TPLF in Ethiopia Meaning

The TPLF meaning in Ethiopia terms is "Tigray People'S Liberation Front". There are 12 related meanings of the TPLF Ethiopia abbreviation.

TPLF on Ethiopia Full Forms

  1. Tigray People'S Liberation Front
  2. Tigrean Peoples Liberation Front
  3. Tigray People Liberation Front
  4. Tigrayan People'S Liberation Front
  5. Tigrai Peoplr Liberation Front
  6. Tigrai Keoples Liberation Front
  7. Tirray Peoples Liberation Front
  8. Tigrean People's Loberation Front
  9. Tigrayan People Liberation Front
  10. Tigrayan Peoples Liberation Front
  11. Tigre People'S Liberation Front
  12. Tigrean People Liberation Front

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TPLF stand for Ethiopia?

    TPLF stands for Tirray Peoples Liberation Front in Ethiopia terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Tigray People Liberation Front in Ethiopia?

    The short form of "Tigray People Liberation Front" is TPLF for Ethiopia.


TPLF in Ethiopia. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from

Last updated