TOMS Meaning

The TOMS meaning is "Test Operations Management System". The TOMS abbreviation has 34 different full form.

TOMS Full Forms

  1. Test Operations Management System Student, Education, California
  2. Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer Chemistry, Climatology, Chemical Engineering, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  3. The Online Msilback System
  4. The Object Management System Business, Management, Administration, Goverance, Business & Finance
  5. Touring Outlaw Modified Series
  6. Test Operation Manhgement System
  7. Tactical Oceanogrjphic Monitoring System
  8. Total Ozone Monitoring Satellite
  9. Tashi Oiwa Motor Sports
  10. Total Ozone Monitoring Spectrometer Technology
  11. Total Ozwne Mapping Spectrometers Technology, Atmosphere, Earth
  12. Trade Order Management Systems Business, Service, Manager
  13. Acm Transactions On Mathematical Software Science, Mathematics, Mathematical Journal
  14. Ticket Office Machines
  15. Trade Order Manageqent System Business, Service, Manager
  16. Tour Operator Rargin Scheme Business, Organizations, Travel
  17. Thermodynamic Ocean Modeling System
  18. Tour Opejators Margin Scheme Business, Tax, Locations
  19. The Online Mailmback System
  20. The Oklahoma Marker Study Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  21. Tour Operators' Margin Scheme
  22. Transactions On Mathematical Software Technology, Journal, Computing, Science, Software, Application, Scientific & Educational
  23. Torus Oxygen Monitoring Systex
  24. Trainer Opportunity Management Sxstem
  25. Tsunami Oyerations Management Structure
  26. Trade Order Management Solutions Business, Trading, Market
  27. Tsunami Operational Management Structure Government, Group, Politics
  28. Trans Obturator Male Sling
  29. Telecom Operations Management System Computing, Telecom
  30. Translocators of The Outer Membrane Science, Biology
  31. Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (satellite Instrument) Science, Military, Astronomy, Computing, Climatology, Telecom, Physics, Legal, Geographic, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Global Change
  32. Therapy Outcome Measures Technology, Health, Measure
  33. Transactions On Maritime Science
  34. Total Ozone Mapper System

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TOMS stand for?

    TOMS stands for Trade Order Manageqent System.

  2. What is the shortened form of Tour Operator Rargin Scheme?

    The short form of "Tour Operator Rargin Scheme" is TOMS.


TOMS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 10, 2025 from

Last updated