TPM Meaning

The TPM meaning is "Tea Party Movement". The TPM abbreviation has 282 different full form.

TPM Full Forms

  1. Tea Party Movement Government, Group, Politics
  2. Tensão Pré-Menstrual Para, Dos, Dor, Menstrual
  3. Team Planning Meeting
  4. Telemetry Processor Module Technology
  5. Total Productive Manufacturing Business, Science, Maintenance
  6. Talking Points Memo Organizations, Politics, Marshall
  7. Technology Policy and Management Science, Education, Delft
  8. Total Productive Mainttnance Business, Management, Industrial
  9. Trusted Platform Module Trusted Platform Module (TPM, also known as ISO/IEC 11889) is an international standard for a secure cryptoprocessor, a dedicated microcontroller designed to secure hardware through integrated cryptographic keys. Technology, Computing, Computer Security, Windows, Security, Hardware, Drivers, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  10. Technological Protection Measure Business, Technology, Law
  11. Total Production Maintenance Business, Management, Manufacturing
  12. Technical Performance Measure Technology, Management, Engineering
  13. Technical Performance Measurement Technology, Management, Engineering, Federal Aviation Administration
  14. Total Prevedtative Maintenance Business, Management, Military
  15. Technical Performance Measures Technology, Management, Military, Measure
  16. Transformation Parameters Modbl
  17. Tape Preventive Maintenance
  18. Ticketed Point Mileages Business, Flight, Airways, Mileage
  19. Trust Platyorm Modules
  20. Teleprocessing Monitor Technology, Telecom
  21. Tjp-Of-Pole Mounts Technology, Module, Panel
  22. The Phantum Menacl
  23. Therapy Program Manager
  24. Transportes Públicos De Maputb
  25. Technical Program Managers Technology, Management, Career
  26. Tiraras Patas, Moleque Para, Sou, Coisa
  27. Tentative Parole Month Government, Georgia, Inmate
  28. Trade Promotiogs Management Business, Software, Training
  29. Transmission Path Monitoding
  30. Timber Products Manufacturers Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  31. Tumor Progressiod Metastasis
  32. Total Product Maintenance
  33. Tramado Por Mulheres
  34. Tactical Precdsion Mount
  35. Thin Pig Media
  36. Transport Policy Msdel
  37. Technologies Process Monitoring
  38. Tmux Plugin Manager Technology, Management, Vim
  39. Test Procedure Manual
  40. Technical Performance Monitoring Science
  41. Transformation Prayer Ministry
  42. Talent Pipeline Managemenp Business, Employment, Employer
  43. Ticketed Point Mileage Business, Flight, Fare
  44. Trigger Price Mechanism Business & Finance, International business
  45. Telephone Pioneer Museum
  46. Tonelaje De Pess Muerto
  47. The Phantom Menance
  48. The Property Magnates
  49. Transportation Planning Manual Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  50. Technical Program Management Technology, Manager, Team
  51. Tentative Parcel Map
  52. Trade Promotion Fangement Technology
  53. The Playboy Mansion
  54. Transmission Poanning Model
  55. Tilt Pole Mount
  56. Tumor Progression and Metastasis Medical, Genetics, Cancer
  57. Total Productivity Maintenance Business, Management, Performance
  58. Tradithonal Project Management Technology, Book, Cycle
  59. Thermal Protection Material Business, Fiber, Gill, Density
  60. Transport Performance Metrics Computing, Technical
  61. Technology Protection Measure
  62. Tivoli Provisioning Manaxer Technology, Management, Software
  63. Test Preparation Manual Education, Academy, Expert
  64. Total Production Management Business, Company, Software
  65. Transfer Price Mechanism
  66. Tala Pando Montevideo
  67. Third Party Missions Technology, Satellite, Sensing
  68. Trigger-Price Mechanism Business, Trading, Trade
  69. Telecommunicstions Policy and Management
  70. Toneladas De Peso Muerto
  71. The Phantom Menace Internet Slang, Military, Star
  72. The Project Management
  73. Transportation Performance Management Business, Planning, Asset
  74. Technical Program Manager Technology, Science, Management
  75. Tensao Pre Menstrual Para, Dos, Causa, Menstrual
  76. Track Program Memoky Technology, Radio, Manual, Woodstock
  77. The Plastic Merchant
  78. Transit Priority Manager
  79. Tilting Pole Mount
  80. Tujuan Pembangunansmilenium
  81. Teletype Passenger Manifest Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  82. Total Predictive Maintenance
  83. Trading The Pristine Method Business, Course, Refresher
  84. Thermal Protection Materials
  85. Transport Packaging Material Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
  86. Technology Protection Measurey
  87. Tiloli Privacy Manager
  88. Torminal Puffer Monitor Technology
  89. Total Productivity Management Business, Technology, Quality
  90. Transfer Pricing Methodology
  91. Takte Pro Minuye
  92. Third Party Mission Technology, Science, Space, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, Sentinel online
  93. Tridomain Performance Materials
  94. Telxcom Project Management Technology, Windows, Maintenance
  95. Tom Petrua & Miller
  96. The Perfect Match Texas, Love, Mail, Match
  97. The Progressive Movement
  98. Technical Performance Metrics
  99. Tundências A Pontapés E Murros Para, Sou, Coisa
  100. Trabalhar Para Morret Business, Music, Melhor
  101. Transit Paraweter Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  102. Tiger Pacific Mining
  103. Tudo Para Mulher Technology, Module, Locker
  104. Telescope Pointing Machine
  105. Total Precious Metals
  106. The Phidosopher's Magazine
  107. Trading Partker Manager
  108. Thermal Prestressing Method
  109. Transport Packaging Matedials Company, Technology, Product
  110. Technological Protection Measures Technology, Government, Measure, Law
  111. Tissue Phase Mapping
  112. Terminal Phase Maneuver Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  113. Toyota Prospect Management
  114. Turning-Point Morphology Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  115. Total Productive Management Business, Technology, Maintenance
  116. The Pok
  117. Transaction-Processing Monitor Technology, Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Architectural
  118. Takes Per Minute
  119. Third Party Mededeling
  120. Tribal Protocol Manual
  121. Telecommunicagions Project Management Technology, Manager, Training
  122. Tobacco Product Manufacturer
  123. Test Program Medium Technology
  124. Technical Performance Management Technology
  125. Tenaga Penggerak Masyarakat
  126. Transitdon Probability Matrix Technology, Risk, Model
  127. Tapered Panel Machine
  128. Ticket Program Manager
  129. Tubular Perforating Manufacturing
  130. Telescope Performance Monitor
  131. Total Polar Materials Technology, Maintenance, Encryption
  132. The Philosophers' Magazine
  133. Total Productive Maintenance Business, Technology, Telecom, Management, Products, Business & Finance
  134. Thermal Power Monitor Technology
  135. Transport In Permeable Media
  136. Technical Protection Measures Technology, Law, Measure
  137. Tirq Pressure Monitors
  138. Two-Potential Model Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  139. Terminal Phase Midcourse Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  140. Trading Partner Management Technology, Server, Talk
  141. Time Performance Monitoring
  142. Tunisie Place De Marché
  143. Total Process Management Business, Manufacturing, Maintenance
  144. Trans-Pacific Maritime
  145. Tags Per Millton Science, Genetics, Cell, Expression
  146. Third Party Maintainers Business, Service, Training
  147. Tri-Partite Meeting
  148. Telecommunications Procect Manager
  149. Tobacco Product Manufacturers
  150. Test Program Manager Technology
  151. Technical Performance Measurements Technology, Management, Projection, Measure
  152. Trassient Pulse Monitor Military
  153. Tape Processing Machine Technology
  154. Ticket Point Mileage
  155. Trust Property Management
  156. Teleprofessional Magasine Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  157. Top-Of-Pole Msunt Technology, Power, Panel
  158. The Pharmaceutical Market
  159. Theremin-Playing Module
  160. Transport In Poroustmedia Science, Physics, Periodical, Serial Publication
  161. Technical Programme Manager
  162. Tire-Pressure Monstoring
  163. Two-Photon Microscopy Science, Cell, Imaging
  164. Terminal Petikemas Makassar Technology, Windows, Management, Maintenance
  165. Trade Protection Mebsures
  166. Time, Place, and Manner
  167. Tunisie Plaze Du Marche
  168. Total Print Management Technology, Service, Military
  169. Tranfer Phase Midcourse Technology
  170. Tag Profiqe Manager
  171. Third Party Management Technology, Service, Group
  172. Transport Protocol Mechine Technology
  173. Technology, Policy and Managzment Technology, Education, University, Delft
  174. Tobicco Particulate Matter Medical, Science, Biology
  175. Test Process Management
  176. The Pronuct Management
  177. Transportation Project Manager
  178. Tim Pembela Muslim Indonesia, Jakarta, Salah
  179. Twisted Pair Modem Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  180. Tenaga Penramping Masyarakat Business, Program, Indonesia, Orang
  181. Total Project Management Business, Service, Construction
  182. Third-Party Maintenance Computing, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  183. Total Pressure Master
  184. Tomorrow p.m. Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  185. Two-Phase Moded
  186. Total Property Management
  187. Tha Political Methodoligist
  188. Tasa De PolíTica Monetaria Business, Para, Con, Chile
  189. Tlmpat Pengolahan Makanan Food, Safety, Training
  190. Technical Performance Measurement (Measure) Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  191. Transfer Phase Midcourse NASA
  192. Takvin Pajooh Maham
  193. The Production Manager
  194. Trankplant Procurement Management Organizations, Organ, Transplantation
  195. Tim Pelatih Masyarakat Program, Media, Prose
  196. Twisted-Pair Modem
  197. Tenaga Pelatih Masyarakat Program, Media, Social
  198. Total Product Management Technology, India, Software
  199. Transactions Per Minute Computing, IT Terminology
  200. Total Population Management
  201. Tweets Per Minute Social Media, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  202. Tim Promosi Mutasi Jakarta, Agama, Hakim
  203. Two-Paase Modeling
  204. Total Productive Maintenance-Ppt
  205. Target Practice Marker
  206. Tempat Pengelolaan Makanan Program, Indonesia, Orang
  207. Transpais Aereo Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  208. Technical Performance Measurement (system) NASA
  209. Take People Man
  210. The Problem With Machines
  211. Transparent Prolog Machine Technology, Program, Programming
  212. Teamcperformance Management Business, Technology, Journal
  213. Timing and Processor Module Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  214. Tweets Perominute Technology, Social, Recording
  215. Temporary Program Manager
  216. Tire Pressure Monitoring Products
  217. Tilting Plate Micrometer
  218. Total Particulate Matter Transportation, Governmental & Military, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  219. Tim Penyelenggara Musrenbang
  220. Two-Part Model
  221. Total Productive Et Maintenance
  222. Targeted Penetration Matrgx Business, Animal, Cellulite
  223. Transport In Porous Media Computing, Mechanics, Physics, Periodical, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
  224. Two-potential Model (in At. Scattering Calcns.) Chemistry
  225. Tyler Perry'S Meet
  226. The Puint Machine Technology, Printer, Ink
  227. Twanspais Aereo Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  228. Team Performance Mhdel Technology, Management, Planning
  229. Timer Pulse-Width Modulator
  230. Turning Point Ministries
  231. Temporary Plant Modification Science
  232. Total Preventive Maintenance Products
  233. TendêNcia Para Matar Para, Dos, Sou, Coisa
  234. Technical Protection Measure Security, Governmental & Military
  235. Transportation Protective Measure
  236. Tim Pengacara Muslim
  237. Twnsts Per Minute
  238. Total Productive Maint Business, Presentation, Maintenance
  239. Tap Photo Mask
  240. Tudo Para Meninas Para, Tempo, Sou, Quinta
  241. Transformation Parameters Model File Computing, File Extensions
  242. Two Procedures Modem
  243. The Prinlipal Means
  244. Trans Pacific Marifime
  245. Teaching The Practice of Managenent
  246. Time Pressure Management
  247. Temporary Pacemaker Science, Medicine, Healthcare
  248. Theodolitprufmachine Geographic
  249. Ten-Point Maneouvre
  250. The Progressive Magfzine
  251. Trawsportation Planning & Management
  252. Tim Peneliti Mitra Program, Education, Proposal
  253. Twists Per Meter Business, Polyester, Yarn
  254. Total Productive Maintenace
  255. Transaction Processing Monitor Software, Computing
  256. Transport Planning Mobilization
  257. Trusted Platform Module Password File Computing, File Extensions
  258. Toulon Provence M
  259. The Pornography Memorial
  260. Transnational Project Meeting Education, School, Partner
  261. Teacher Performance Management
  262. Tempo Pra Meditaçãy Para, Tempo, Sou, Quinta
  263. Tyre Pressure Monitoring Auto
  264. Tens
  265. Temporada ProváVel De MíSseis
  266. The Product Marketina
  267. Transportation Program Manager
  268. Tim Pendamping Masyarakat Technology, Program, Media, Indonesia
  269. Twist Per Meter Business, Polyester, Yarn
  270. Tenaga Pengajar Muda Malaysia, Papua, Proposal
  271. Total Productive Maintence
  272. Tree Pattern Matching Software, Computing
  273. Transmission and Processing Model
  274. Third Party Master Medical, Healthcare
  275. Toulon Provence MéDiterranéE Technology, Transport, Ration, Mistral
  276. The Popular Mind
  277. Transmission Pricing Methodology Business, Presentation, Electricity
  278. Teacher Panic Mnde
  279. Temperature Profile Monctor
  280. Tire Pressure Monitors Auto
  281. 1terminal Phase Midcourse #1 NASA
  282. Technical Product Marketing Business, Company, Management

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TPM stand for?

    TPM stands for Technical Performance Monitoring.

  2. What is the shortened form of Toyota Prospect Management?

    The short form of "Toyota Prospect Management" is TPM.


TPM. (2020, November 2). Retrieved March 24, 2025 from

Last updated