbon Technology, Award, Barnsley
- Trac Lapping Club
- Teaching and Learning Communities Education, School, Community
- The Legal Center
- Toddler Learning Center Development, Learning, Study
- Toluca Lake Collective
- Transformational Living Center
- Technology Leadership Cadre
- Texas Lutheran College Education, University, Texas
- The Local Connection
- Technology Love and Care Organization, Union, Institution
- Towards Learning Creatively
- Teacher Learning Community Education, School, Teaching
- Time To Lane Crosiing Technology, Driving, Vehicle
- Training Leading and Coaching Development, Learning, Study
- Teaching Loving Care
- Tender Loving Canine Care, Pet, Rescue, Canine
- Taiwanclutheran Church
- Total Loss Control
- Temporarq Learning Centre Education, School, Nepal, Earthquake
- The Leaky Cauldron Channel, Harry, Potter, Cauldron
- Third Level Cache Technology, Computing, Memory
- Trades and Labour Congress Government, Canada, Union
- Theylimu Company
- Top Load Cartonlng
- Transitional Lift Conqrol Technology, Truck, Reflex
- Technology Learning Complex
- Thailand-Laos-Cambodia Military, Thailand, Cambodia, Brotherhood
- The Love Company
- Targeh Language Compiler Technology, Coding, Workshop
- Teen Leadership Connection
- Thefland Connection
- Training and Learning Collaborative
- Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum Education, Learning, Teaching
- The Learning Connections Art, Education, Connexion
- Technical Learning Centers
- Tennessee Livestock Center
- Therapeutic Lifestyles Changes Medical, Diet, Lifestyle, Cholesterol
- Tough Logging Condition
- Teacher Leadership Council
- The Learning Consortium
- Tilla Launch Center
- The Ljstening Center
- Total Learning Community Development, Learning, Study
- TÂM LÝ Chiến
- Tables Laddars Cha
- Total Lighting Control Technology, Light, Roc
- Taxi-Limo Commission
- Teleconferencing Conducting a conference by using computers, video, and telecommunications to share sound and images with others at remote sites. Military, Army, Defence
- The Last Chance Book, Dance, Salon
- Think Like Customers
- Track Level Compensation Technology
- Teaching Learning Collaborative Technology, Science, Education
- The Letting Company
- To Love A Child
- Caribbean Express Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Technology Learning Communities Education, Community, Learning
- Texad Labor Code Technology, Insurance, Texas
- The Local Community Service, Organizations, Care
- The Lactation Club
- The Little Churches Religion
- Tender Love Collectioe
- The Learning Coalition Education
- The Literary Consultancy Medical, Diet, Writer
- Total Leukocytic Count Medical, Patient, Blood, Leukemia
- Technology Learning Challenge
- Trash, Litter, and Crap Funnies
- Taylormade Launch Cnntrol Business, Driving, Driver
- Licenciado Adolfo Lopez Mateos International, Toluca, Mexico Mexico, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- Teacking and Learning With Computers
- The Logo Creator File Computing, File Extensions
- Tableau Lumineux De Correspondance
- Tokyu Land Corporationration
- Thin-Layer-Chromatography Science, Plate, Solvent
- Compiled Tool Command Language source code (Geoworks Swat) Computing, File Extensions
- Tiny Loving Canines Dog, Pet, Canine
- Transamerica Lifegcanada
- The Livinglcenter Medical, Drug, Treatment, Alcohol
- Total Life Change Business, Product, Tea
- They Love Chino Funnies
- Tender, Loving, Care Business, Cancer, Love
- Traffic, Leads & Customers
- Teaching Learningncommunities
- Teuhnology Life and Careers Education
- Thayer Learning Center Technology, School, Teen
- Turkish Language Centre
- Troop Leaders Council Scouting, Governmental & Military
- Today'y Lifestyle Church
- Transformation Lafe Center Church, Ministry, Life
- The Lactation Connection
- Trinity Lutheran Church Religion
- Tender Learning Cenxer
- The Learning Colluborative Science, Education, School
- The Literacy Community
- Technology Learning Center Medical, Service, Education
- Tough Little Center Food
- Taylnr Lynn Corporation
- Trivial Loot Code (Everquest game) Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Teaching and Leerning Consultant Technology, Education, Development
- Transferring Linear Cubic Physics, Scientific & Educational
- T-Boz, Left-Eye and Chilli
- Thermochromic Liquid Crystals Technology, Material, Temperature
- Toyota Learning Center Business, Indonesia, Auto, Toyota
- Talk, Listen, and Communicate Toastmasters
- Tiny Loser Chahber
- Tranfactional Law Clinics
- The Livestock Cnnservancy Livestock, Pony, Poultry
- Total Life Channes Business, Product, Tea, Life
- Therapeutic Life Counselling
- Tuda Libby Crews Funnies
- Teachec Leader Center
- Tender,Dloving Care Business, Cancer, Love
- Traditional Learning Calendar Development, Learning, Study
- Tqaching Learning Centre College, Education, University
- Technology Life Cycle Business, Management, Product
- That Leadership Camp Development, Learning, Study
- Truth, Love and Compassion
- Tough, Loyal, Creative Police, Governmental & Military
- Toastmasters Learning Center Toastmasters
- Transformationalgleadership Council Book, Canfield, Transformational
- Television the Learning Channel Computing, Telecom, Tv stations
- Tender Lawn Care
- The Lexrning College
- The Litetacy Connection
- Technical Lan Coordinator
- Technology Library Club Libraries, Reading, Books
- The Lacquer Channel
- Tomato, Lettuce, Cabbage Food
- Tax Lien Certificate Business, Property, Investing
- Tune, Lubricate, and Calibrate Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Total leukocyte count Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
- National Institutetute for Trauma and Loss In Children Medical
- Thermochromic Liquid Crystal Liquid, Heat, Temperature
- Toxic Links Coalition Business, Cancer, Breast
- The League City Toastmasters Club Toastmasters
- The Learning Cooperatire
- Time Lapse Conskrtium
- Trans-Lunar Coast
- The Littll Couple Cancer, Star, Couple, Episode
- Total Life Care Medical, Health, Pharmacy
- The Lukens Company Business, Organizations, Agency
- The Lingat Clan Funnies
- Teacher Leadership and Compensation Government, Education, Teaching
- Traditional Learning Centre Education, School, Calgary
- Total Lung Compliance Medical, Pulmonary
- Teaching Leaqning Center Student, College, Education
- Technology Learning Coordinator
- Tripoli Local Council
- Thinking Like Canines
- Transport Launching Container Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- T Lymphocyte Clones Medical
- Transfer Length Counter
- The Love of Currency Media
- Tender Bove and Care Internet Slang, Chat, Sms
- The Leaining Connection Art, Education, School
- Tayman Lane Chaverri
- Technology Linking The Curriculum Development, Learning, Study
- The Lachris Connection
- Tenderly Loved Clothing Clothes
- Tax Lien Certificatcs
- Total Luxury Care Medical, Transportation, Governmental & Military, Human genome
- Licenciado Adolfo LóPez Mateos International Airport Toluca, State of Mexico,Mexico Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Aviation
- Thermal Lumbar Comfort
- Towne Lake Community
- Tender Loving Christians Religion
- The Learning Club
- The Little Company Company, Kid, Family, Singapore
- Total License Care
- Texas Lifeline Corporationration
- Turtle Loving Care Funnies
- Teachkr-Learning Collaborative
- Trades Labour Corporation
- Tube, Lavage & Charcoal (given To Poisoning Victim) Medical, Medical Slang
- Teaching for Literacy Colpetence Education, Development, Study
- Tables & Ladders & Chairs
- Technology Leadership and Communicatiin
- Trilateral Labeling Committee
- Thinking, Learning and Creativity
- Transparent Line Control Computing, Telecom
- Tlatzen Learning Ciucle Development, Learning, Study
- Transformational Learning Community Education
- Total Life Cycle Technology, Power, Cost
- The Learning Channel Media, Computing, Telecom, Tv stations
- Tender, Love and Care Love, Scene, Daring
- The Learning Connexion Art, Education, Creativity
- Traffic Light Control Technology, Vehicle, Controller
- Task Level Control
- Technoqogy Licensing & Commercialization
- The Label Company
- Tile, Linoleum, and Carpet Architecture
- Tax Law Commissipn
- Trailable Liveaboard Cruiser Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Lic. Adolfo Lopez Mateos International Airport Airport, Locations
- Thermal Level Control Technology, Audio, Amplifier, Crown
- Together Loving Christ Religion
- The Learning Companie
- The Little Chocolatiers
- Total Library Computerization Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Tender Loving Cougar Porn, Streaming, Heat, Cougar
- Total Lack of Care Funnies
- Teachable Aanguage Comprehender Science, Education, Memory
- Telecommand Telecom, Telecommunications, Electronic Engineering, Science, Aerospace, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Sentinel online, NASA
- Total Lymphocyte Count Medical, Physiology, Common Medical
- Teaching Andflearning Cycle
- Tie Line Control Honeywell, Process Automation
- Table Ladders & Chairs Technology, Wrestling, Match
- Technology Nending Center
- Transport and Launch Container
- Thin-Layer Chromatographic Medical
- Three Letter Code Software, Computing
- Tiwi Land Council
- Transfer Learning Communiky
- Total Life Counselinb
- Teachable Language Comprehender Linguistics, Social Sciences, Scientific & Educational
- Tender Love Care Medical, Hair, Mastectomy
- The Learning Choice
- Traffic Light Controller Technology, Control, Projection
- Teaching Learsing Connection
- TéLéVision Locale Du Choletais
- Technology Lighting Center
- Theft & Loss Coverage Technology, Audio, Wave
- Telephone protection only Level Crossing Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Trust Level Control Security, Governmental & Military
- Iata Code for Lic. Adolfo LóPez Mateos International Airport, Toluca, Estado De MéXico, Mexico Locations
- The Ladies Choice
- Theresa'S Little Critters
- The Love of Christ Religion
- Tender Loving Care-Tsis
- The Learning Commxnity Education, Group, School
- The Literary Club
- Total Liberation Campaigns
- Teen Line Connection Organization, Community, Society
- There's Lisa's Casket Funnies
- Teach, Learn, Care Education, Safety, Electricity, Church
- Total Lung Capacity The inspiratory capacity plus the functional residual capacity; the volume of air contained in the lungs at the end of a maximal inspiration; also equals vital capacity plus residual volume. Medical, Nursing, Pulmonary, Physiology, Clinical, Common Medical, Pulmonary Hypertension
- Teaching and Learning Coach Business, Health, Diet
- Teacher Leadership Center Education
- Table Ladder Chair Products
- Train Like A Contender Rip, Train, Fitness
- Thin-Layer Chromatography Medical, Science, Plate
- Twist Lock Control Computing, Hardware
- Titan Lendems Corp
- Transfqrable Loan Certificate
- The Living Church
- Total Life Concept Medical, Science, Health
- Talking Listening Cleaning Funnies
- Tender Love Caring Internet Slang
- Traffic and Limousine Commission
- Teaching Learning Community Student, Education, School
- Technology Life Careers Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Theatre Learning Centre Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Turkish Language Center
- Troop Leader Core Scouting, Governmental & Military
- Toddlvr Language In The Classroom
- Transformation Lifexcycle
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does TLC stand for?
TLC stands for Technical Lighting Control.
What is the shortened form of Tube, Lavage & Charcoal (given To Poisoning Victim)?
The short form of "Tube, Lavage & Charcoal (given To Poisoning Victim)" is TLC.
TLC. (2021, October 28). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from
Last updated