Tomb Abbreviations and Tomb Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Tomb terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 16 different Tomb abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Tomb terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Tomb Abbreviations
  1. AD : Archaeologists Described
  2. AKTC : Aga Khan Trust for Culture
  3. AOB : Astronomical Observatoro of Belgrade
  4. AOD : Angel of Darkness
  5. CFCE : Cathedral Fabric Commission for England
  6. CFCE : Cathedrals Fabric Commission for England
  7. VOK : Valley of The Kings
  8. EAS : Egyptian Antiquities Service
  9. MDAIK : Mitteilungen Des Deutschen ArchäOlogischen Instituts Kairo
  10. TTZ : Taj Trapezium Zone
  11. LP : Liche Priest
  12. KV : Kings Valley
  13. PEFQS : Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement
  14. IT : Iron Tomb
  15. ROTTR : Rise of The Tomb Raider
  16. RUKN : Rencana Umum Kelistrikan Nasional
Latest Tomb Meanings
  1. Rencana Umum Kelistrikan Nasional
  2. Rise of The Tomb Raider
  3. Iron Tomb
  4. Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement
  5. Kings Valley
  6. Liche Priest
  7. Taj Trapezium Zone
  8. Mitteilungen Des Deutschen ArchäOlogischen Instituts Kairo
  9. Egyptian Antiquities Service
  10. Valley of The Kings
  11. Cathedrals Fabric Commission for England
  12. Cathedral Fabric Commission for England
  13. Angel of Darkness
  14. Astronomical Observatoro of Belgrade
  15. Aga Khan Trust for Culture
  16. Archaeologists Described