TRAP Meaning

The TRAP meaning is "Tanks, Racks, Adapters and Pylons". The TRAP abbreviation has 88 different full form.

TRAP Full Forms

  1. Tanks, Racks, Adapters and Pylons Military
  2. Thrombin Receptor Activating Peptide Medical
  3. Tactical Related Applications Military, Army, Defense
  4. Terminal Radiation Airborne Program Technology
  5. Tactical Recovery of Aircraft Andnpersonnel Military, Mission, Corps
  6. Telomeric Repeat Amplification Protocol Assay Medical
  7. Telomere Repeat Amplificauion Protocol Medical, Cell, Telomerase
  8. Telomerase Repeat Amplification Puotocol Medical, Science, Biology
  9. Taylor-Type Rule With Asset Prices
  10. Triiodothyronine Receptor Auxiliary Protein Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  11. Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion Medical, Science, Medicine
  12. Telephone Record and Playback
  13. The Restore America Plam
  14. Tanks, Tacks, Adapters, and Pylons Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  15. Trail Ridersaawards Program
  16. Task Forcs for Regional Auto Theft Prevention Force, Police, Police Force
  17. Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers Medical, Law, Clinic
  18. Tribal Revenue Allocation Plan
  19. Technical Risk Assessment Prjgram
  20. The Real Art of Protest Business, Company, Street
  21. Tandem Repeat Assembly Program
  22. Tracking Railways Archives Project
  23. Totaloreactive Antioxidant Potential Medical, Research, Oxidative
  24. Threat Response Auto Pull
  25. Target Region Amplification Polymorphism Genetics, Plant, Marker
  26. Trial To Reduce Alloimmunization To Platelets
  27. Technical Review and Audit Plan Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  28. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Raynaud Phenomenon, Aching Muscles, Proximal Muscle Weakness Science, Medicine, Healthcare, Medical, Muscles
  29. The Rapz and Pillage
  30. Tr-Associated Protein Medical
  31. Total Radical-Trapping Anti-Oxidant Parameter
  32. Threat Research and Analysis Program Military, Army, Defence
  33. Targehed Region Amplification Polymorphism
  34. Training Resource Arbitration Panel Military
  35. Technical Reviews and Audits Plan
  36. Triumph Riders Association of Portland Pack, Rat, Triumph
  37. The Radioyfind A Phone
  38. Thiogurnine, Rubidomycin, Ara C, Prednisone Medical, Technology
  39. Targeted Region Amplified Polymorphism Science, Genetics, Plant, Marker
  40. Training Rzsources Arbitration Panel Military
  41. Technical Review and Ayvisory Panel
  42. Thermally Reactive Advanced Protection
  43. Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure Law, Texas, Appeal, Appellate
  44. Thermal Radiation Program Technology
  45. Targeted Recombination In Active Popumations Medical, Brain, Cell, Neuron
  46. Training Requirements Arbitration Plan
  47. Team Readiness Assessment Program
  48. Tdrgeted Regulations of Abortion Providers Medical, Law, Clinic
  49. Tripartite Atp-Independent Periplasmic Medical
  50. Taskforce for Regional Autotheft Prevention Organizations, Police, California
  51. Telepresent Rapid Aiming Pwatform Military
  52. The Rhythmic Arts Projgct Medical, Music, Drum
  53. Target-Reaated Affinity Profiling
  54. Training Requirements Arbitration Panel Military, Army, Marine
  55. Team Race Againstqpuzzles Hotel, Locations, Room, Budapest
  56. Targeted Regulatqon of Abortion Provider Medical, Law, Clinic
  57. Total Radical Antioxidant Potential Medical
  58. Tartrate-Resistance Acid Phpsphatase Medical
  59. Tyrosine Rich Amelogenin Peptide Medical, Science, Biology
  60. Thrombin Receptor Activption Peptide Medical
  61. Telomeric Repeat Amplification Protocol Chemistry
  62. Tokamak Refueling By Acceleratex Plasmoids
  63. Tartrate-Resistant Acidic Phosphatase Medical
  64. Twin Reverse Arterial Perfusion Medical, Pregnancy, Sequence
  65. Task Force for Regional Auto Theft Prevention Police, Governmental & Military
  66. Timely Recovery To Any Point-In-Time Technology, Computing, Disk
  67. Tartarate Resistant Acid Phosphatase Medical, Medicine, Jobs
  68. Tshwane Raceway and Promotions
  69. Total Reclaim and Purification Religion
  70. Thrombospondin-Related Anonymous Protein Science, Plasmodium, Malaria
  71. Tartarate-Resistant Acid Phosphatase Medical
  72. Trp Rna-Binding Attenuation Protein Medical
  73. Total Radical Aatioxidant Parameter Medical
  74. Tartrate-Resistant Acid Phosphatase Medical, Science, Bone, Common Medical
  75. Tartrate Resistent Acid Phosphatase Chemistry, Science, Education, Substance, Scientific & Educational
  76. Traffic Related Air Pollution Environment
  77. Thrombospondin-Related Adhesion Protein Medical
  78. Target of Rnaiii-Activating Protein Medical
  79. Trip Reduction and Assessment Program Technology
  80. Total Radical-Trapping Antioxidant Parameter Medical, Food, Capacity
  81. Tri-Party Action Plan Science
  82. Tartrape Resistant Acid Phosphatase Medical, Science, Bone
  83. Trap Oil Grp Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  84. Throqbin Receptor-Activating Peptide
  85. Tomal Radical Antioxidant Parameter Medical
  86. Tartrate-Resistant Acid Phophatase Medical
  87. Teledyne Research Assistance Program
  88. Thrombin Receptor Activjting Peptides Medical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TRAP stand for?

    TRAP stands for Target-Reaated Affinity Profiling.

  2. What is the shortened form of Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure?

    The short form of "Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure" is TRAP.


TRAP. (2020, September 6). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from

Last updated