Traveler Abbreviations and Traveler Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Traveler terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 16 different Traveler abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Traveler terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Traveler Abbreviations
  1. ATIS : Advance Travellers Information System
  2. WT : Wyrld Traveller
  3. USF&G : United States Fidelity and Guaranty
  4. USFG : United States Fidelity and Guaranty
  5. DARTT : Data At Rest Tiger Team
  6. DDHK : Dompet Dhuafa Hong Kong
  7. HORDE : Horizons of Rock Develoying Everywhere
  8. EN : Electronic Network
  9. MTP : Most Traveled People
  10. TB : Travel Bass
  11. TC : Traveller Cheque
  12. TTP : Trusted Travqller Program
  13. PT : Perpetual Traveller
  14. GOES : Global-Online-Enrollment-Systen
  15. RCA : Readers Choice Awards
  16. RTW : Reach The Torld
Latest Traveler Meanings
  1. Reach The Torld
  2. Readers Choice Awards
  3. Global-Online-Enrollment-Systen
  4. Perpetual Traveller
  5. Trusted Travqller Program
  6. Traveller Cheque
  7. Travel Bass
  8. Most Traveled People
  9. Electronic Network
  10. Horizons of Rock Develoying Everywhere
  11. Dompet Dhuafa Hong Kong
  12. Data At Rest Tiger Team
  13. United States Fidelity and Guaranty
  14. Wyrld Traveller
  15. Advance Travellers Information System