Tracer Abbreviations and Tracer Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Tracer terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 12 different Tracer abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Tracer terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Tracer Abbreviations
  1. AP : Armor Piercing
  2. AP-T : Armor Piercing
  3. BCU : Building Control Unit
  4. BSCF : Billions of Standard Cubic Feet
  5. HE : High Explosive
  6. HE-T : High Explosive
  7. TAC : Time Activity Curve
  8. NWCMC : Nanded-Waghala City Municipal Corporation
  9. IC : Inductive Clamp
  10. IDPRA : Isotope Development & Production for Research and Applications
  11. PTS : Portable Technology Solutions
  12. ITN : Intro To Network
Latest Tracer Meanings
  1. Intro To Network
  2. Portable Technology Solutions
  3. Isotope Development & Production for Research and Applications
  4. Inductive Clamp
  5. Nanded-Waghala City Municipal Corporation
  6. Time Activity Curve
  7. High Explosive
  8. Billions of Standard Cubic Feet
  9. Building Control Unit
  10. Armor Piercing