TRANS in Science Meaning
The TRANS meaning in Science terms is "Transfer". There are 5 related meanings of the TRANS Science abbreviation.
TRANS on Science Full Forms
- Transfer Distance a vessel moves away from her original line of advance when altering course under helm Is measured along a line perpendicular to her original course, and to the point where she is on her new course
- Transactions
- Transition The process of converting from a centrally planned, non-market economy to a market economy. During that process, it is a transition economy.
- Transport To move traffic from one place to another.
- Transient A phenomenon of a non-repetitive nature caused by a sudden change in conditions that persist for a relatively short time after the change. A change in the reactor coolant system temperature, pressure, or both, attributed to a change in the reactor’s power output.OR The behavior exhibited by a linear system that is operating in steady state in moving from one steady state to another.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does TRANS stand for Science?
TRANS stands for Transfer in Science terms.
What is the shortened form of Transition in Science?
The short form of "Transition" is TRANS for Science.
TRANS in Science. (2021, December 16). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from
Last updated