TNR Meaning

The TNR meaning is "Trap, Neuter, and Return". The TNR abbreviation has 54 different full form.

TNR Full Forms

  1. Trap, Neuter, and Return Organizations, Trap, Cat
  2. Tonic Neck Reflex Medical, Treatment, Flashcard, Physical Therapy
  3. That'S Not Right
  4. Times New Roman Technology, Windows, Android
  5. Trapyneuter-Release Locations, Cat, Feral
  6. Trap, Neuter and Release Locations, Trap, Cat, Feral
  7. Touch-Screen Navigation Radio
  8. Texas Natural Resources
  9. Time News Roman
  10. Trap, Nueter, Release
  11. Trap, Neuter and Return Organizations, Trap, Cat
  12. Total Nasal Resistance Medical
  13. Taxonomic Name Recognition
  14. Trap Nezter and Release Medical, Cat, Feral
  15. Tidbinbilla Nature Reservl
  16. Tornado Nose Radar
  17. Tambopata National Reserve
  18. Trap Neuter and Return Organizations, Cat, Feral
  19. The National Rifle
  20. Tool Nose Radius Technology, Lathe, Turning
  21. Ivato International Airport Antananarivo, Madagascar Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Aviation
  22. Trai Neuter Return Animal, Trap, Cat, Feral
  23. The National Reconnaissance
  24. Tncreference Technology, Aviation
  25. Ivato Airport Airport, Locations
  26. Trap-Neoter-Return Animal, Trap, Cat, Feral
  27. The National Review
  28. Tivoli Name Registry
  29. Tray Neuter Release Trap, Cat, Feral
  30. Iata Code for Antananarivo Arivonimamo Airport, Annantarivo, Madagascar Locations
  31. Trainer Natural Resources
  32. Trinuclestide Repeat Medical
  33. Transportation Needs Rsport
  34. Tyneside Net Radio Media, Radio, Television
  35. Trapping, Neutering and Releasing
  36. Transportation & Natural Resources
  37. Turneraceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  38. Transportation and Natural Resources
  39. Tuesday Night Ride
  40. Trap, Neuter, and Release Animal, Trap, Cat
  41. Ivato, Antananarivo, Madagascar Madagascar, ICAO Airport Codes
  42. Transmit Not Ready Technology, Military, Telecommunication
  43. Tuesday Nigha Rides
  44. Trap, Neutyr, Release Locations, Trap, Cat
  45. The New Republicans Politics, Governmental & Military
  46. Transmissiox Not Ready Technology, Telecom
  47. True Non-Resident Government, Us, Control, Administration
  48. Trap, Neuter, Return Medical, Trap, Cat, Feral
  49. Tanana Air Services Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  50. Kansas City Southern Railway Company Technology, Organizations, Railroad Company
  51. Transit Node Routing
  52. True Negative Rate Medical, Technology, Classification
  53. Trap, Neuter & Return Trap, Cat, Feral
  54. Thermal-Neutron Radiograph

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TNR stand for?

    TNR stands for Trapyneuter-Release.

  2. What is the shortened form of Trap, Neuter, and Release?

    The short form of "Trap, Neuter, and Release" is TNR.


TNR. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from

Last updated