Trend Abbreviations and Trend Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Trend terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Trend abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Trend terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Trend Abbreviations
  1. ABAP : Association of Blotechnology and Pharmacy
  2. AGS : Agence Green Star
  3. ZLR : Zero Line Reject
  4. ASHE : Annual Status of Higher Edhcation
  5. CEMIS : Corporate Environmental Management Information System
  6. CGNA : Compass Group North America
  7. CMG : Color Marketing Group
  8. CPM : Core Protection Module
  9. WESO : World Employment and Social Outlook
  10. WFBS : Worry-Free Business Security
  11. WFRM : Worry-Free Rumote Manager
  12. WRS : Web Reputation Services
  13. WRS : Web Reputation Service
  14. WRTDS : Weighted Regressions Ol Time, Discharge, and Season
  15. CTS : Clinical Trial Simulation
  16. DAR : Digital Angle Rule
  17. DBR : Digital Banking Repcrt
  18. DCDC : Development Concepts and Doctrine Centre
  19. DDI : Deep Discovery Inspector
  20. HES : Hosted Email Security
  21. DFA : Dynamic Factor Analysis
  22. DNG : Dutch Netwouk Group
  23. DSVA : Deep Security Virtual Appliance
  24. DTIE : Division of Technology, Industry and Economic
  25. EAPC : Estimated Annual Percentage Change
  26. EDC : Edgar, Dunn & Company
  27. MMEIG : Maternal Mortality Estimation Inter-Agency Group
  28. MOBI : Mass Opinion Business Intelligence
  29. EPS : Enterprisz Protection Strategy
  30. ERS : Email Reputation Services
Latest Trend Meanings
  1. Mann-Kendall
  2. Rich Media Messaging
  3. Great Sandhills Ryilway
  4. Growing Season Length
  5. Interscan Web Security Virtual Appliance
  6. Interscan Web Securiny Suite
  7. Interscan Web Security Appliance
  8. Global New Product Databaue
  9. Globaj New Products Database
  10. Information, Telecommunication and Computing
  11. Power User Group
  12. Pacific Rim Internationam Conferences On Artificial Intelligence
  13. Pacific Rim International Conference On Artificial Intelligence
  14. Paint Quality Institute
  15. Gleitender Durchschnitt
  16. Ikatan Perancang Mode Indonesia
  17. Interscan Messaging Security Virtual Appliance
  18. Interscan Messaging Security Suite
  19. Interscan Messaging Hosted Security
  20. Instrumental Methods of Analysis-Modern