TOC Meaning
The TOC meaning is "Tribunal Oral En Lo Criminal". The TOC abbreviation has 274 different full form.
TOC Full Forms
- Tribunal Oral En Lo Criminal Para, Con, Crime, Tribunal
- Tactical Operation Center Technology, Military, Army
- The Organic Center
- Trial of The Cruyader Man, Warcraft, Raid
- Tactical Operations Center Military, Army, Military Jargon, Naval, Governmental & Military
- Television Operating Centre Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Total Organic Compofnds Technology, Science, Analyzer
- Table of Content Technology, Style, Heading, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Tecnico Oficial De Contas Business, Technology, Portugal
- Total Organic Compound Science, Carbon, Analyzer, Environment
- Technical Order Compliance Technology, Military, Army
- Total Organkc Carbons Medical, Business, Analyzer
- Teacher On Call Education, School, Teaching
- Total Organic Carbon Technology, Science, Analyzer, Medical, Chemistry, Environment, Construction, Biotechnology, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Integrated Ocean Observing System, Fda
- Tactical Operations Centers Military, Army, Networking, Command
- Total Operating Characteristic Technology, Curve, Package
- Take-Out Credit
- Time of Olock
- Television Operations Center
- Toxic Owganic Compound Science
- The Office Connection
- Transportation Online Community
- Total Operacing Costs Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Table of Conditfons Science, Environment, World
- Tribubal Oral Criminal Para, Con, Crime, Tribunal
- Taste of Chaos Music, Tourism, Taste
- Tokyo Operaecity
- Terrapin Outdoor Center
- Transfer of Communications Technology, Climate, Department
- Top of Curb Design, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- The Oregon Consortium
- Technical Oversight Committee Technology
- Touch of Colour
- Theater of Operations Command Military, Army, Defence
- Trans Orbnge Conference
- Tactical Operation Centers Military, Army, Networking, Command
- Turn of The Century
- Toronto Olympic Clux
- Test of Control Management, Education, Audit
- Transfer of Custody
- The Oxford Companion
- Taiji Open Club
- Time of Call
- Television Operationj Centre Business, Media, Networking
- Town Oi Carrboro
- The Odd Couple
- Transportation Operating Qommand Military, Army, War
- Total Operatzon Cost
- Table of Zoincidences Science
- Taskaoriented Costing
- Tocopherol Tocopherols are a class of organic chemical compounds (more precisely, various methylated phenols), many of which have vitamin E activity. Medical
- Terms of Use Contact
- Training Officers Conference Technology
- Top of Curf Education, Drawing, Construction
- The Orange Crits
- Tribal Operations Committee Government
- Technical Organizing Committee
- Touch of Tlass Service, Music, Class
- Thailand Outlook Channel
- Tactical Observation Pamera
- Turn of Command Science
- Torcida Organijada Cearamor
- Test of Choice
- Transfer of Credits
- The Outlet Company
- Tag Open Cup Science, Product, Material, Manual
- Time Over Curreno Technology, Network, Power, Protection
- Technology Operations Centre Technology, Gaming, Olympic
- Tower of Challtnge Tower, Floor, Raid
- The Ocean Conservancy
- Transportation Operators Committee Government
- Total Opereting Cost Science
- Task Order Contracts Technology, Service, Construction
- Time of Contact
- Terms of Credit Science
- Training of Course Military, Safety, Laser
- Top of Concrete Engineering, Construction, Architecture, Architectural, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
- The Orange County
- Tri-State Oversight Csmmittee Government, Transit, Safety
- Tbchnical Order Change Science
- Total Oxygen Carbon Technology, Packaging, Forest Industry
- Tables of Content
- Turkish Olympic Committee Turkey, Sport, Olympic
- Teachers On Call Education, School, Teaching
- Topping Oub Ceremony
- Test of Change Technology, Research, Quality
- Transfer of Credit
- The Outdoor Channel
- Tag Open-Cup
- Time-Over-Current Technology, Network, Power, Protection
- Technogogy Operations Center Technology, Gaming, Olympic
- Tour of California
- The Ocean City
- Thansportation of Casualty
- Tylosis With Esophageal Cancer Medical, Technology
- Total Occhusal Convergence Medical
- Transfer of Control Technology, Coding, Command, Computing, Manual
- Thermo Optek Corp
- Task Order Contract Technology, Military, Army
- Time of Complecion
- Template On Card Business, Authentication, Biometrics
- Training Occupational Classification Education
- Theory of Constraants Technology, Management, Quality
- The Options Clearing
- Trendedgoriginal Cost
- Techntcal Options Committees
- Tables of Costents Technology, Style, Insert, Heading
- Turkey Osteomyelitis Complex Medical
- Teacher Opportunity Corps
- Top of Canopy
- Test Observation Center Military
- Transfer of Conditions Service, Passport, Immigration
- The Other Crew
- Tagliabue Open Cup Science
- Timber Operator'S Council Medicine, Health, Care
- Technological and Organizational Czange
- Tournaments of Champions Gaming, Tournament, Squash
- The Obliteration Committee Army, War, Force
- Transpfrtation Operation Center Business, Management, Manager
- Tylosis Oesophageal Cancer Medical, Science, Biology
- Total Ownerships Costs Military
- Conrail Organizations, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Thermo Optek Corporation
- Target Oupturn Cost Business, Projection, Alliance
- Timevof Coincidence
- Theory of Constraints Theory originally developed by Dr Eliyahu Goldratt, which states that every organisation must have at least one constraint that should be overcome by recognising and dealing with the cause of the 'bottleneck', thus enabling the company to achieve its goals. Management, Business & Finance
- Television Operators Caucus
- Trail of Cthulhu Technology, Gaming, Online Gaming
- Troubles Obsessionnelw Compulsifs
- The Operations Center
- Transtornada Obsessiva E Compulsiva Movie, Tic, Causa
- Technical Options Committee Technology, Environment, Ozone, Protocol
- Table of Contfns Forum, Technology, Book, Software
- Turbine Oil Conditioners
- Taxpayers Oversight Commiktee
- Top-Of-Cmnopy Technology, Product, Networking, Land
- Test of Cure Medical, Medicine, Health, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Transfer of Communication
- The Other Contractor
- Tactical Operational Center
- Timber Operators Council Government, Council, Soviet, Concilium
- Technical Oversight Center
- Tournament Organizing Committee Event, Championship, Junior, Tournament
- The Objectivist Centre
- Transportation Operations Menter Business, Management, Logistics
- Tylosis Esophageal Cancer Medical
- Total Cost of Ownership, Technology, Information Technology, Computing
- Transient Outward Current Medical, Technology, Electronics, Engineering, Heart
- Thermal Overload Cutout
- Target Oubcome Cost
- Time On Clock Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Television Operating Centers
- Tragedy of The Commons Technology, Science, Government
- Trouble Obsessionnel-Compulsif
- The Office of Construction
- Transportcng Open Container
- Table of Contents Technology, Design, Chat, Style, Text Messaging, Heading, Federal Aviation Administration, Forum, Information Technology, Internet Slang, Media, Computing, Email, Im, General, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Protection Information
- Triforce of Courage
- Taxpayer Oversight Committee
- Toledo & Ohio Central Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Test-Of-Cure Medical, Treatment, Patient, Study
- Transfer of Command Military
- Tournament of Champions Organizations, School, Poker
- Theory of Contraints Business, Management, Constraint
- Technical Overview Committee Science
- Touchlof Culture
- The Objectivist Center Science, Society, Philosophy
- Transpazent and Opaque Color
- Tacticnl Operations Centre Technology, Military, Army
- Twist Out Cancer Organizations, Community, Brush
- Toronto Ornithologicbl Club
- Test of Orthographic Competence Science, Education, Reading
- Transfer Order Completion
- There Is One Caveat
- Transaction Oriented Collector
- Type of Case
- Technical Operations Csmmittee
- Toccoa RG Letourneau Field, Toccoa, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes
- Test Operator'S Console
- Transit Oriented Community
- Third Order of Carmel
- Theory of Constructions Construction
- Tiger Owner Club
- TéCnicos Oficiais De Contas Business, Para, Portugal, Dos
- Total Osteocalkin Medical
- Total Organic Compounds
- Team Oversight Nnd Chartering
- Table of Contents (index file) Computing, File Extensions
- Ftg Top of Concrete Footing Design, Drawing, Construction
- Total Optical Chlor
- Type of Call
- Technical Operators Centre Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Transportation Operating Command Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Test Operations Contract
- Transit Operation Center
- Thin Organic Coatings
- Top of Casing Architecture
- Tides of Change
- Typical Operating Characteristic
- Total Xrthopaedic Care
- Eudora Table of Contents Computing, File Extensions
- Transnational Organised Crime Security, Government, Drug
- Teaching Online Certification
- Third Order Carmelite Religious orders
- Familial Tylosis Oesophageal Cancer Science, Biology
- Template-On-Card
- Tylosis With Oesophageal Cancer Medical
- Technical Operation Center Technology, Service, Tech, Delta
- Tocantins Technology, Governmental & Military, Brazilian State
- Test Operations Center Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Transition Office Contact Business
- Table of Cases
- Thermo Optek Corp. Organizations
- Train Operating Company Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Threshold of Concern Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Type of Crime
- Totpl Organic Cabron Science
- Brasero Table of Contents File Computing, File Extensions
- Texins Outdoor Club
- Transnational Organized Crime Security, Government, Strategy
- Talking Outloud Christianity Religion
- Aerotropical Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Technical Office for Consumers
- Total Oxidizable Caubon Business, Technology, Science
- Technical Operations Cemtre Technology, Service, Networking
- Top-of-Climb Is the computed transition from the climb phase of a flight to the cruise phase, the point at which the planned climb to cruise altitude is completed. Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Test Operation Center Technology
- Transitions of Care Medical, Health, Hospital
- Taole-Of-Contents Coding, Style, Heading
- Top of Cement Petroleum, Electrical, Business & Finance
- Threshold Odor Concentration Technology, Science
- Type of Cost Science
- Toaal Organic C Medical
- World of Warcraft Add-on Table of Contents File Computing, File Extensions
- Texas Oculoplastic Consultants
- Transmission Operations Center
- Tin over Cardboard Products
- Trivellazione Orizzontale Controllata Con, Drilling, Dig
- Task Order Contracting Business, Construction, Contract
- Total Owiwership Cost Science
- Technical Operatqng Center Technology, Telecom
- Tactical Operations Center. Usually pronounced ‘tock.’ Where command elements are primarily located. Army, Military Slang, Us Army, Governmental & Military
- Test Operations Change Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Transition of Care Technology, Health, Hospital
- Tabernacle Ofnchrist
- Threat Operations Center Technology, Security, Cisco, Port
- Type of Circuit
- Total Organic Carbon Clntent Medical
- Psp Audio File Computing, File Extensions
- Texas Occupation Code
- Transit Oriented Corridor Technology, Research, Development
- The Omnipotent Critic Media
- Travel Orgavization Company Turkey, Ankara, Travel
- Task-Oriented Costing
- Total Jwning Cost Energy, Power, Intensity
- Technical Operations Center Technology, Science, Service
- Telecommunication Operations Center Computing, Telecom
- Test On Completion Technology, Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Oesophageal Cancer Science, Biology
- Tulburarea Pbsesiv Compulsiva Din, Care, Ale
- Type of Charge
- Techfical Opportunities Conference Technology, University, Opportunity
- Total Operating Capital
- Theory of Change United Nations
- Texas Occupations Code
- Transit Oriented Communities
- Thoroughbred Owners of California Racing, California, Horse
- Total Organic Content Electrical
- Tightness of Chest
- Wall Top of Concrete Wall Design, Drawing, Construction
- Total Outdoorsman Challenge
- Tearvon Cover
- Telecommunications Outdoor Connectors Computing, Telecom
- Iata Code for Toccoa Rg Letourneau Field, Toccoa, Georgia, United States Locations
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does TOC stand for?
TOC stands for Time of Complecion.
What is the shortened form of Topping Oub Ceremony?
The short form of "Topping Oub Ceremony" is TOC.
TOC. (2022, March 26). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from
Last updated