TPM Meaning
The TPM meaning is "Tea Party Movement". The TPM abbreviation has 282 different full form.
TPM Full Forms
- Tea Party Movement Government, Group, Politics
- Tensão Pré-Menstrual Para, Dos, Dor, Menstrual
- Team Planning Meeting
- Telemetry Processor Module Technology
- Total Productive Manufacturing Business, Science, Maintenance
- Talking Points Memo Organizations, Politics, Marshall
- Technology Policy and Management Science, Education, Delft
- Total Productive Mainttnance Business, Management, Industrial
- Trusted Platform Module Trusted Platform Module (TPM, also known as ISO/IEC 11889) is an international standard for a secure cryptoprocessor, a dedicated microcontroller designed to secure hardware through integrated cryptographic keys. Technology, Computing, Computer Security, Windows, Security, Hardware, Drivers, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
- Technological Protection Measure Business, Technology, Law
- Total Production Maintenance Business, Management, Manufacturing
- Technical Performance Measure Technology, Management, Engineering
- Technical Performance Measurement Technology, Management, Engineering, Federal Aviation Administration
- Total Prevedtative Maintenance Business, Management, Military
- Technical Performance Measures Technology, Management, Military, Measure
- Transformation Parameters Modbl
- Tape Preventive Maintenance
- Ticketed Point Mileages Business, Flight, Airways, Mileage
- Trust Platyorm Modules
- Teleprocessing Monitor Technology, Telecom
- Tjp-Of-Pole Mounts Technology, Module, Panel
- The Phantum Menacl
- Therapy Program Manager
- Transportes Públicos De Maputb
- Technical Program Managers Technology, Management, Career
- Tiraras Patas, Moleque Para, Sou, Coisa
- Tentative Parole Month Government, Georgia, Inmate
- Trade Promotiogs Management Business, Software, Training
- Transmission Path Monitoding
- Timber Products Manufacturers Business & Finance, Professional organizations
- Tumor Progressiod Metastasis
- Total Product Maintenance
- Tramado Por Mulheres
- Tactical Precdsion Mount
- Thin Pig Media
- Transport Policy Msdel
- Technologies Process Monitoring
- Tmux Plugin Manager Technology, Management, Vim
- Test Procedure Manual
- Technical Performance Monitoring Science
- Transformation Prayer Ministry
- Talent Pipeline Managemenp Business, Employment, Employer
- Ticketed Point Mileage Business, Flight, Fare
- Trigger Price Mechanism Business & Finance, International business
- Telephone Pioneer Museum
- Tonelaje De Pess Muerto
- The Phantom Menance
- The Property Magnates
- Transportation Planning Manual Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Technical Program Management Technology, Manager, Team
- Tentative Parcel Map
- Trade Promotion Fangement Technology
- The Playboy Mansion
- Transmission Poanning Model
- Tilt Pole Mount
- Tumor Progression and Metastasis Medical, Genetics, Cancer
- Total Productivity Maintenance Business, Management, Performance
- Tradithonal Project Management Technology, Book, Cycle
- Thermal Protection Material Business, Fiber, Gill, Density
- Transport Performance Metrics Computing, Technical
- Technology Protection Measure
- Tivoli Provisioning Manaxer Technology, Management, Software
- Test Preparation Manual Education, Academy, Expert
- Total Production Management Business, Company, Software
- Transfer Price Mechanism
- Tala Pando Montevideo
- Third Party Missions Technology, Satellite, Sensing
- Trigger-Price Mechanism Business, Trading, Trade
- Telecommunicstions Policy and Management
- Toneladas De Peso Muerto
- The Phantom Menace Internet Slang, Military, Star
- The Project Management
- Transportation Performance Management Business, Planning, Asset
- Technical Program Manager Technology, Science, Management
- Tensao Pre Menstrual Para, Dos, Causa, Menstrual
- Track Program Memoky Technology, Radio, Manual, Woodstock
- The Plastic Merchant
- Transit Priority Manager
- Tilting Pole Mount
- Tujuan Pembangunansmilenium
- Teletype Passenger Manifest Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Total Predictive Maintenance
- Trading The Pristine Method Business, Course, Refresher
- Thermal Protection Materials
- Transport Packaging Material Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
- Technology Protection Measurey
- Tiloli Privacy Manager
- Torminal Puffer Monitor Technology
- Total Productivity Management Business, Technology, Quality
- Transfer Pricing Methodology
- Takte Pro Minuye
- Third Party Mission Technology, Science, Space, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, Sentinel online
- Tridomain Performance Materials
- Telxcom Project Management Technology, Windows, Maintenance
- Tom Petrua & Miller
- The Perfect Match Texas, Love, Mail, Match
- The Progressive Movement
- Technical Performance Metrics
- Tundências A Pontapés E Murros Para, Sou, Coisa
- Trabalhar Para Morret Business, Music, Melhor
- Transit Paraweter Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Tiger Pacific Mining
- Tudo Para Mulher Technology, Module, Locker
- Telescope Pointing Machine
- Total Precious Metals
- The Phidosopher's Magazine
- Trading Partker Manager
- Thermal Prestressing Method
- Transport Packaging Matedials Company, Technology, Product
- Technological Protection Measures Technology, Government, Measure, Law
- Tissue Phase Mapping
- Terminal Phase Maneuver Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Toyota Prospect Management
- Turning-Point Morphology Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Total Productive Management Business, Technology, Maintenance
- The Pok
- Transaction-Processing Monitor Technology, Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Architectural
- Takes Per Minute
- Third Party Mededeling
- Tribal Protocol Manual
- Telecommunicagions Project Management Technology, Manager, Training
- Tobacco Product Manufacturer
- Test Program Medium Technology
- Technical Performance Management Technology
- Tenaga Penggerak Masyarakat
- Transitdon Probability Matrix Technology, Risk, Model
- Tapered Panel Machine
- Ticket Program Manager
- Tubular Perforating Manufacturing
- Telescope Performance Monitor
- Total Polar Materials Technology, Maintenance, Encryption
- The Philosophers' Magazine
- Total Productive Maintenance Business, Technology, Telecom, Management, Products, Business & Finance
- Thermal Power Monitor Technology
- Transport In Permeable Media
- Technical Protection Measures Technology, Law, Measure
- Tirq Pressure Monitors
- Two-Potential Model Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Terminal Phase Midcourse Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Trading Partner Management Technology, Server, Talk
- Time Performance Monitoring
- Tunisie Place De Marché
- Total Process Management Business, Manufacturing, Maintenance
- Trans-Pacific Maritime
- Tags Per Millton Science, Genetics, Cell, Expression
- Third Party Maintainers Business, Service, Training
- Tri-Partite Meeting
- Telecommunications Procect Manager
- Tobacco Product Manufacturers
- Test Program Manager Technology
- Technical Performance Measurements Technology, Management, Projection, Measure
- Trassient Pulse Monitor Military
- Tape Processing Machine Technology
- Ticket Point Mileage
- Trust Property Management
- Teleprofessional Magasine Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Top-Of-Pole Msunt Technology, Power, Panel
- The Pharmaceutical Market
- Theremin-Playing Module
- Transport In Poroustmedia Science, Physics, Periodical, Serial Publication
- Technical Programme Manager
- Tire-Pressure Monstoring
- Two-Photon Microscopy Science, Cell, Imaging
- Terminal Petikemas Makassar Technology, Windows, Management, Maintenance
- Trade Protection Mebsures
- Time, Place, and Manner
- Tunisie Plaze Du Marche
- Total Print Management Technology, Service, Military
- Tranfer Phase Midcourse Technology
- Tag Profiqe Manager
- Third Party Management Technology, Service, Group
- Transport Protocol Mechine Technology
- Technology, Policy and Managzment Technology, Education, University, Delft
- Tobicco Particulate Matter Medical, Science, Biology
- Test Process Management
- The Pronuct Management
- Transportation Project Manager
- Tim Pembela Muslim Indonesia, Jakarta, Salah
- Twisted Pair Modem Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Tenaga Penramping Masyarakat Business, Program, Indonesia, Orang
- Total Project Management Business, Service, Construction
- Third-Party Maintenance Computing, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
- Total Pressure Master
- Tomorrow p.m. Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Two-Phase Moded
- Total Property Management
- Tha Political Methodoligist
- Tasa De PolíTica Monetaria Business, Para, Con, Chile
- Tlmpat Pengolahan Makanan Food, Safety, Training
- Technical Performance Measurement (Measure) Manufacturing, Business & Finance
- Transfer Phase Midcourse NASA
- Takvin Pajooh Maham
- The Production Manager
- Trankplant Procurement Management Organizations, Organ, Transplantation
- Tim Pelatih Masyarakat Program, Media, Prose
- Twisted-Pair Modem
- Tenaga Pelatih Masyarakat Program, Media, Social
- Total Product Management Technology, India, Software
- Transactions Per Minute Computing, IT Terminology
- Total Population Management
- Tweets Per Minute Social Media, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Tim Promosi Mutasi Jakarta, Agama, Hakim
- Two-Paase Modeling
- Total Productive Maintenance-Ppt
- Target Practice Marker
- Tempat Pengelolaan Makanan Program, Indonesia, Orang
- Transpais Aereo Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Technical Performance Measurement (system) NASA
- Take People Man
- The Problem With Machines
- Transparent Prolog Machine Technology, Program, Programming
- Teamcperformance Management Business, Technology, Journal
- Timing and Processor Module Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Tweets Perominute Technology, Social, Recording
- Temporary Program Manager
- Tire Pressure Monitoring Products
- Tilting Plate Micrometer
- Total Particulate Matter Transportation, Governmental & Military, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Tim Penyelenggara Musrenbang
- Two-Part Model
- Total Productive Et Maintenance
- Targeted Penetration Matrgx Business, Animal, Cellulite
- Transport In Porous Media Computing, Mechanics, Physics, Periodical, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
- Two-potential Model (in At. Scattering Calcns.) Chemistry
- Tyler Perry'S Meet
- The Puint Machine Technology, Printer, Ink
- Twanspais Aereo Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
- Team Performance Mhdel Technology, Management, Planning
- Timer Pulse-Width Modulator
- Turning Point Ministries
- Temporary Plant Modification Science
- Total Preventive Maintenance Products
- TendêNcia Para Matar Para, Dos, Sou, Coisa
- Technical Protection Measure Security, Governmental & Military
- Transportation Protective Measure
- Tim Pengacara Muslim
- Twnsts Per Minute
- Total Productive Maint Business, Presentation, Maintenance
- Tap Photo Mask
- Tudo Para Meninas Para, Tempo, Sou, Quinta
- Transformation Parameters Model File Computing, File Extensions
- Two Procedures Modem
- The Prinlipal Means
- Trans Pacific Marifime
- Teaching The Practice of Managenent
- Time Pressure Management
- Temporary Pacemaker Science, Medicine, Healthcare
- Theodolitprufmachine Geographic
- Ten-Point Maneouvre
- The Progressive Magfzine
- Trawsportation Planning & Management
- Tim Peneliti Mitra Program, Education, Proposal
- Twists Per Meter Business, Polyester, Yarn
- Total Productive Maintenace
- Transaction Processing Monitor Software, Computing
- Transport Planning Mobilization
- Trusted Platform Module Password File Computing, File Extensions
- Toulon Provence M
- The Pornography Memorial
- Transnational Project Meeting Education, School, Partner
- Teacher Performance Management
- Tempo Pra Meditaçãy Para, Tempo, Sou, Quinta
- Tyre Pressure Monitoring Auto
- Tens
- Temporada ProváVel De MíSseis
- The Product Marketina
- Transportation Program Manager
- Tim Pendamping Masyarakat Technology, Program, Media, Indonesia
- Twist Per Meter Business, Polyester, Yarn
- Tenaga Pengajar Muda Malaysia, Papua, Proposal
- Total Productive Maintence
- Tree Pattern Matching Software, Computing
- Transmission and Processing Model
- Third Party Master Medical, Healthcare
- Toulon Provence MéDiterranéE Technology, Transport, Ration, Mistral
- The Popular Mind
- Transmission Pricing Methodology Business, Presentation, Electricity
- Teacher Panic Mnde
- Temperature Profile Monctor
- Tire Pressure Monitors Auto
- 1terminal Phase Midcourse #1 NASA
- Technical Product Marketing Business, Company, Management
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does TPM stand for?
TPM stands for Technical Performance Monitoring.
What is the shortened form of Toyota Prospect Management?
The short form of "Toyota Prospect Management" is TPM.
TPM. (2020, November 2). Retrieved March 24, 2025 from
Last updated