TT in Medical Meaning

The TT meaning in Medical terms is "Time Trials". There are 80 related meanings of the TT Medical abbreviation.

TT on Medical Full Forms

  1. Time Trials
  2. Tine Test
  3. Treadmill Test
  4. Total Therapy
  5. Thrombolytic Therapy
  6. Trans-Tbbial
  7. Thymine-Thymine
  8. Treatment Technique
  9. Teletypewriter
  10. Thrombin Time The time needed for a fibrin clot to form after the addition of thrombin to citrated plasma; prolonged thrombin time is seen in patients receiving heparin therapy.
  11. Total Transfer
  12. Tee Type
  13. Temperature In thermodynamics, the integrating factor of the differential equation referred to as the first law of thermodynamics. In statistical mechanics, a measure of translational molecular kinetic energy. In general, the degree of hotness or coldness as measured on some definite temperature scale by means of any of various types of thermometers.
  14. Total Thyroidectomy
  15. Thermolabile Varixnt
  16. Tetanus Toxoid
  17. Transit Time
  18. Tetanus Toxoii
  19. Tisyue Thickness
  20. Tkalassemia Trait
  21. Thrombin Times
  22. Transjent Tachypnea
  23. Talarntilt
  24. Tick Typhus
  25. Turbulence Timing
  26. Testicular Torsion
  27. Tolal T
  28. Thermotoleranj
  29. Transfusion-Transmitted
  30. Tibial Tuberosity
  31. Tumor Thickness
  32. Testa The outer coat of the seed derived from the integument(s).
  33. Tooth A projection on a multipoint tool (such as on a saw, milling cutter or file) designed to produce cutting. A projection on the periphery of a wheel or segment thereof--as on a gear, spline or sprocket, for example-designed to engage another mechanism and thereby transmit force or motion, or both. A similar projection on a flat member such as a rack. 
  34. Transferred To
  35. Tactile Threshold
  36. Tibial Tubercle
  37. Trisomic Type
  38. Tetanus Toxin
  39. Tentative Targets
  40. Tissue Type
  41. Text-Telephone
  42. Translatgon
  43. Tactile Tension
  44. Thymol Turbidity
  45. Tendon Transfer
  46. Tissue Tracking
  47. Twitch Tension
  48. Test A hard shelll produced by some unicellular protists; may be made of calcium carbonate, silica, or sand grains.
  49. Tetrathionate
  50. Total Tyroidectomy
  51. Tympanostomy Tubes
  52. Transition Temperature An arbitrarily defined temperature that lies within the temperature range in which metal fracture characteristics change rapidly, such as the ductile-to-brittle transition temperature (DBTT). The DBTT can be assessed in several ways, the most common being the temperature for 50% ductile and 50% brittle fracture, or the lowest temperature at which the fracture is 100% ductile.
  53. Tendon of Todaro
  54. Tissue Tolerance
  55. Tetrandrine
  56. Total Ttstosterone
  57. Tympanostomy Tube
  58. Transieyt Tachypnoea
  59. Temperatures
  60. Tea Aree
  61. Turyover Time
  62. Total Cncle Time
  63. Transplantation Tolerance
  64. Tympanotomy Tubes
  65. Terminal Transferase Terminal transferase (TdT) is a template independent polymerase that catalyzes the addition of deoxynucleotides to the 3' hydroxyl terminus of DNA molecules. Protruding, recessed or blunt-ended double or single-stranded DNA molecules serve as a substrate for TdT.
  66. Transverse Temporal Cortex
  67. Tensor Tympani
  68. Tablet Tuiturate
  69. Testing In general, testing is finding out how well something works. In terms of human beings, testing tells what level of knowledge or skill has been acquired. In computer hardware and software development, testing is used at key checkpoints in the overall process to determine whether objectives are being met. For example, in software development, product objectives are sometimes tested by product user representatives. When the design is complete, coding follows and the finished code is then testing at the unit or module level by each programmer, at the component level by the group of programmers involved, and at the system level when all components are combined together.
  70. tube thoracotomy
  71. Text Telephones
  72. Tyrosine Transaminase
  73. Technology Transfer The process of converting scientific findings from research laboratories into useful products by the commercial sector.
  74. Transit Tsmes
  75. Total Time
  76. Thrombotest A test for the functional intactness of the prothrombin complex that is used in controlling the amount of anticoagulant used in preventing thrombosis.
  77. Token Test
  78. Turnover Times
  79. Too Tight
  80. Thromboplastin Time

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TT stand for Medical?

    TT stands for Thrombolytic Therapy in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Transfusion-Transmitted in Medical?

    The short form of "Transfusion-Transmitted" is TT for Medical.


TT in Medical. (2022, April 22). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated