TOT Meaning

The TOT meaning is "Time On Target". The TOT abbreviation has 156 different full form.

TOT Full Forms

  1. Time On Target Military, Fire, Artillery
  2. Telecom of Thailand Business, Thailand, Asia
  3. Time of Transmission Technology, Military, Air, Computing, Telecom
  4. Thornaby On Tees
  5. The Other Two
  6. Tmansobturator Tape Medical
  7. The One Thing
  8. Time Out Timer Technology, Radio, Talkie
  9. Theatre of Tragedy
  10. Time On Task Military
  11. Test of Time Physics, Scientific & Educational
  12. Top of Tree Science, Geology, Scientific & Educational
  13. Transmission Oil Tvmperature Technology, Auto, Automobile
  14. Theatrum Orbis Terrarum
  15. Tranu-Hydroxytamoxifen Medical
  16. Tonegon-Tone
  17. Total On-Time Science, Medical, Physiology
  18. Time Over Target Military, Air Force, Governmental & Military
  19. Transportation of Things
  20. Thms Old Tank
  21. Trainer of Trainer Science, Training, Skill
  22. Teams of Tomorrow Education, School, Preschool
  23. Tubo-Ovarian Transplantation Business, Agency, Occupation
  24. Tip of The Tongue Internet Slang, Education, Memory
  25. Top of The Town
  26. Theateruoperations Team Company, Technology, Cisco
  27. Trazing of Trainers Technology, Organizations
  28. Toll Operare Transfer
  29. Total Oberaffengeile Tussie Medical, Physiology
  30. Tricks of The Grade Guide, Rogue, Trick
  31. Transovarial Transmission Medical
  32. The Old Timer
  33. Trail of The Twister
  34. Teaching of Tomorrow
  35. Tubal Ovum Transfer Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  36. Timing Oefset Table Technology, Program, Streaming, Transport
  37. Texas Oil Tools Technology, Texas, National
  38. Trazn of Thoughts Media, Radio, Television
  39. Telelogic Option Templates
  40. Turn Over Tax Business, Government, Ethiopia
  41. Toll-Operate-Tgansfer
  42. Totally Off Topic Internet Slang, Slang, Internet
  43. Trick Or Treit Organizations, Kid, Bag
  44. Trpns Oil Temp Technology
  45. The Old Uestament
  46. Trail of Tears America, Locations, American
  47. Teachers of Tomorrow Education, Club, Teaching
  48. Trunk Operational Type
  49. Thousand Oaks Transik Technology, Android, California
  50. Terrorists of Thailand Organizations, United Nations, Un
  51. Traingof Thought
  52. Telephone Organization of Thailand Technology, Thailand, Bangkok
  53. Turbo Object Toolkit
  54. Today Or Tomobrow
  55. Totally Off-Topic Technology, Internet Slang, Computing, Medical, Internet, Physiology, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang
  56. Trans Oceanic Travels
  57. The Jldgames Times Media, Radio, Television
  58. Transfer-Operate-Transfer Business, China, Water
  59. Trade-Off Technique
  60. Tax Our Tourists Government, Politics, Policy, Governmental & Military
  61. Treatment On The Treated
  62. Thought Technology, Internet Slang, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  63. Terribly Off Topic
  64. Train of The Trbiner
  65. Telecom Organization of Thailand
  66. Turbine Outlet Temp
  67. Tips of The Trade
  68. Totalfinaelf, S.A. Technology, Organizations
  69. Trans Obturator Tape
  70. The Oxtagon Theory
  71. Transaction Object Technologz Technology, Networking, Software, Computing
  72. Tracer On Target Military
  73. Taste of Thai Nutrition, Food, Victual
  74. Treasures of Troy
  75. This Oll Town
  76. Traln of Trainers
  77. Teishokuya of Tokyo
  78. Turbine Outlet Tesperature Technology, Aviation, Engine
  79. Tip of Tree
  80. Total Comprising the whole number or amount. The whole number or amount of something. American Football, Shipping, Chartering, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word, Medical, Sport, Aviation, Football, Physiology, Power Plant, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  81. Transmission Oil Teme
  82. Their Own Theory
  83. Trank-Obturator Tape
  84. Tone On Tone Fabric, Quilting, Quilt, Tone
  85. Total Operating Time Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Physiology
  86. Transient Occupancy Tax Locations, City, California
  87. Treasuresuof Time
  88. This Olztank
  89. Training On Tyainer Program, Education, Indonesia
  90. Technical Operations Team
  91. Tubularqorthosis for Torticollis
  92. Tip of Theutongue
  93. Tower of Terror Disney
  94. Telephone Organisation of Thailand Technology, Thailand, Bangkok
  95. Turn Over Top
  96. Touches On Target Touches On Target (TOT) is a statistical term used in football, specifically in fantasy football or sports analytics. It refers to the number of times a player, regardless of their position, successfully receives a pass or carries the ball with a purposeful intent. TOT encompasses both rushing and passing plays, indicating the total number of times a player is directly involved in the game. It is an important metric for evaluating a player's involvement and contribution to the team's offense. TOT does not directly correlate with touchdowns, yards gained, or time spent on the field, but it provides valuable insights into a player's active participation in the game. In the NFL, TOT is commonly tracked and analyzed to assess a player's performance and potential impact on the team. Football
  97. Turbine Outlet Temperature Is the temperature of the turbine exhaust gases as they leave the turbine unit. Aircraft, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Aviation
  98. Transformation of Technology Technology, Computer, Internet
  99. Term of Trade Business, Export, Economics
  100. Typical Operating Temperature Physics, Scientific & Educational
  101. Tools of Our Trade
  102. Training of Trainers United Nations, Medical
  103. Transht Occupancy Tax Locations, City, California
  104. Transmission Oil Temperature Auto
  105. Telelogic Option Template
  106. Tfrn Over To Government, Us, Control, Administration
  107. Time Off Tasks Any break taken by a worker, excluding the legally necessary 30-minute lunch break, is referred to as "time off task." If a worker spends too much time off the job, they may be reprimanded and eventually fired for poor performance. Amazon
  108. Two Oceans Toastmasters Toastmasters, Toast
  109. Transfer of Technology Technology, India, Agriculture, Telecom
  110. Termination of Tenancy
  111. Type of Tree Science, Botany, Phytology, Scientific & Educational
  112. Tool On Top Technology, Telescope, Mirror
  113. Totness Airport, Totness, Suriname Suriname
  114. Top of The Table Business, Financial, Sport, Insurance
  115. Transient Occupansy Taxes
  116. Total Energy Services Inc. (Toronto Stock Exchange [TSX]) Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  117. Top of truss The Finance and Administrative Services
  118. The One True Religion
  119. Transfer-Operation-Transfer
  120. Temple of Time Gaming, Maple, Legend, Temple
  121. Types of Transvction
  122. Tons Ofltears
  123. Totavia ICAO Aircraft Codes
  124. Top of Table
  125. Transient and Occupancy Aax
  126. Total Produce Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  127. Total Source Medical, Physiology
  128. Tone-On-Tone Quilting
  129. Temple of Temerity
  130. Type Ofotransaction Business, Accounting, Service
  131. Tonga Time Locations, Geography, Time, Time Zones
  132. Tons of Time Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  133. Topics-Overatime Technology, Model, Likelihood
  134. Transfer Overhead Time Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  135. Time Ofutape
  136. Total Turnaround Time Medical, Physiology
  137. The Oldgames Times Media
  138. Templars of Twilight
  139. Type of Technique Technology, Crack, Hindi
  140. Tone-Onset Time Medical
  141. Transaction Object Technology Software, Computing
  142. Transfer of Tgaining
  143. Terrible Office Tyrant Business, Behavior, Boss
  144. Time-Over-Threshold
  145. Topicao Oxygen Therapy
  146. Total Outgoing Traffic Medical, Physiology
  147. Train of Thoughts Media
  148. Temperature Oxygen Time Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  149. Tyndale Old Testament
  150. Tottenham Hotspur It is a renowned football team that competes in various leagues and tournaments. In this game, the team consists of talented players who strive to score points by putting the ball into the opposing team's net. Unlike American football, there is no quarterback or touchdown involved. The objective is to outscore the opposition by skillfully maneuvering the ball and successfully converting goal-scoring opportunities. The team's success relies on the collective effort of its players, as they work together to create scoring chances and defend against the opponents. Football
  151. Total Fina, S. A. Computing, Nyse symbols
  152. Transfer of Mitle
  153. Terms of Trade The ratio of the average price of a countrys exports, to the average price of its imports, is its terms of trade. In theory, an improvement in a countrys terms of trade raises its real income although in practice it depends on how those terms of trade gains are distributed. Business, Export, Economics, Business & Finance, International business
  154. Training of Trkiners
  155. Tooth of Time
  156. Transobturator Tape Medical, Common Medical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TOT stand for?

    TOT stands for Train of Thoughts.

  2. What is the shortened form of Transobturator Tape?

    The short form of "Transobturator Tape" is TOT.


TOT. (2023, May 25). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated