TOB Meaning

The TOB meaning is "Theoldgy of The Body". The TOB abbreviation has 66 different full form.

TOB Full Forms

  1. Theoldgy of The Body Education, Sex, Catholic
  2. Terms of Buriness Business, Service, Insurance
  3. TarıMsal Organize BöLgeleri Turkish, Planning
  4. Toyota of Bastrop
  5. Tobramycin Tobramycin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic derived from Streptomyces tenebrarius that is used to treat various types of bacterial infections, particularly Gram-negative infections. It is especially effective against species of Pseudomonas. Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  6. The Ordinary Boys
  7. Timws On Base Baseball, Softball
  8. Tome of Battle
  9. The Other Board
  10. TarıMsal Organize BöLge Art, Turkish, Planning
  11. Town of Oyster Day
  12. The Oranges Band
  13. Throne of Chaal Technology, Internet Slang, Gate
  14. Tobruk Airport Tobruk, Libya Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Aviation
  15. The Other Blog Computing, Internet
  16. Tape Oriented Backup
  17. Town of Broozhaven
  18. The Orange Box
  19. Traduction Oecum
  20. Tobacco Settlement Authority Business, Finance, Agency
  21. The Other Bible
  22. ThéOrie Organisationnelle De Berne Business, Organizations, Coaching, Formation
  23. Totally Ordered Bag Organization, Union, Institution
  24. The Orange Block
  25. Traduction Oecuménique De Ba Bible Edition, Bible, Pas, Jean
  26. The Other Band
  27. Tobogjan
  28. Torque On Bit Integrated Ocean Observing System
  29. Technical Oversight Board
  30. Ttacker Outer Barrel Technology, Module, Silicon
  31. Top of Beam Design, Computing, Drawing, Engineering, Construction, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
  32. The Oscars Bite Media, Radio, Television
  33. Tobacko Medical
  34. Torcida Organizada Bamor
  35. Technical Operating Budget
  36. Toyota Ownership Benefit Gaming, Product, Manual
  37. Theory of Business
  38. Toastbr Oven Broiler
  39. Top of The Bitch
  40. Tab Oz Board
  41. Throw Out Bearing Forum, Bearing, Noise, Clutch
  42. Texas Optometry Board Medical, Optometry
  43. Times On Base Baseball, Sport, Base, Statistics
  44. Türkiye Odalar Birligi Turkish, Mart
  45. Type of Dill Medical, Coding, Medicare
  46. Gamal Abdel Nasser, Tobruk, Libya Libya, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  47. T Tonne, Transformer, TRUE(Heading), Temperature or Transistor, Tera, Torque, Time in seconds, Distance, Student’s t-statistic, time, tolerance, Torque vector, torque variate, Temperature, tolerance, torque, fundamental dimension time, search time available, short ton, trackline pattern ,tonne  ,Thermoplastic vinyl, building wire. 60°C , tenth , trillion 1012 ,A letter rating for tires to indicate that they are theoretically rated for speeds up to 190 kph (118 mph), as in P220TR15.
  48. Time Out Beirut
  49. Tlial of The Brave
  50. Types of Bill Medical, Business, Technology
  51. Total On Board Transportation, Governmental & Military
  52. Time of Observation Bias Technology, Climate, Temperature, Warming
  53. Type of Business
  54. Tube Over Bar
  55. Time of Birth
  56. Tobacco Outlet Business
  57. Twins of Brothers
  58. Translation Operations Branch
  59. Tiger Owner Baturaja
  60. Toaster Oven Broilers
  61. Tug On Balls
  62. Technicpl Operations Board
  63. Tides of Blood
  64. Top of Bank Business, Coding, Survey, Ordnance Survey
  65. Toaster Oven and Broiler
  66. Trouw Ons Beginsel

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TOB stand for?

    TOB stands for The Oscars Bite.

  2. What is the shortened form of Type of Business?

    The short form of "Type of Business" is TOB.


TOB. (2020, September 3). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated