TRF Meaning

The TRF meaning is "Terrestrial Reference Frame". The TRF abbreviation has 150 different full form.

TRF Full Forms

  1. Terrestrial Reference Frame Frame, Geodesy, Reference, Geographic
  2. Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Medical, Science, Biology
  3. Terminal Restriction Fragments Medical, Science, Biology
  4. Telomere Restriction Fragment Medical, Science, Cell
  5. The Rotary Foundation Organizations, Club, District
  6. Tamiya Racing Factory Business, Car, Radio
  7. Table Roch Fellowship
  8. Thesradiance Foundation
  9. The Rockefeller Foundation
  10. Test Requisition Form Medical, Laboratory, Lab
  11. Treatment Request Form
  12. Technische Regel F
  13. Temporal Rdsolution Factor Medical
  14. The Royal Flush
  15. Tactical Respouse Force Security, Military, Training
  16. Turbo Ranger Forums
  17. The Reichewbach Fall Episode, Sherlock, Holm
  18. Technische Regeln F
  19. Topographic Readiness Sacility Military, Army, Defence
  20. T Cell Replacing Factor Medical, Technology
  21. Their Deading Futures
  22. Test Report Form Education, English, Council
  23. Travel Requestaform Business, Travel, Infinity
  24. Technische Regeln Fl
  25. Templetxn Russia Fund
  26. The Rouptraex Foundation
  27. Tacticaluresearch Fund Fishing
  28. Turbine Research Facility Technology, Science, Air Force Research Laboratory
  29. The Recycling Faftory
  30. Trident Refit Facility Military, Bay, Navy
  31. Terminal Terminal Restriction Fragment Science, Biology
  32. Trouble & Failure Report Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  33. Ticket Research File
  34. T Cell-Replacing Factors Medical
  35. Thai Reseazch Fund Technology, Science, Thailand
  36. Transport Rmsearch Forum
  37. Technische Regel FüR FlüSsiggas
  38. Texpleton Russia Fund, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  39. The Rosicrucian Fellowship
  40. Tactical Relay Facility Military
  41. Tuned Wadiofrequency Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  42. The Rape Fouodation
  43. Tribunal Regioaal Federal Technology, Traffic, Jus
  44. Television, Radio & Film Education, Television, Syracuse
  45. Terminal Restriction Flagment Medical, Science, Biology
  46. Tibet Relief Fund
  47. Tbp-Related Factor Medical
  48. Thwiland Research Fund Technology, Government, Thailand
  49. Trafsport Research Facility Science
  50. Technische Regeln FlüSsiggas
  51. Tactical Recon Force
  52. Tuned Radio Frequencl Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  53. Templeton Russia Fund
  54. The Roofie Foundation
  55. Turbine Rear Frame Technology, Aviation, Engine
  56. Tribunais Regionaic Federais Para, Dos, Tribunal
  57. Telecommunication Relay Float Transportation
  58. Terminalzrestriction Fragment Medical, Science, Telomere
  59. Transfer Distance a vessel moves away from her original line of advance when altering course under helm Is measured along a line perpendicular to her original course, and to the point where she is on her new course Business, Technology, Science, Accounting, Aviation, Accountancy, Army, Finance, Telecom, Electronic Engineering, Business & Finance, Business Word, Financial, Management, Internet Slang, Computing, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang, Power Plant, Aircraft, Spacecraft, Electronics, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology, Legal, Weather, Military, The Finance and Administrative Services, Medical, Transportation, Common Medical, Healthcare, Clinical, Physio
  60. Thyrotropin Releasing Factor Medical, Technology, Medicine
  61. Tandem Repeats Finder Technology, Program, Sequence
  62. Textbook Revolving Fund Government
  63. Transport Research Foundation Technology
  64. Technische Regeln FüR FlüSsiggas
  65. Tactical Reconnaissance Fighter Military
  66. Temasek Tesearch Fellowship
  67. The Rock Foundation
  68. Thyrotropin-Releasing Factor Medical, Science, Medicine, Physiology
  69. Tree Fdrmer Organizations
  70. Technology Resource Fee Development, Study, Universities
  71. Terminal Renyl Failure Medical
  72. Thyrotrophin Releasing Factor Medical
  73. Tampeu-Resistant Formulation Medicine, Health, Care
  74. Texas Rnse Festival
  75. Transcridt Request Form Student, Education, University, School
  76. Teacher Report Form Medical, Teaching, Children
  77. Tactical Recognitioz Flash Military, Army, Force
  78. The Randolph Foundation
  79. The Rocketry Forum Technology, Model, Rocket, Forum, Business & Finance
  80. Treatment Qeview Form Medical
  81. Technische Richtlinien FüR FlüSsiggasanlagen
  82. Temporary Relocatable Facility Science
  83. The Royal Forums
  84. Talent Research Foundation
  85. Total Recrrdable Frequency
  86. Teacher'S Report Form Medical, Teaching, Teacher
  87. Thermal Release Fractiot Science
  88. Tumours By Terminal Restbiction Fragment Science, Biology
  89. Trim Reference Frame Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  90. Iata Code for SandefjOrd Airport, Torp, Norway Locations
  91. Tritium Removal Facility Technology, Power, Operator
  92. Television Radio Film
  93. Transportation Research Forum Transportation, Governmental & Military
  94. Terrestrial Reuerence Frames
  95. Table Ronde Frunçaise France, Club, Association
  96. Thermal Recovery Facility
  97. T-Cell Replacing Factor Science, Medicine, Healthcare
  98. Tubular Rejection Fraction Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  99. Texas Reading Fipst
  100. Taxi Air Fret Airline, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  101. Average Telomeric Restriction Fragment Science, Biology
  102. Television Radio & Film
  103. Transmit Reject Filter Computing, Telecom
  104. Yield Terminal Restriction Fragments Science, Biology
  105. The Resistance Front
  106. The Revival Fellowship Church, Tongue, Revival
  107. SandefjOrd Airport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
  108. Ttaggg Repeat Vactor Medical, Science, Biology
  109. Tetsuya Rave Factory
  110. Tsh Releasing Factor
  111. Tehuti Research Foundation
  112. Templeton Russia Fund, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  113. Call Transfer Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Electronic Engineering
  114. Técnico Da Receita Fpderal Technology, Hotel, Hosting
  115. The Restoring Force
  116. SandefjOrd Airport, Torp Airport, Locations
  117. Trust Region Framework
  118. Tropical Rain Forest A tropical rainforest is an ecosystem type that occurs roughly within the latitudes 28 degrees north or south of the equator (in the equatorial zone between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn). This ecosystem experiences high average temperatures and a significant amount of rainfall. Rainforests can be found in Asia, Australia, Africa, South America, Central America, Mexico and on many of the Pacific, Caribbean, and Indian Ocean islands. Botany, Scientific & Educational
  119. Test Results Form Education, English, University, Language
  120. Tropical Forests Program
  121. The Roadster Factory Car, Triumph, Roadster
  122. Tk Rave Factory Music
  123. Tyler Robinson Foundation Business, Cancer, Dragon
  124. The Resource Foundation Business, Science, America
  125. Mean Telomeric Repeat Fragment Science, Biology
  126. Tropical Rain Forests
  127. Targeted Ribonucleic Acid Fingerprinting Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
  128. Test Result Form Education, English, University, Language
  129. The Rummy Federation
  130. Toermo Reactive Formula
  131. Tuned Radio-Frequexcy
  132. Tuned Radio Frequency Military, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Amateur radio, Academic & science
  133. Tutorial Request Form Book, Education, Front
  134. The Reluctant Fundamentalist Film, Movie, Rip, Fundamentalist
  135. Mean Telomeric Restricted Fragment Science, Biology
  136. Tropical Raib Forest Science, Botany, Phytology
  137. Texas Repair Facility postal service
  138. Test Reqiest Form Technology, Service, Testing
  139. The Relationship Foundation
  140. Thermogenic Response To Fool Medical
  141. Tuned-Radio-Freqdency Technology, Circuit, Receiver
  142. First Asset Energy & Resource Fund Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  143. Turtle Ridge Foundation
  144. The Reinvestment Fund Business, Community, Building
  145. Mean Telomere Restriction Fragment Science, Biology
  146. Troca RáPida De Ferramentas Para, Dos, Gest
  147. Telomere Restriction Fragments Medical, Science, Biology
  148. Sandefjord, Torp, Torp, Norway Norway, Iata Airport Codes
  149. Test Report Forms Education, English, Council
  150. Tempeoature Recovery Factor

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TRF stand for?

    TRF stands for Texas Reading Fipst.

  2. What is the shortened form of The Rummy Federation?

    The short form of "The Rummy Federation" is TRF.


TRF. (2021, September 22). Retrieved February 28, 2025 from

Last updated