Tome Abbreviations and Tome Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Tome terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 8 different Tome abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Tome terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Tome Abbreviations
  1. CFPV : Collège Français Dp Pathologie Vasculaire
  2. MLSTP : Movimento De Libertação De São Tomé E PríNcipe
  3. ERHC : Environmental Remediationcholding Corporation
  4. TOK : Tome of Knowledge
  5. FCUL : Faculdade Denciências, Universidade De Lisboa
  6. JBT : Joe Bar Team
  7. JDA : Joint Development Authority
  8. PIC : PolíCia De Investigação Criminal
Latest Tome Meanings
  1. PolíCia De Investigação Criminal
  2. Joint Development Authority
  3. Joe Bar Team
  4. Faculdade Denciências, Universidade De Lisboa
  5. Tome of Knowledge
  6. Environmental Remediationcholding Corporation
  7. Movimento De Libertação De São Tomé E PríNcipe
  8. Collège Français Dp Pathologie Vasculaire