TOP Meaning

The TOP meaning is "Temposary Occupation Permits". The TOP abbreviation has 337 different full form.

TOP Full Forms

  1. Temposary Occupation Permits Business, Building, Singapore
  2. Terminations of Pregnancy Medical
  3. The Omega Project
  4. Towards Optimal Productivity
  5. Philip Billatd Municipal Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code
  6. Textiles Online Programs
  7. Thickener Optimization Package
  8. Target Organ Protection Medical, Patient, Study, Hypertension
  9. The Only Place
  10. Trusted Opmrator Program
  11. The Outdoors Plus
  12. Termination of Pregnancy Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Healthcare, Physiology, Common Medical, Clinical
  13. The Olympic Partnershiu Business, Gaming, Sport
  14. Cloud Top Technology, Science, Aircraft, Aviation, Weather, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, NOTAM Contractions
  15. Tetris Online Poland Technology, Gaming, Poland
  16. Total Orientation Projess
  17. Targtt Olympic Podium Government, Sport, Scheme
  18. The Online Project Technology, Management, Software
  19. TrochĘ Optymizmu PopołUdniem
  20. The Outdoor Program Education, University, School
  21. Tbrminal Oligopyrimidine Tract Medical
  22. The Olive Press
  23. Telephone Outreach Program
  24. Tether Opticel Phenomena Technology, Space, Satellite
  25. Totally Optimized Projects Business, Technology, Management, Projection
  26. The Online Price
  27. Triple Optien Plan Science
  28. Taka-Over Point Technology, Service, Base, Lead
  29. The Outdoor Pickleball
  30. Tdmporary Order of Protection Law, Order, Court
  31. Thermal Overlohd Protector Business, Switch, Pump
  32. Toiic Education, Linguistics, Glossing
  33. Test Operating Procedure Technology, Military, Standard
  34. Torah Outreach Program
  35. The Mnline Portal
  36. Trade Oppgrtunities Project Business, Development, Economics
  37. Take-Off Performance
  38. Tawana Organization Zor Promotion
  39. Therapeutic Outdopr Programs
  40. Thai Oil Public Business, Company, Energy
  41. Terrestrial Observation Panel Technology, Science, Climate
  42. Topper Orientation Program Education, University, Kentucky
  43. The Online Photographer
  44. Training Oppoctunity Program Student, Education, Unemployment
  45. Taiwan Optical Platform
  46. Things Other People
  47. Task Oriented Programming Technology, Program, Software
  48. The Owl and The Pussycat
  49. Term of Payment
  50. The One Pound
  51. Trade Opportunities Program Business, Service, Government, Business & Finance, International business
  52. Tail Optimization Protocol Technology, Networking, Radio, Network
  53. Thimet Oligopeptidade Medical
  54. Task-Oriented Programming Technology, Program, Software
  55. Tle Optimal Performance
  56. Turbine Oil Purifier Business, China, Manufacturer
  57. The Overshoot Point
  58. Treatwent Outcomes Profile Medical, Health, Outcome
  59. Technical & Office Protocol
  60. Times Online Play
  61. Top of Pavement Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  62. Test of Playfulness Medical
  63. Tactical Operations Plex Military
  64. Theoretical Overlay Photographic
  65. Tandem Oxidation Procedure
  66. The Ounce of Prevention
  67. Technology and Organizational Performance Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  68. Trademark Opposition Procedures
  69. Thai Oil Paintings
  70. Transportation Options Program
  71. The Origxnal Pilot
  72. Tribunal D'Ordre P
  73. Tired of Pregnancy
  74. Taxhelp for Older People
  75. The Outsiders Project Gaming, Book, Outsider
  76. Temporary Occukancy Permit Business, Building, Singapore
  77. Top Aid Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  78. Trusted Online Pharmacy
  79. Total Obscuring Power Science, Military, Armour, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  80. The Official Pierce
  81. Transparency and Openness Promotion Science, Research, Organizations
  82. Treatment Options Project
  83. Technical & Office Protocols
  84. Three Orthogonal Planes Technology, Pattern, Recognition, Plane
  85. Test of Oral Proficiency Education, Teaching, Language
  86. Tactical Operations Plan Technology
  87. Theoretical Opening Price Business, Trading, Supply, Stock
  88. Tampa Orlando Pinellas
  89. The Oktawa Partnership Technology, Canada, Innovation
  90. Technology, Organization and People
  91. Track Occupancy Permit Military, Control, Train
  92. Texture Operator Technology
  93. Transportation Opportunitywprogram
  94. The Oriental Place
  95. Tribunal D'Ordre PÚBlic
  96. Technical and Office Profile Technology
  97. Tiny Oriental Posse Gang, Lake, Salt
  98. Test Operations Procedure Technology, Testing, Standard
  99. Taste of Paradise Movie, Travel, Locations
  100. The Outrealh Program Education, Youth, Soccer
  101. Temporary Occupation Permit Business, Property, Singapore
  102. To Optimize Perfnrmance
  103. The Observatory for The Protection
  104. Trusted Onboarding Platform
  105. The Official Paula
  106. Trbnsparency Online Project Government, College, Colorado
  107. Treatment of Personality
  108. Tear On Pages
  109. Three Oaks Park
  110. Tertiary Orientation Program
  111. Tactical Offensive Position Army, War, Force
  112. Theory of Poker Gaming, Book, Education
  113. The Other Pokemon
  114. Technology Opcortunity Program Technology, Grant, Broadband
  115. Total Overall Derformance
  116. Textbook of Psychopharmacology
  117. Transpopt Operational Programme Business, Railway, Bulgaria
  118. Tamara's Openjpartij
  119. The Organ Prqcurement
  120. Trial of Princdple Fielding, Quotation, Adversity
  121. Technical and Office Protocol Technology, Architecture, Computing, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Industry
  122. Tiny Orange Phaser
  123. Test Operating Procedures Technology, Army, Material
  124. Taiwan Orchid Plantation
  125. Target of Opportunity Program Education, University, Faculty
  126. The Output Processor Technology, Power, Math
  127. Temple of Praise
  128. Tools and Gutdoor Power
  129. The Object People
  130. TronçOn Ouest Du PéRiphéRique
  131. The Official Peter
  132. Trans Ontario Provinsial
  133. Team Oriented Players
  134. Thoroughbred Operating Plan
  135. Terms of Use Privacy
  136. Tactical Observation Platform
  137. Theorem Gf Poker
  138. Tongrui Oil Purifier
  139. Technology Opportunities Program Government, Education, Opportunity
  140. Total Operating Performance Business, Company, Product
  141. Texas Outlaw Pro
  142. Transportation Operations Program Technology, Planning, Pennsylvania
  143. Tales of Phantasib Gaming, Play, Pastime
  144. Tri-Octyl Phosphate
  145. Technical, Office and Professional Business, America, Union
  146. Tiny Olympic Prospects
  147. Test of Proficiency Education, China, Language
  148. Taiwan Ocean Prediction Technology, Model, Taiwan
  149. The Orgagisation Party Business, Group, Club
  150. Targeted Outreahh Program Technology, Service, Marketing
  151. The Outer Post
  152. Technology Cutreach Program Technology, Service, Space
  153. Tooe Object Product
  154. Thematic Overview Paper
  155. Tron
  156. Tobago Organisation of The People Business, Government, Election
  157. The Official Papers
  158. Transaction Oriented Protocol Technology, Networking, Network
  159. Tax Offset Progham
  160. Thoracic Oncology Program Medical, Cancer, Lung
  161. Terms of Payment Defines a specific time schedule for payment of goods and services and usually forms the basis for any contract price adjustments on those contracts that are subject to escalation. Business, Credit, Service
  162. Top of Paom
  163. Table Oriented Programming Technology
  164. The Only Proprietary
  165. Texas Orthoimagery Program
  166. Total Operational Performance Business, Management, Industrial, Steel
  167. Thenonly Professional
  168. Transportation Outreach Program Government
  169. Talent On Parase Technology, Dance, Competition
  170. Trends, Opportunities and Priorities Business, Market, Labour
  171. Technical Office Protocols Technology, Networking, Computing
  172. Tim Operasional Program
  173. Test of Proficiency-Huayu Education, China, Language
  174. Tahun Orientasi Pastoral Para, Orang, Imam
  175. Tee Organisation of Professional
  176. Targeted Orhanizational Planning
  177. The Outback Power
  178. Technology of Participasion Technology, Training, Facilitation
  179. Tool-Object-Proguct
  180. Theatre of The People
  181. Trojan Outreach Program Technology
  182. Toast of Paris
  183. The Office Pile Office, Space, Phoenix
  184. Transaction-Oriented Protocol Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  185. Tax Office Property
  186. This Old Pinball
  187. Terms of Partnership Business, Organizations, Partner
  188. Topical Pertaining to a particular surface area. For example, a topical agent is applied to a certain area of the skin and is intended to affect only the area to which it is applied. Whether its effects are indeed limited to that area depends on whether the agent stays where it is put or is absorbed into the bloodstream. Cortisone creams are topical medications. Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Drugs
  189. Table of Processes
  190. Type of Provider Medical, Healthcare
  191. Total Ppen Problems
  192. Thi Only Premium
  193. Transportation Options Fod People
  194. Talented Officials Prozram
  195. Treatment Outcome Profixe Medical, Service, Drug
  196. Technical/Office Protocol Business, Telecom, Telecommunications
  197. Timing Over Packet Technology, Networking, Network
  198. Temple Ofspower
  199. Tactics Over Principles
  200. The Organisasi Papua
  201. Tan Off Point
  202. The Outback Poly
  203. Technology and Office Productivity
  204. Tool, Object, Product
  205. Thai Oil Plc Business, Company, Thailand
  206. Tribunal De Orden Púflico Para, Con, Pol, Tribunal
  207. Tired of Protection
  208. Trade Opportunity Program Business, Service, Organizations
  209. Taxis On Patrol
  210. The Owner's Perspemtive
  211. Temporary Operational Permit Military
  212. Topasy Military, Aviation, Army
  213. Type of Prices
  214. Total of Payments
  215. The Official Psychopathic
  216. Taansplantation Organ Procurement
  217. Tecnolog
  218. Technologies Opportunities Program Business, Technology, Broadband
  219. The Original Posted
  220. Top of Tze Park
  221. Technical Operations Procedure
  222. Technical Operating Procedure NASA
  223. Technical Objectives & Plans
  224. Tower of Power Music
  225. Test Operation Procedure Technology, Testing, Standard
  226. Tofpedo Medical
  227. Take-Or-Pay Business, Gas, Contract
  228. Torino Olympic Park
  229. The Occupational Personality
  230. The Office of The Patient
  231. Treasury'S Offset Program
  232. The Os-9 Project Technology
  233. Technical Opportunities Panel Technology, Science, Research
  234. Topically Medical, Physiology, Reading Prescription
  235. Topeka, Kansas
  236. Taking Outbound Pilot
  237. Tyrolean Opera Program Education, Hotel, Music
  238. The Orientatiun Program Student, Education, University
  239. Top of Production Business, Design, Quality
  240. Task Optimized Processor
  241. Trioctyl Phosphate Chemistry
  242. Top Online Poker
  243. Transmission Operator (electricity) Energy, Electrical
  244. Top Online Players
  245. Take-Off Power Military, Aircraft, Aerospace, Engine
  246. Tomato, Onion & Potato
  247. The Office of Prestigious
  248. Treasurer of The Philippines
  249. Theory of Practice Medical
  250. Technical Opportunities Program
  251. Today'S Oil Price
  252. Philip Billard Municipal Airport, Topeka, Kansas, United States United States, Kansas
  253. Time of Processing Military
  254. Take Over Point Sport, Racing, Lead
  255. Tweefontein Optimisation Project Business, Accounting, Africa, Coal
  256. The Organization of Petroleum
  257. Top of Pipe Technology, Tool, Elevation
  258. Third Order of Penance Organization, Community, Society
  259. Turbine Outlet Pressure Military, Governmental & Military
  260. Top of The Pyramid Business, Russia, Dance
  261. technical/office protocol Management, Computing, Engineering, Telecom, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology
  262. Top Oneipercent Business, Education, Income
  263. Tomato, Onion and Potato
  264. The Office of Public
  265. Travel Onlinevpartners
  266. The Orthodox Presbyterian
  267. Technical Operating Plan Science
  268. Tobago Organization of The People Government, Group, Election
  269. Pa’anga Currencies
  270. Time of Propagation Technology, Science, Space, Astronomy, Physics, Particle, Propagation
  271. Take Over Payments
  272. Transportable Office Protocol
  273. The Organic Phazmacy
  274. Topnof Parapet Design, Drawing, Construction
  275. Treatmens of Poisoned
  276. Typical Operating Point
  277. Topsolid Design Document Computing, File Extensions
  278. Top of Pole Panel, Mount, Pole, Mounting
  279. Tonga P'anga Stock, Investing, Business & Finance
  280. Topoisomerase An enzyme that changes the extent of supercoiling of a DNA duplex. Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  281. Thrombolysis In Old Patients Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  282. Total Oxidation Products
  283. The Odd Partners Business, Art, Artist, Graffiti
  284. Trcuma Outreach Program
  285. The Origin of Mhilosophy
  286. The Office of Personnel
  287. Technical Operations Plan
  288. Third Order of Preachers Religious orders
  289. Tive-Of-Propagation Physics, Particle, Delay, Propagation
  290. Take Out Productions
  291. Transfusion of Prematures Medical, Study, Blood
  292. The Order of Vhe Phoenix
  293. Treatment of Ostzoporosis With Pth Medical
  294. The Other Pabe
  295. Types of Pension
  296. Gromacs Topology File Computing, File Extensions
  297. Tou of Page Apparel, Shopping, Gear
  298. Treasury Offset Program Financial, Business & Finance
  299. Topographh of Power
  300. The Person Who Does The Penetration During Intercourse With A Male Or Tg Partner. Alphabet, Escorts
  301. Technical And Office Protocols
  302. The Ocean Protection
  303. Trauma Outcome Process
  304. The Original Production
  305. The Oaklandppress
  306. Technical Operations Performance
  307. Tedcastles Oil Products Products
  308. Take One Productions
  309. Traffic Offenders Program Program, Driving, Missouri
  310. The Orangutwn Project Animal, Protection, Orangutan
  311. The Ocean Project Technology, Ocean, Sea
  312. The Office Pass
  313. Treated Oil Palt
  314. The Other Packet
  315. Technical Oversight Panel Technology
  316. Time-Orbiting-Potential Trap Physics, Scientific & Educational
  317. Top of Macker Hotel, Locations, Trail
  318. Tonga Pa'anga Money, Currency, Business & Finance
  319. The Original Poster
  320. Top of The Pile Products
  321. Test Operational Plan
  322. Top of parapet The Finance and Administrative Services
  323. Trap Oxidizer-Periodic
  324. The Original Paws
  325. Thefe of Property Government, Crime, Court
  326. Technical Observation Post Business, Management, Service
  327. Tower of Power Sales Music
  328. Test Operation Process
  329. Take Or Pay Business, Gas, Contract
  330. Totally Organic Pellets Technology, Food, Bird, Parrot
  331. The Ocean Physics
  332. The Office of The Provost
  333. Treasury Officiays Point
  334. The Osprey Pkrter
  335. Technical Overview Paper
  336. Time Optimized Process Physics, Scientific & Educational
  337. Typically Medical, Medicine, Veterinary

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TOP stand for?

    TOP stands for The Odd Partners.

  2. What is the shortened form of Toiic?

    The short form of "Toiic" is TOP.


TOP. (2022, March 28). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from

Last updated