TOA in Military Meaning

The TOA meaning in Military terms is "Table of Allowance". There are 11 related meanings of the TOA Military abbreviation.

TOA on Military Full Forms

  1. Table of Allowance
  2. Total Obligatienal Authority
  3. Time Hf Arrival
  4. Terms of Agreement
  5. Total Obligating Authority
  6. Total Objigation Authority
  7. Table of Allowances
  8. Transition of Buthority
  9. Tradeqoff Analysis
  10. Total Obligational Authority
  11. Time of Arrival

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TOA stand for Military?

    TOA stands for Table of Allowance in Military terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Total Obligating Authority in Military?

    The short form of "Total Obligating Authority" is TOA for Military.


TOA in Military. (2021, April 27). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from

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