TLRS Meaning

The TLRS meaning is "Toll Like Receptors". The TLRS abbreviation has 14 different full form.

TLRS Full Forms

  1. Toll Like Receptors Medical, Science
  2. Toll-Like Receptors Medical, Science, Cell, Human genome, Physiology
  3. Toll-Like-Receptors Medical, Protein, Cell
  4. Tahoe League Race Series
  5. Triggered Location Reporting Service
  6. Transportable Laser Ranging System Science, Space, Cosmos
  7. Total Logistics Readiness and Sustainability
  8. Teaching and Learning Resources
  9. Teaching and Learning Responsibilities
  10. Twin Lens Reflexes
  11. Teaching and Learning Responsibility Payments Education
  12. Twin Lakes Regional Sewer
  13. Tramway and Light Railway Society
  14. Tramway & Light Railway Society

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TLRS stand for?

    TLRS stands for Toll-Like Receptors.

  2. What is the shortened form of Toll-Like-Receptors?

    The short form of "Toll-Like-Receptors" is TLRS.


TLRS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from

Last updated