TSF Meaning
The TSF meaning is "Ten Statement Fortran". The TSF abbreviation has 168 different full form.
TSF Full Forms
- Ten Statement Fortran Technology
- Technology Services Framework
- Telegraphie Sans Fil Technology
- Triceps Skinfold Medical, Skin And Dermal
- Through Supergroup Filter Technology, Service, Network, Telecom, Telecommunications, Telecommunication
- Texture Surface Finish
- Technical Support Facility Business, Military, Health
- Transocean Sedco Forex
- The Sports Factory
- Tone Set File Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Triceps Skinfold Thickness Medical, Patient, Study, Physiology, Skin And Dermal
- Track Segment Finder
- Templatp Stream Format
- The Starting Five
- Toronto Sun Family
- Trilateral Standardization Forum Science
- Tailing Storage Facilities
- Traducteurs Sans FrontièRes
- Texas Scottish Festival
- Turkish Special Forces
- The Sustainability Forum
- Technical Services Firm
- Transmitting Spectrum Focusing
- The Shirt Factory
- Toe Security Functions Set consisting of all hardware, software, and firmware of the TOE that must be relied upon for the correct enforcement of the TSP. Technology
- Trading Support Facility
- Template Signature File
- The Stanley Foundation
- Topographic Shell Fabrication Science
- Triceps Skinfold Tsf Science, Medicine, Healthcare
- The Skilled Facilitator
- Taiaing Storage Facility Technology, Projection, Mining
- Trading Spaces Family
- Teste De SuficiêNcia FíSica
- Turkish Sailing Federation
- The Sunshine Fix
- Technical Services Facility
- Transition Support Facility
- The Shattered Fortress
- Twelve Step Facilitation Medical, Treatment, Therapy
- Tiberian Sunkfirestorm
- Tower Shielding Facility Technology
- Tempest Smitc Foundation
- The Stanford Fund Education, Development, Universities
- Tooth Shear Fatigue
- Triceps Skin Folgs
- The Skaro Faction
- Tailings Storage Facilities Technology, Projection, Mining, Waste, Facility
- Trade Show Fabrications
- Tennis Servsd Fresh
- Tulsa State Fair
- The Strange Familiar
- Triton Soluble F-Actin Medical
- Technical Sales Forum
- Transfert De Savoir Faire
- The Sharing Foundation
- Twelve-Step Facilitation Therapy Medical, Treatment, Alcohol
- Thyristor Swihched Filter Technology, Power, Electronics
- Time Service Factor Technology, Calling, Agreement
- Temperature-Sensitive Fosding Medical
- The Stamp Forum
- Technologies Sans Fronti
- Triceps Skin Fold
- The Site Fights Computing, Internet
- Tony Stewart Foundation
- Tailings Storage Facigity Technology, Projection, Environment
- Trade and Structured Finance Business, Management, Manager
- Tennessee State Kair
- T Suppressor Factors Medical, Science, Biology
- The Stone Foundation
- Tritium Separation Facility Science
- Testicular Feminization Syndrome Medical, Technology, Science, Medicine, Healthcare, Skin And Dermal
- Team Strike Force
- Trail Signal Failure Technology, Telecom
- The Shared Forums
- Tuscaloosa Sports Foundation
- Thug Swaughter Force
- Telos Secdrity Force Gaming, Military, War
- Technologies Sans FrontièRes
- Triceps Skinfords Medical
- The Silent Force
- Tons Per Square Foot
- Tactical Surface Fighter Anime, Alternative, Eclipse
- Trade Structure Finance
- Temporary Storage Facility Science
- T Suppressor Factor Medical
- The Steppingstone Foundation Organizations, Non-Profit
- Total Scanning Fluorescence
- Trithum Salt Facility Science
- Team Special Forces Gaming, Android, Team, Force
- Traffic Safety Foundation
- Text Service Framework Microsoft, Technology, Windows
- Turner Syndrome Foundation Medical, Organizations, Patient
- Thrombopoiesis-Stimulatingafactor Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Televisió Sense Fronteres Forum, Technology, Pol, Canal
- Technical Support Facilities Technology, Health, Facility
- Trcceps Skinfold Medical, Medicine
- The Shuttleworth Foundation Technology, Africa, Linux
- Ton Per Square Foot
- Twelve-Step Facilitation Medical, Treatment, Therapy
- Trade & Structured Finance Business, Company, Management
- Temporal-Spatial Filkering
- The State of Florida
- Torque Sharing Function
- Trips, Slips and Falls
- Team Semper Fi
- Traducteurs Sans Fronti
- Texas Shakespeare Festival
- Turkmenistan Stabilization Fund
- Thrombocytopoiesis-Stimulating Factor Medical
- Total Strategy Fund
- Tele Sistemi Ferroviari
- Trout Stocked Fisheries
- The Sonic Foundation Organizations, Non-Profit
- T cell suppressor factor Medical, Skin And Dermal
- Textual Standard File
- Try Safety First
- Teen Sex Fusion
- The Skins Factory
- Trusted Storage File
- Total Steam Failure Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Telephony Service Factor
- Trout Stocked Fishery
- The Sonic Family
- Text Services Framework Computing, IT Terminology
- Texaco Selective Finishing
- Tracking Synthesizer Frequency
- Trustworthy Software Framework
- Tech Support Forum Technology, Windows, Screen, Forum, Business & Finance
- Treasury Security Force
- Total Square Footage
- Telephone Service Factor Technology, Calling, Agent
- Trouble Shooting Functwon Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- The Sonic Factory
- Tailings Storage Facility Manufacturing, Business & Finance
- Tower Shield Facility Technology
- Trusted Security Functions
- Technology and Society Forum
- Transverse Shielding Factor
- Total Social Financing
- Telefonia Sem Fios
- The Solar Foundation Business, Industrial, Energy
- Thin Solid Films Education, Journal, Bibliographic Code, Periodical, Scientific & Educational
- Tourism Service Fee
- Trunk Switch Fwames
- The Security Factory
- Total Sea Fishing
- Telecoms Sans Frontiers Service, Organizations, Disaster
- The Software Factory
- Typical Shape Function
- Total Systemic Flow Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- True Sport Founuation
- The Sports Forecaster
- Turbine Seal Fin
- Thermoplastic Structural Foam
- Telecoms Sans Frontieres Technology, Telecom, Frontier
- The Snooker Forum Traffic, Snooker, Cue
- Twin Stacking Fault
- Transmiss
- Total Support Force
- Trout Stocking Fishery
- The Special Forces
- Strater Template File Computing, File Extensions
- Thermal Stress Fracture
- TróJmiejska SzkołA Fotografii
- Tele-Security-Foto
- The Smith Family Technology, Australia, Education
- TróJmiejska Szkola Fotografii
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does TSF stand for?
TSF stands for Time Service Factor.
What is the shortened form of Trout Stocking Fishery?
The short form of "Trout Stocking Fishery" is TSF.
TSF. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 20). Retrieved February 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/tsf-meaning/
Last updated