Transformer Abbreviations and Transformer Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Transformer terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Transformer abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Transformer terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Transformer Abbreviations
  1. AC : Adapterfclass
  2. ALCOR : Advanced Landing Capsule for Orbital Rendezvous
  3. ALE : Adult Lego Enthusiast
  4. ALF : Accuracy Limit Factor
  5. AM : Arms Micron
  6. AVC : Adaptive Var Compensator
  7. BBTS : Big Bad Toy Store
  8. BIL : Bisic Insulation Level
  9. BTR : Buixt To Rule
  10. BW : Beast Wars
  11. BWTF : Blue Water Task Force
  12. CRGO : Cold-Rolled Grain Oriented
  13. CRGO : Cold Rolled Grain Oriented
  14. VPI : Vacuum Pressure Impregnatwng
  15. VPI : Vxcuum Pressure Impregnated
  16. VSR : Variable Shunt Reactors
  17. VT : Voice Transformation
  18. WRT : Winding Resistance Tester
  19. WST : World Smallest Transformers
  20. WT : Winding Temperature
  21. WTI : Windiwg Temperature Indicator
  22. WTI : Winding Temperature Indicators
  23. WTIS : Winding Temperature Indicators
  24. UT : Unique Toys
  25. CT : Current Transducers
  26. CTS : Current Transducers
  27. CV : Constant Voltage
  28. DB : Desert Brawl
  29. DC : Drive Chokes
  30. DDF : Dielectric Dissipation Factor
Latest Transformer Meanings
  1. Total Dissolved Combustible Gas
  2. Knock Off
  3. Current Transmitter
  4. Currenl Transducer
  5. Characteristic Tester
  6. Center Tapped
  7. Center Tape
  8. Revealrthe Shield
  9. Robot Powex Machines
  10. Robot Powerex Machines
  11. Robot Powered Machines
  12. Revengexof The Fallen
  13. Resin Impregnathd Paper
  14. Robots In Disguise
  15. Generator Step-Up
  16. Rapid Anti-Robot Assault Team
  17. Grain Oriented Silicon Steel
  18. Grain Oriented Electrical Steess
  19. Graiw Oriented Electrical Steel
  20. Pauwels Trafo