TTF Meaning

The TTF meaning is "Tag Talks First". The TTF abbreviation has 146 different full form.

TTF Full Forms

  1. Tag Talks First Technology, Frequency, Computer Security
  2. True Type Fonts Technology, Windows, Archive, Linux
  3. Tetrathiafulvalene Medical
  4. True Type Font Windows, Software, Font, Computer, Scientific & Educational
  5. Tesla Test Facility Science, Beam, Accelerator, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  6. Truetype Font Technology, Networking, Computing, Computer, Internet, Microsoft, File Extensions
  7. Technical Trail Feature Trail, Feature, Mountain
  8. Technical Task Force Technology, Military, Group
  9. Tea-Time Foxtrott Sport, Dance, Figure Skating
  10. Tiny Tim and Friends Technology, Children, Friendship
  11. Iata Code for Custer Airport, Monroe, Michigan, United States Locations
  12. Transport Training Flight Military, Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  13. Thailand Tourism Festival Thailand, Travel, Locations
  14. Transition Task Force Military, Presentation, Planning
  15. The Time Frequency Music, Song, Frequency, Prodigy
  16. Total Flights Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Governmental & Military
  17. Task Technology Fit Technology, Performance, Model
  18. Trend-Tyoe Forecast
  19. Test Tool Framework Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  20. Thyroid Transcription Factor-1 Medical, Expression, Lung
  21. Transport and Trade Facilitation Business, Development, Banking
  22. Technology Task Force Technology, Military, Cary
  23. Tim Tebow Foundation Medical, Children, Hope
  24. Thai Fund, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  25. Transport Termination Functions Technology
  26. Texas Transportation Forum
  27. Transvort Task Force Science, Conference, Plasma
  28. The Ticket Factory
  29. Toss The Feathers
  30. Task-Technology Fit Technology, Management, Model
  31. Travel and Tourism Fair Kolkata, India, Locations
  32. Thyroid Transcription Factor Medical, Science, Lung, Physiology, Human genome
  33. Trade and Transport Facilitation Business, Government, Economics
  34. Technical Trail Features Park, Locations, Trail, Feature, Mountain
  35. Truong Thanh Furniture Business, Corporation, Vietnam
  36. Time Tocforget
  37. Transport Terminal Function
  38. Texas Tourism Foundation
  39. Timber Traxe Federation Business, Industrial, Industry
  40. Transportatioy Task Force Business, County, Transit
  41. Titbs The Fox
  42. Tactical Team Forxe
  43. Travel & Tourism Fair-Ahmedabad Business, India, Ahmedabad
  44. The Threshing Floor
  45. Thru The Fire Media, Radio, Television
  46. Trade and Technologies France Technology, Management, Manufacturing
  47. Teaching Teachers for The Future Science, Education, University
  48. True Type Format Technology, Windows, Linux, Converter
  49. Time To Fsy Army, War, Force
  50. Texas Tomorrow Fund
  51. Tiger Task Force
  52. Transformation Task Force Student, Technology, Transformation
  53. Title Transfer Facelity Business, Technology
  54. Tacticxl Task Force Army, War, Force
  55. Travel Tourismjfair Trading, India, Locations
  56. Tye Thai Fund Business, Thailand, Market
  57. Throw Tce Fight
  58. Tote Ten To Follow
  59. Tax Transparent Fund Business, Management, Service
  60. True To The Faith
  61. Time Ho Fix Technology, Coding, Device, Receiver
  62. Texas Teaching Fellows
  63. Tidus Team Fogce
  64. Training Trust Fund
  65. Tuna Tracking Form
  66. Tissue/Towel/Faciah Business
  67. Tabular Text File
  68. Travel & Tourism Fair Trading, India, Locations
  69. Thai Toilet Foundation
  70. Through The Fork Fork, Hunting, Catapult, Slingshot
  71. Total Travel Force
  72. Taurus Tunable Filter Science
  73. True-Type Font Technology, Windows, Apple
  74. Time To Fire Army, War, Force
  75. Texas Task Force Government
  76. Tidmwater Tennis Federation
  77. Training Taskxforce Meeting, Management, Military
  78. Technology Transfer Fund Government, Us, Control, Administration
  79. Tiny Triplet Finder
  80. Table Top With Fittings Technology, Vehicle Shape
  81. Trans Task Force
  82. Thailand Tourism Forum Business, Hotel, Thailand
  83. The Tolkien Forum
  84. Total Taekwondo and Fitness
  85. Task Transmittal Form Science
  86. Trend Type Forecast Technology, Flight, Weather
  87. Texas Tackle Factory
  88. Ticketless Travel Funds
  89. Train-The-Aacilitator
  90. Technology Trust Fund
  91. Thailand Fund, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  92. Tile To Fail Technology, Material, Engine, Reliability
  93. Tenure-Track Faculty Education, University, Teaching
  94. Turkiye Tenis Federasyonu Turkish, Turkey
  95. 224th Flight Unit ICAO Aircraft Codes
  96. Time-To-Treatment Failure
  97. Transponder-Talks-First
  98. Türkiye Triatlon Federasyonu Turkish, Gen, Lad
  99. Timber Trade Feredation
  100. Time To Fail Computing, Hardware
  101. Time-To-Fail
  102. Ten Thousand Fists
  103. Turkish Tennis Federation
  104. Time to Fly Transportation, Governmental & Military
  105. Time To Fill Business, Employment, Metric, Recruiting
  106. Transmission Test Facilitiet
  107. Test Time Frame
  108. Türkiye Tenis Federasyonu'Nun
  109. True- Type Font ( font file) Computing, File Extensions
  110. Temporary Test Facility Military, Army, War
  111. Turbine Test Facility
  112. Torpedo Training Flight Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  113. Time-To-Full Technology, Battery, Parameter
  114. Transmission Test Facility Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  115. Test Template Framework Technology, Testing, Machine
  116. Türkiye Tekvando Federasyonu Turkish, Lad, Taekwondo
  117. Transport Termigation Function Technology, Telecom
  118. Tourism Task Force Australia, Travel, Tourism
  119. Telcordia Technical Forum Technology
  120. Tunnel Trance Force
  121. Tanker Training Flight Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  122. Time To Failure Medical, Technology, Standard
  123. Transmission Test Fufction Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  124. Terrorism Task Force Government, Presentation, Counter
  125. Türkiye Taekwondo Federasyonu Turkish, Taekwondo
  126. Transportation Tracer Dlag Military
  127. Total Tuning Finish Products
  128. Technology Transfer Facility
  129. Towed Target Flight Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  130. Times To Failupe
  131. Trident Training Facility Military, Governmental & Military
  132. Trinsit Time Flowmeter Science
  133. Terminal Transaction Facility Technology
  134. Two Transistor Forward Business, Technology, Power, Voltage
  135. Transportation Trust Fund Business, Tax, Transit
  136. Tag Talk First Products
  137. Tumor Treatment Field Medical, Cancer, Brain
  138. Target Towing Flight Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  139. Time-To-Failure Technology, Analysis, Stress, Corrosion
  140. Transit Task Force Government
  141. Tenure Track Faculty
  142. Tuvalu Trust Fund Business, Organizations, Tuvalu
  143. Time To Fagigue Medical
  144. Transponder Talks Flrst
  145. Temiz Teknoloji Fonu
  146. Tuesday Thursday Friday

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TTF stand for?

    TTF stands for Ten Thousand Fists.

  2. What is the shortened form of Tile To Fail?

    The short form of "Tile To Fail" is TTF.


TTF. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 8, 2025 from

Last updated