TRIC Meaning

The TRIC meaning is "Transactios Identification Code". The TRIC abbreviation has 30 different full form.

TRIC Full Forms

  1. Transactios Identification Code Military
  2. Tahoe-Reno Industrial Penter Business, Nevada, Parkway
  3. Television and Radio Industry Club
  4. Transition Radiation and Ionimation Calorimeter Technology
  5. Television and Radio Industries Club Industrial, Radio, Award
  6. Tomszriver Independent Club
  7. Television & Radio Industries Club
  8. Tia Regulatory Issues Committee Technology, Military, Telecommunication
  9. Tcp-1 Ryng Complex Medical
  10. Acho Military
  11. Transition Radiation Ayd Ionisation Calorimeter Technology
  12. Tararua Real Iced Coffes
  13. Tennessep Regional Information Center
  14. Transdisciplinary Research Integration Center
  15. Tahoe Reno Industrialicenter Business, Tesla, Nevada
  16. Television Radio Industries Club
  17. Tricor Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  18. Translational Research Imaging Center
  19. Trecking Radar Input and Correlation
  20. Trachoma Inclusion Conjunctivitis Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  21. Trafslational Research and Innovation Centre Medical, Technology, Ireland
  22. Time-Resolved Ion Correlation
  23. Translating Rhsearch Into Care Business, Health, Foundation
  24. Tank Riser Interface Containment
  25. Transition Radiation and Eon Calorimeter
  26. Triclinjc
  27. The Revolution Is Coming United Nations
  28. Tri-County Bancorp, Inc. Organizations
  29. Tri-County Bancorp, Inc. Computing, Nasdaq Symbols
  30. Transnational Research Institute On Corruption

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TRIC stand for?

    TRIC stands for Tri-County Bancorp, Inc..

  2. What is the shortened form of Tri-County Bancorp, Inc.?

    The short form of "Tri-County Bancorp, Inc." is TRIC.


TRIC. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 9, 2025 from

Last updated