TOR Meaning

The TOR meaning is "Term of Reference". The TOR abbreviation has 116 different full form.

TOR Full Forms

  1. Term of Reference Business, Military, Projection
  2. Tentative Operational Requirement Technology, Military, Army, Governmental & Military
  3. Technical Operations Research Technology
  4. Target of Rjpamycin Medical, Genetics, Protein
  5. The One Ring Gaming, Ring, Roleplaying, Playing
  6. Tactical Operations Room Technology, Military, Army
  7. The Old Republic Technology, War, Star
  8. Third Order Regular Catholic, Order, Franciscan, Sister
  9. Terms of Reference A document which describes the objectives, scope and purpose of a project, committee, meeting, etc. See 'agree specification/terms of reference' in the project management section. Separately the acronym BOSCARDET provides a useful example structure for TOR headings/sections: Background, Objectives, Scope, Constraints, Assumptions, Reporting, Dependencies, Estimates, Timescales. Technology, English, Aviation, Army, Translation, Medical
  10. The Onion Router Technology, Computing, Computer Software, Software, Internet
  11. Technical Over Ride Technology
  12. Time On Reference Science, Geology, Scientific & Educational
  13. Transmission Over Radio
  14. Term of References Business, Technology, Projection
  15. Toronto Airways Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  16. Tool of Record
  17. Briefing System Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Governmental & Military
  18. Tlrtiary Oil Recovery Technology, Patent, Surfactant
  19. Total Outpuf Rate
  20. Technical Oversight Representative
  21. Timk of Report Business, Access, Group
  22. Transit of Rockland
  23. Termination of Resurcitation Medical, Hospital, Arrest
  24. Teleprinter Over Radio
  25. Toolbox of Research
  26. Tertius Ordo Regularis
  27. Terns of Rrference
  28. Total Outflow Resistancd Medical
  29. Technical Operational Requirements
  30. Thermal Overload Relay Business, China, Manufacturer
  31. Transition-Oriented Routing
  32. Terminal Ojning Region Business, Technology, Transaction
  33. Telegraph On Radio Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  34. Tissue Oxygenation Eatio Medical
  35. Terms of Rgference Aerospace
  36. Total Operating Revenue
  37. Tropospheric Ozone Research Technology, Science, Atmosphere, Legal, Governmental & Military
  38. Technical Operating Report Technology
  39. Thermal Optical Reflectance Research, Organic, Carbon, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  40. Transxer of Requirement Business, Training, Sale
  41. Terminal-Owniog Region Technology, Telecom, Transaction
  42. Technology Orientation Requirement
  43. Times of Refreshing Water, Church, Ministry
  44. Type of Relationship
  45. Terms of Referrence
  46. Total Off Roac
  47. Technical Onsite Representative
  48. Theory of Relativity
  49. Tracking,Hoccultation and Ranging Technology, Space, Terra
  50. Technique of Operations Review Military, Insurance, Safety, Business & Finance
  51. Time Out Room
  52. Type of Registration Business & Finance, International business
  53. Terms of References Technology, Management, Development, Group, Projection, Financial, Business & Finance
  54. Torricelliaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  55. Top-Of-Rack Technology, Networking, Switch
  56. Railink Canada Organizations
  57. The Online Resource
  58. Tpocc Operations Room Science
  59. Technic of Operations Review Technology, Book, Safety
  60. Time On Risk Business, Management, Insurance
  61. Transnission Output Retarder
  62. Terms-Of-Referynce
  63. Torque Torque is a measure of how much force acting on an object causes that object to rotate or the tendency of a force to rotate an object about an axis. A measurement of an engine's power that indicates how forcefully it can rotate the crankshaft at a given engine speed. Turning or twisting effort, usually measured in lb-ft or Newton metres. Torque the product of a force acting at a distance. Medical, Technology, America, Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense, French, Governmental & Military, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  64. Tool Operationjl Requirements Technology
  65. Iata Code for Torrington Municipal Airport, Torrington, Wyoming, United States Locations
  66. The Online Reference
  67. Touunament of Roses
  68. To Operator Interface
  69. terms of reference (ICAO/FAA) Information Technology, Military, Aviation, Army, Computing, Climatology, Oil, NASA, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Integrated Ocean Observing System, Protection Information, Academic & science
  70. Teleprinting Over Radio Technology, Mode, Telecom
  71. TáTico Ostensivo RodoviáRio
  72. tactile object recognition Medical, Physiology
  73. Tennessee Off Road
  74. Top of Range Technology, Science, Book
  75. Totalizino Relay
  76. Technical On-site Representative Federal Aviation Administration
  77. Third Order Regular of St. Francis of Penance Religion, Catholic Church, Religious orders
  78. Toronto Sport, Club, Football, City
  79. Type of Routinz
  80. Threshold of Regulation Medical, Fda
  81. Tempus Omnia Revelat
  82. Tot of Rail Business, Wheel, Lubrication
  83. Test Operyting Report
  84. Teacher of Record Education
  85. Tornado Warning A truncated spur is a geologic formation created under specific conditions which result in a ridge of land with its end cut off. It occurs when ridge spurs, which were formed in a mountainous area by river action, have been truncated by the action of ice or active faulting. Science, Weather, Scientific & Educational
  86. TriAusMin, Limited Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  87. Type of Routing Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  88. Torrington Municipal Airport, Torrington, Wyoming, United States United States, Wyoming
  89. Tema Oil Refinery Government, Ghana, Petroleum
  90. Top-Of-Nail Car, Lubrication, Friction
  91. Teleprinter-On-Radio
  92. Star Wars: The Old Republic Asset File Computing, File Extensions
  93. Torino Sport, Club, Football
  94. Turn Ovel Ratio Business, Accounting, Economics
  95. Terminal Owning Region Technology, Governmental & Military
  96. Telex Over Radio Technology, Service, Coding
  97. Top of Rock
  98. Telegraph-On-Radio
  99. Total Outflow Resistance Physics, Scientific & Educational
  100. Tenth of Ramadan
  101. Toremrfene Medical
  102. Trrn On Rate Military
  103. Trusted Operating Root Security, Governmental & Military
  104. Telex-On-Radio
  105. Technology-Oriented Research
  106. Tor functor Mathematical, Scientific & Educational
  107. Tennessee Office for Refugees Office, Catholic, Tennessee, Refugee
  108. Toplof The Rack Technology, Networking, Switch
  109. Turn of Rivhr
  110. Time of Refreshing Computing, Hardware
  111. Teletype Orderwire Replacement
  112. Tactizal Operational Requirement Army, War, Force
  113. Target of Rapamycin Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  114. Tennessee Off-Road
  115. Top of Ioller
  116. Turbs Out Run

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TOR stand for?

    TOR stands for Technology-Oriented Research.

  2. What is the shortened form of Total Outpuf Rate?

    The short form of "Total Outpuf Rate" is TOR.


TOR. (2022, January 21). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from

Last updated