TRANS in The Finance and Administrative Services Meaning

The TRANS meaning in The Finance and Administrative Services terms is "Transformer". There are 4 related meanings of the TRANS The Finance and Administrative Services abbreviation.

TRANS on The Finance and Administrative Services Full Forms

  1. Transformer A device which generally consists of two windings on an iron core. An e.m.f. applied to the primary winding induces an e.m.f. in the secondary winding in the ratio of the number of windings on the primary and secondary.
  2. Transfer Distance a vessel moves away from her original line of advance when altering course under helm Is measured along a line perpendicular to her original course, and to the point where she is on her new course
  3. Transparent Material transmitting light without distorting directions of waves is known as transparent.
  4. Transom A more or less flat surface across the stern of a vessel. Dinghies tend to have almost vertical transoms, whereas yachts' transoms may be raked forward or aft.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TRANS stand for The Finance and Administrative Services?

    TRANS stands for Transfer in The Finance and Administrative Services terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Transparent in The Finance and Administrative Services?

    The short form of "Transparent" is TRANS for The Finance and Administrative Services.


TRANS in The Finance and Administrative Services. (2021, December 16). Retrieved March 10, 2025 from

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