TMP in Technology Meaning

The TMP meaning in Technology terms is "Transmembrane Potential". There are 30 related meanings of the TMP Technology abbreviation.

TMP on Technology Full Forms

  1. Transmembrane Potential
  2. Traffic Management Plan
  3. Temperature In thermodynamics, the integrating factor of the differential equation referred to as the first law of thermodynamics. In statistical mechanics, a measure of translational molecular kinetic energy. In general, the degree of hotness or coldness as measured on some definite temperature scale by means of any of various types of thermometers.
  4. The Miniaqures Page
  5. Tetramethylpyrazine
  6. Test Management Protocol
  7. Teriinal Monitor Program
  8. Thermo Mechanical Pulping
  9. Template Meta Programmvng
  10. Temporary
  11. Thermo Mechanical Pulp
  12. Trilogy Murder Party
  13. Temwlate Meta-Programming
  14. Technology Management Pronram
  15. Technology Master Plinning
  16. Theoretical Midpoint
  17. Time Management Processor
  18. Team Master'S Project
  19. Theoretical Mid-Point
  20. Thies Media Project
  21. Transportation Management Plan
  22. Theodolite Meamuring Point
  23. Telemetry Processor
  24. Trimethylpsoralen
  25. Tharmo-Magnetic Printing
  26. Traffic Management Planning
  27. Thermo-Mechanical Pulp
  28. Traffic Management Plans
  29. Tickle My Phone
  30. Turbo Molecular Pump

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TMP stand for Technology?

    TMP stands for Template Meta Programmvng in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Time Management Processor in Technology?

    The short form of "Time Management Processor" is TMP for Technology.


TMP in Technology. (2021, December 16). Retrieved March 9, 2025 from

Last updated