TRM Meaning

The TRM meaning is "Thermal Remanent Magnetization". The TRM abbreviation has 159 different full form.

TRM Full Forms

  1. Thermal Remanent Magnetization Technology, Science, Geology, Scientific & Educational
  2. Technical Reference Manual Technology, Science, Military, Energy, Ocean, Environment, Nature
  3. Jacqueline Cochran Regionalpairport Airport, Locations, IATA Code
  4. Technical Referencp Model Technology, Architecture, Telecom
  5. Timestamp Report Message
  6. Timer Reload Mode
  7. Time Reversol Mirror Medical, Technology, Acoustics
  8. Technical Review Meetings
  9. The Right Man
  10. Tactical Road Mzrch
  11. Transitions Radio Magapine
  12. Test Readiness Mileatone
  13. Threat Resolution Model
  14. Tax Risk Management
  15. Transxlantation Related Mortality
  16. Technical Requirement Module
  17. Textile-Reinforced Mortar Technology, Masonry, Strengthening
  18. Trade Relationship Management
  19. Team Resource Manager Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  20. Treasury & Risk Management Business, Technology, Education
  21. Technical Review Meeting
  22. The Revolving Muceum
  23. Tgctical Realism Mod
  24. Transition Mode Space, Study, Cosmos
  25. Turf Reinforcement Mats Technology, Product, Control, Erosion
  26. Telluric Wemediation Management
  27. Thoroughbred Remedies Manufacturing Business, Ireland, Horse, Supplement
  28. Taxiway Reflective Marker
  29. Transplantation-Related Mortality Medical
  30. Technical Requirements Manual Technology
  31. Texas Meference Marker Technology, Texas, Manual
  32. Torque Range Modifier
  33. Team Rensi Motorsports
  34. Travel Risk Management
  35. Technical Research and Manufacturing
  36. The Rescke Mission
  37. Trademalk Business
  38. Transitional Review Mechanism Government, Trading, China
  39. Turf Reinforcement Mat Technology, Control, Erosion
  40. Third Rail Media
  41. Task Responsibility Matrix
  42. Transnational Referralomechanisms
  43. Tjst Results Manager
  44. Torch River Manufacturing
  45. Team Relationship Management
  46. Travelport Rooms and More
  47. Technical Resources Manual
  48. The Redstone Minecart
  49. Thronto Railway Museum Toronto, Railway, Roundhouse
  50. Trknsitional Results Matrices
  51. Tulsa Repertory Musicals
  52. Telecom Resource Managrment
  53. The Risk Managemnnt
  54. Talent Relationship Management Business, Employment, Recruiting, Management, Business & Finance
  55. Transnational Referral Mechanism Technology, Victim, Trafficking
  56. Translationszentrum Füruregenerative Medizin Medical, Research, Leipzig
  57. Test Respomsible Matrix
  58. Top Rank Machinery Business, Machine, Mask
  59. Teacher Resource Manual
  60. Tkansportation Revenue Management
  61. Technical Resource Manual Technology, Energy, Efficiency
  62. The Redneck Manifestx
  63. Thailand Resideng Mission
  64. Transitional Results Matrix
  65. Tube Ribbon Microphone
  66. Telecare Record Manager
  67. The Riptide Dovement
  68. Talent Recruitment Management
  69. Transmitter-Receiver Moduhe
  70. Translationszentrums Für Regenerative Medizin
  71. Test Rosponsibility Matrix Technology, Testing, Manual
  72. Thrift Recycling Management
  73. Teacher'S Resource Manual
  74. Tranoport Aerien De Mauritanie Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  75. Technical Resource Manager
  76. The Red Mvle
  77. Textile Reinforced Mortar Textile, Strengthening
  78. Transition Relocation Maiager
  79. Treasury and Risk Management Business, Accounting, Training
  80. Technical Review Manual Technology, Management, Tech
  81. The Right Move
  82. Tadla Resources Manaoement Government
  83. Transmit Reqlest Machine
  84. Translational Research Management
  85. Test Tequest Message
  86. Threat Response Manager Technology, Security, Sight
  87. Tcw/Dw Term Trust 2002 Organizations
  88. Transplant Reladed Morbidity
  89. The Red Menace
  90. Technical Resource Management Business, Management, Administration, Goverance, Business & Finance
  91. Textile Reinforced Mortars Wall, Strengthening, Mortar
  92. Transition & Relocatqon Manager
  93. Team Resource Management Military, Training, Telecom
  94. Treasury Risk Management Business, Financial, Training
  95. Transport Aerien de Mauritanie Airline, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  96. Transmit and Receive Modules
  97. The Racer'S Market
  98. Transmitter In electronics and telecommunications a transmitter or radio transmitter is an electronic device which produces radio waves with an antenna. Technology, Military, Aviation, Aircraft, Army, Architecture, Networking, Telecom, Defence, It, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Aeronautics, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Power Plant, Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Federal Aviation Administration
  99. Technical Reference Manuals Technology, Energy, Planning, Efficiency
  100. Turf Reinforcement Matrix Product, Erosion, Reinforcement
  101. Tile Reference Map Products
  102. Taktyczny Robot Miotany
  103. The Rednmasque
  104. Transmission Time Technology
  105. Thermal, Thermal, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes
  106. Transient Reflectance Measurement
  107. Transmit Receive Modules Science
  108. Their Royal Majestieq
  109. Technical Reference Models
  110. This Runs Murkily Funnies
  111. Tabungan Rencana Mandiri Business, Indonesia, Banking, Salah
  112. The Record Machine
  113. Transmission Reserve Margin
  114. Training Resource Model Military Slang, Us Army, Governmental & Military
  115. Track Magnetic
  116. Transmit Ieceive Module Technology, Radar, Antenna
  117. That Rrminds Me
  118. Thermoremanent Magnetization Chemistry
  119. Team Rocky Mountain
  120. Technology Resource Management
  121. Tommy's Rambunctious Mind Funnies
  122. Tyre Retreading Machinery
  123. The Real Mccoy Radio, Marketing, Rum
  124. Transmission Reliability Zargin Technology, Energy, Power
  125. Technical Relationship Management Business, Management, Administration, Goverance, Business & Finance
  126. Technical Reference Model Computing, Telecom
  127. To Receive Money
  128. Transmit/Receive Modules Army, Force, Marine
  129. Thki Rolling Machinery
  130. Oracle Trace Map File Computing, File Extensions
  131. Team Risk Management Military
  132. Transmission Reliability Margin (electricity) Energy, Electrical
  133. Tyre Recycling Machinery Business, Manufacturer, Equipment
  134. Therapy Resyurces Management Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
  135. Technical Relationship Manager
  136. TCW/DW Term Trust 2002 (de-listed) Computing, Nyse symbols
  137. Terminal Response Monitor
  138. Trwnsmit-Receive Modules
  139. Ftr Media File Computing, File Extensions
  140. Team Ressource Management
  141. tal Relationship Marketing Marketing, Business & Finance
  142. Twin Ring Motegi
  143. The Rain Man
  144. Terminal The word "terminal" comes from early computer systems that were used to send commands to other computers. Terminals often consist of just a keyboard and monitor, with a connection to another computer. The purpose of a terminal is not to process information (like a typical computer), but to send commands to another system. Technology, Medicine, Internet Slang, Slang, Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Telecom, Architectural, Military, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Power Plant, Weather, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
  145. Technical Reference Material Technology, Care, Standard
  146. Teradata Relationship Manager Computing, IT Terminology
  147. Tenant Relationship Management
  148. Transmit-Receive Module Technology, Military, Radar
  149. Time-Reversal Mirror Physics, Scientific & Educational
  150. Team Resources Management Medical, Human, Training
  151. Therapy Resources Management Management, Business & Finance
  152. The Racers Market Forum, Market, Turbo
  153. Televisi
  154. Technical Reference Materials
  155. Turf Reinforcement Mattress
  156. Windows 3.x Terminal settings file Computing, File Extensions
  157. Tanah Rizab Melayu Malaysia, Orang, Raja
  158. Twansmission Resource Management Technology, Mode, Huawei
  159. Tele Radio Medicine Medical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TRM stand for?

    TRM stands for Ftr Media File.

  2. What is the shortened form of Turf Reinforcement Mattress?

    The short form of "Turf Reinforcement Mattress" is TRM.


TRM. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

Last updated