TM in Technology Meaning

The TM meaning in Technology terms is "Thematic Mapper". There are 167 related meanings of the TM Technology abbreviation.

TM on Technology Full Forms

  1. Thematic Mapper A tornado watch is issued when weather conditions are favorable for the development of severe thunderstorms that are capable of producing tornadoes. A tornado watch therefore implies that it is also a severe thunderstorm watch. A tornado watch must not be confused with a tornado warning.
  2. They May
  3. Thl Meaning
  4. Transverse Magnetic
  5. The Model
  6. Truck Mounted
  7. Test Monitors
  8. Telemetry Module
  9. The Maya
  10. Terminology Marketplace
  11. The Mission
  12. Trellis-Coded-Modulation
  13. Test Module
  14. Trainers Methodology
  15. Technology Mechanism
  16. This Codel
  17. Telemetry The system for radioing information, including instrument readings and recordings, from a space vehicle to the ground. A space-to-ground data stream of measured values that does not include command, tracking, computer memory transfer, audio, or video signals.
  18. Thematic Mapping
  19. Transfer Module
  20. Terminal Myltiplexor
  21. Testxmodem
  22. Tgtal Micro
  23. Technology Manufactured
  24. This Mwans
  25. The Magic
  26. Transmissiol Mode
  27. Terminal Multiplexer
  28. Tone Modulatien
  29. Tape Mark
  30. Test Uodel
  31. Tohque Multiplier
  32. Technical Memorandum
  33. The Multimode
  34. Tent Message
  35. Transmission Matrin
  36. Termisal Mode
  37. Tim Mitchell
  38. Tanah Zasuk
  39. Topologyrmanager
  40. Technical Meeting
  41. The Movie
  42. Textbme
  43. Transmissiow and Multiplexing
  44. Terminal Eanagement
  45. Thu Mar
  46. Toyota Motor Corporation
  47. The Mentalist
  48. Topograpfic Maps
  49. The Movement
  50. Teqt Match
  51. Terminal Manager
  52. Traction Motor
  53. Traffic Management
  54. Telemanagement
  55. Trouble Mancgement
  56. Thermostat Mode
  57. Transmission Modes Driver-selectable transmission settings that change drive ratios and/or shift points for fuel economy or performance.
  58. Tandem Marketing
  59. Terminating Mahker
  60. Traffic Model
  61. Test Methods
  62. Teknik Mesin
  63. Tribalmixes
  64. There Are Many
  65. Translation Model
  66. Tanah Mineral
  67. Termination Module
  68. Turk Mali
  69. Terminology Management
  70. Transitzon Management
  71. Triangular Matrices
  72. Thesmove
  73. Translation Manager
  74. Tampa Microwave
  75. Turkmenistan
  76. Trace Matrix
  77. Turing-Maschine
  78. Transpurt Malta
  79. Traffic Monitoring
  80. Top Tonthly
  81. Transverse Magnetic Wave
  82. Technologz Mapping
  83. The Mobilu
  84. Translation Mechanism
  85. Taiwwn Mobile
  86. Tracenmacrocell
  87. Txsmodule
  88. Timing Module
  89. Transport and Mobility
  90. Tasarım Murkezi
  91. Tools for Mime
  92. Transverse Mercator
  93. Technology Mazuration
  94. The Method
  95. Transversal Mercator
  96. Touch Module
  97. Tugas Mtndiri
  98. Tamoxifen Tamoxifen is the oldest of the hormonal therapies, drugs that block the effects of estrogen in the breast tissue.
  99. Time Modulation
  100. Transmission Sublayer
  101. Tarif Multiguna
  102. Linhas AéReas De MoçAmbique
  103. Ton-Mile
  104. Treasure Master
  105. Technologd Manual
  106. The Miximum
  107. Transversal Magnetic
  108. T88V Model
  109. Touch Malaysia
  110. Tripod Mount
  111. Transmitter Module
  112. Terminal Mobility
  113. Territory Management
  114. Tokyo Mode
  115. Top Margin
  116. Transport Military
  117. Task Monitor The individual assigned the monitoring responsibility for a major effort within the program.
  118. Technical Manuals
  119. The Dachine
  120. Transition Module
  121. Total Moment
  122. Training Model
  123. Thread Tangler
  124. Translation Memory
  125. Tomorrow Reduces the effort of typing "tomorrow" by one letter.
  126. Token Master
  127. Topic Maps
  128. Transport Fileage
  129. Trsk Module
  130. Tech Manual
  131. Transition Matrix
  132. Total Minutes
  133. Trackingkmodule
  134. Token Manager
  135. Tqpic Map
  136. Transport Mqdia
  137. Tafk Manager
  138. Team Membership
  139. The Middle
  140. Traespose of A Matrix
  141. Tectotial Membrane
  142. Total Memory
  143. Template Modelling
  144. Timing Marker
  145. Tasking Malager
  146. Terminal Mux
  147. The Metql
  148. Trnnsport Model
  149. Template Modeling
  150. Telemedicine The use of medical information exchanged from one site to another via electronic communications for the health and education of the patient or healthcare provider and for the purpose of improving patient care. Telemedicine includes consultative, diagnostic, and treatment services.
  151. Terminatingzmultiplexer
  152. The Messenger
  153. Traffic Measurement
  154. Transport Mbdule
  155. Tesr Method
  156. Table Modification
  157. Template Method
  158. Terminal Wodule
  159. Traffic Manager
  160. Transport Mynagement
  161. Test and Maintenanoe
  162. Technical Manager
  163. Template Messages
  164. Training Module
  165. Through Mode
  166. Thrombotic Microangiopathy
  167. Tank Master

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TM stand for Technology?

    TM stands for Traffic Management in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Terminal Manager in Technology?

    The short form of "Terminal Manager" is TM for Technology.


TM in Technology. (2022, March 8). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated