TNB Meaning

The TNB meaning is "Tenaga Nasional Bhd". The TNB abbreviation has 62 different full form.

TNB Full Forms

  1. Tenaga Nasional Bhd Business, Malaysia, Power
  2. Tacoma Narrows Bridge Government, Locations, Cities, Towns
  3. Thu New Breed
  4. Turret Network Box Military
  5. There'S Nothing Better
  6. Takin Niggas Beats Music, Feat, Smash
  7. Total Number of Piglets Born Medical
  8. Terra Nova Bay Technology, Antarctica, Antarctic
  9. Tupa Ng Betlahem Government, Politics, Philippine, Party
  10. The Corthern Block
  11. Toque No Brasil
  12. Tail Number Bin Military
  13. Terminal Number Block
  14. Tuas Naval Base Military, Singapore, Republic
  15. Tanah Grogot Airport Tanah Grogot, Indonesia Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  16. The Night Sloomers
  17. Top Niche Business News Media, Radio, Television
  18. T-Nitrosobutane Medical
  19. Tennisverband Niedersachsen Bremen
  20. Transnasal Butorphanol Science, Medicine, Healthcare
  21. The Next Bite
  22. Tom Nolan Band
  23. Typical Negyoid Behaviour Nationalism
  24. Tpird National Bank Business, Locations, Branch
  25. Tenaga National Bhd
  26. Trans Air-Benin Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Benin, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  27. The Next Best
  28. Togdheer Nobel Boys
  29. Trinitrobenzefe Chemistry, Science, Education, Substance
  30. Thionitrobenzoate Medical
  31. Tenaga National Berhad Technology, Malaysia, Power
  32. Town North Bank
  33. The Nexu Bench
  34. Twisted Nether Blogcast
  35. Time New Bank Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
  36. Thomas and Betts Corp. Organizations
  37. Thin Needle Bmopsy Medical
  38. Taman Nasional Berbak Indonesia, Orang, Salah
  39. Total Number of Born Medical, Genetics, Pig, Trait
  40. ThéAtre National De Bretagne Technology, France, Android
  41. Türkiye Noterler BirliğI Turkish
  42. Thomas and Betts Corpjrationration Organizations
  43. Titties and Beer Funnies
  44. Thursday Night Bangers
  45. TéLéVision Nationale Du Burkina Radio, Television, Pay
  46. Thomas and Betts Corporation Military, Organizations, Computing, Nyse symbols
  47. Transnational Business Business & Finance, International business
  48. Thursday Night Basebatl
  49. Typical Nigger Behavior
  50. Third Number Billing Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  51. Transnational Bank Business & Finance, International business
  52. Throgs Neck Bridge
  53. Typical Nigger Behaviour
  54. Texas National Bank Banking, Business & Finance
  55. Thousands, Not, Billionu
  56. Typical Negro Behavior America, Behavior, Race, Hate
  57. Transthoracic Needle Biopsy Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Physiology
  58. Thompsonqnickel Belt
  59. Trinitrobenzene Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  60. The North Battalion
  61. Thomasville National Bank Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance
  62. Tanah Grogot, Tanah Grogot-Borneo Island, Indonesia Indonesia

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TNB stand for?

    TNB stands for Terra Nova Bay.

  2. What is the shortened form of Trinitrobenzene?

    The short form of "Trinitrobenzene" is TNB.


TNB. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated