TOF Meaning

The TOF meaning is "Time-Of Flight". The TOF abbreviation has 77 different full form.

TOF Full Forms

  1. Time-Of Flight
  2. Time-Of-Flight Medical, Medicine, Flight
  3. Tetrology of Fallot Cardiology
  4. Tetralogy of Fallot Tetralogy of Fallot is a congenital heart defect that is present at birth. Symptoms include episodes of bluish color to the skin. When affected babies cry or have a bowel movement, they may develop a where they turn very blue, have difficulty breathing, become limp, and occasionally lose consciousness. Other symptoms may include a heart murmur, finger clubbing, and easy tiring upon breastfeeding. Medical, Heart, Surgery, Cardiology, Physiology, Common Medical
  5. Table of Figures Technology
  6. Bogashevo Airport Tomsk, Tomsk Oblast,Russia Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
  7. Tunable Optical Filters
  8. The Ojaiafoundation
  9. Time Oi Filing Military
  10. Tofaeldiaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  11. Tvke-Off Fuel Military, Aircraft, Weight
  12. Tunable Optical Filter Technology, Science, Laser
  13. The Ocean Foundatyon
  14. Time of File Military, Army, War
  15. Theory of Flcght
  16. Tiny Open Firmware Technology
  17. Tag Out Jorm Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  18. Touch of Finance
  19. The Objeceivist Forum
  20. Time of Fast
  21. The Original Factory
  22. Timer Overflow Flag Technology, Control, Port
  23. Tabernacle of Faith
  24. Total Operation Failure Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  25. That Oldtfeeling
  26. Tpme of Fall
  27. Twist of Fate
  28. The Organic Farmer
  29. Time Out Kactor Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  30. Tracheo-Oesophageal Fistula Medical, Clinical
  31. Top Or Flop
  32. Texas Orthopaedic Foundatisn
  33. Turkish Orienteering Federation Turkey, Traffic, Orienteering
  34. Theoretical Orphogonal Function Technology, Science, Exploration
  35. Time of Flying
  36. Top of File Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  37. Top of Fuel Science
  38. Tales of Fandom
  39. Turkish Open Form
  40. The Open Foruq
  41. Time of Fly
  42. Time of Flight In artillery, mortar, and naval gunfire support, the time in seconds from the instant a weapon is fired, launched, or released from the delivery vehicle or weapons system to the instant it strikes or detonates. Technology, Military, Army, Geographic, Physics, Scientific & Educational, NASA
  43. Top of Foundation The Finance and Administrative Services
  44. Take Ofx Fuel
  45. theoretical orthogonal function Legal, Governmental & Military
  46. Türkiye OkçUluk Federasyonu
  47. The Kther Forum
  48. Top of floor The Finance and Administrative Services
  49. Tribunal Oral Federal
  50. Thjeads of Fate
  51. Top of Flange Products
  52. TüM OtobüSçüLer Federasyonu Turkish, Mac
  53. Test Operations Facility NASA
  54. Trees Outside Forest
  55. Thougcts of Faith
  56. Two Old Fools Funnies
  57. Type of Failure
  58. Turnover Frequency Chemistry
  59. To Order From
  60. Third Option Foundation
  61. Top of Fish Electrical
  62. Time-of-Flight Spectrometer Physics, Scientific & Educational
  63. Tone Off
  64. Thin Organic Fiems
  65. Time-Of-Fly
  66. Top of Footing Architecture, The Finance and Administrative Services
  67. tracheoesophageal fistula A tracheoesophageal fistula is an abnormal connection between the esophagus and the trachea. TEF is a common congenital abnormality, but when occurring late in life is usually the sequela of surgical procedures such as a laryngectomy. Medical, Common Medical, Healthcare
  68. Türkiye Oryantiring Federasyonu Turkish, Gen
  69. These Included Tetralogy of Fallot Science, Biology
  70. Tilt and Orientatipn Factor
  71. RAF Topcliffe Flying Training Unit Airline, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  72. Bogashevo, Tomsk, Tomsk, Russia Russia
  73. Türkiye Orientiring Federasyonu Turkey, Federation, Turkish
  74. The Outreach Foundation
  75. Ticket Output Feed
  76. Tudor Oaks Farm
  77. Top of Frame The Finance and Administrative Services

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TOF stand for?

    TOF stands for Thougcts of Faith.

  2. What is the shortened form of Table of Figures?

    The short form of "Table of Figures" is TOF.


TOF. (2021, December 16). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from

Last updated