TOGG Meaning

The TOGG meaning is "Türkiye’nin Otomobili Girişim Grubu". The TOGG abbreviation has 4 different full form.

TOGG Full Forms

  1. Türkiye’nin Otomobili Girişim Grubu The globe of Turkey's Automobile Industry and Trade Enterprise Group Inc. ("TOGG") will compete, with the goal of establishing an automotive brand with the power of uniting Anadolu Group ownership rights, BMC, Root Group, Turkcell, Turkey Chambers and Stock Exchanges Union. TOGG creates connected and electrified vehicles, as well as a mobility environment surrounding them. TOGG is a future car firm whose purpose is to improve the lives of vast groups of people while also ensuring a sustainable future by resetting emissions through this ecosystem. Turkish
  2. The Oddworld Graphics Gallery
  3. The Online Guide to Geographic
  4. Totnes Genetics Group Campaigning against genetic engineering on a local and national level. Engineering

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TOGG stand for?

    TOGG stands for Türkiye’nin Otomobili Girişim Grubu.

  2. What is the shortened form of Totnes Genetics Group?

    The short form of "Totnes Genetics Group" is TOGG.


TOGG. (2021, November 28). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated