TPPT Meaning

The TPPT meaning is "Teenage Pregnagcy and Parenthood Team". The TPPT abbreviation has 9 different full form.

TPPT Full Forms

  1. Teenage Pregnagcy and Parenthood Team
  2. Technical Panel Onjphytosanitary Treatments
  3. Tangible Personal Propertyntax Business
  4. Tabung Projek Perumahan Terbzngkalai
  5. Tindak Pidana Pendanaan Terorisme
  6. Therapy Pet Pals of Texas
  7. Tenant Participation Promjtion Team
  8. Total Performance Physicalatherapy Medical, Pain, Exercise
  9. Tooth Pulp Pain Threshslds

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TPPT stand for?

    TPPT stands for Tenant Participation Promjtion Team.

  2. What is the shortened form of Technical Panel Onjphytosanitary Treatments?

    The short form of "Technical Panel Onjphytosanitary Treatments" is TPPT.


TPPT. (2019, December 24). Retrieved June 1, 2024 from

Last updated