TT in Computing Meaning

The TT meaning in Computing terms is "Temperature". There are 14 related meanings of the TT Computing abbreviation.

TT on Computing Full Forms

  1. Temperature In thermodynamics, the integrating factor of the differential equation referred to as the first law of thermodynamics. In statistical mechanics, a measure of translational molecular kinetic energy. In general, the degree of hotness or coldness as measured on some definite temperature scale by means of any of various types of thermometers.
  2. Teletypewriter
  3. Trinidad and Tobago
  4. Target Tracker
  5. Text-Telephone
  6. Text Telephones
  7. Visual Studio Text Template
  8. Teletype
  9. Turing Text
  10. Tiny Telephone
  11. Touch Tone
  12. Transtechnology Corporation
  13. Techno Terminal
  14. Take That

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TT stand for Computing?

    TT stands for Take That in Computing terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Trinidad and Tobago in Computing?

    The short form of "Trinidad and Tobago" is TT for Computing.


TT in Computing. (2022, April 22). Retrieved January 15, 2025 from

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