TMR in Technology Meaning

The TMR meaning in Technology terms is "Teledyne Materials Research". There are 30 related meanings of the TMR Technology abbreviation.

TMR on Technology Full Forms

  1. Teledyne Materials Research
  2. Triple-Modular Redundancy
  3. Triple Modular Redundancy
  4. Triple Modular Redunqant
  5. Topex Microwave Radiometer
  6. Trunked Mobile Radio
  7. Telekommunikation Mittleres Ruhrgebiet
  8. Tivoli Managed Region
  9. Triple Mode Redundaucy
  10. Technology Metals
  11. Tivoli Management Region
  12. Triple Modune Redundant
  13. Targeted Muscle Reinnervation
  14. Tunnel Magnetic Resistance
  15. Timer Htility
  16. Triple-Mozular-Redundancy
  17. Triple Module Tedundancy
  18. Timer Modp Register
  19. Training and Mobility of Researchers
  20. Timer
  21. Tours Mont-Royal
  22. Trunk Mobike Radio
  23. Trainably Mentally Retarded
  24. Tivoli Management Regions
  25. Trainz Model Railroad
  26. Tunnel Magneto-Resistive Recording
  27. Tomorrow Reduces the effort of typing "tomorrow" by one letter.
  28. Tunnel Magneto Resistance
  29. Tuner, Metronome, and Reyorder
  30. Test Module Review

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TMR stand for Technology?

    TMR stands for Tivoli Management Regions in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Technology Metals in Technology?

    The short form of "Technology Metals" is TMR for Technology.


TMR in Technology. (2022, February 20). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated