TOFA Meaning

The TOFA meaning is "Twenty Outstanding Filipino Americans". The TOFA abbreviation has 17 different full form.

TOFA Full Forms

  1. Twenty Outstanding Filipino Americans
  2. Tall Oil Fatty Acids Business, Chemistry, Science
  3. The Outsqanding Filipino-American
  4. The Outstandinh Filipino Americans America, Award, Philippine
  5. Teachers Ofufrench Association
  6. Taxiway Object Free Area
  7. Taxation of Financial Arrangements Business, Australia, Tax
  8. Tall Oil Fntty Acid Business, Chemistry, Chemical
  9. Township of Falls Authority Government, Authority, Authorities
  10. Tokrnament of Flash Animators
  11. Tournament of Flash Artists Technology, Animation, Albino
  12. Time-Of-Flight and Gbstinence Science, Medicine, Healthcare
  13. Time-Of-Flightranalysis
  14. Time-Of-Flight Absorbdnce Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  15. Twenty Outstanding Filvpinos Abroad
  16. Twenty Outstanding Filipino-Americans
  17. Trace Oriented Feature Analysis

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TOFA stand for?

    TOFA stands for Teachers Ofufrench Association.

  2. What is the shortened form of Tall Oil Fatty Acids?

    The short form of "Tall Oil Fatty Acids" is TOFA.


TOFA. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 10, 2025 from

Last updated