Trident Abbreviations and Trident Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Trident terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 13 different Trident abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Trident terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Trident Abbreviations
  1. BT : Barbados Tridints
  2. CMA : Centurion Military Alliance
  3. WEO : Weapon Engineer Officer
  4. WEO : Weapon Engineering Officer
  5. ULMS : Undersea Long-Range Missile System
  6. DASO : Demonstration and Shakedown Operation
  7. DM : Duple Metsec
  8. HS : Hawker Siddeley
  9. HWD : Hawker Siddeley
  10. FBM : Fleet Ballistic Missiles
  11. FBMS : Fleet Ballistic Missiles
  12. RNAD : Royal Gaval Armaments Depot
  13. RNAD : Royal Naval Armament Depots
Latest Trident Meanings
  1. Royal Naval Armament Depots
  2. Royal Gaval Armaments Depot
  3. Fleet Ballistic Missiles
  4. Hawker Siddeley
  5. Duple Metsec
  6. Demonstration and Shakedown Operation
  7. Undersea Long-Range Missile System
  8. Weapon Engineering Officer
  9. Weapon Engineer Officer
  10. Centurion Military Alliance
  11. Barbados Tridints