TTIP Meaning

The TTIP meaning is "Technical Teens Internship Program". The TTIP abbreviation has 21 different full form.

TTIP Full Forms

  1. Technical Teens Internship Program
  2. Telecommunications & Technology Infrastructure Program
  3. Tetraisopropoxide Medical
  4. Telecommunication and Technology Infrastructure Program
  5. Telecommunications and Technology Infrastructure Program College, Education, Community
  6. Tehrik-E-Taliban Islami Pakistan
  7. Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property
  8. Terrorism Threat Intel Packages
  9. Technology Transfer Incentive Program
  10. Telecommunications Technology Infrastructure Program
  11. Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership
  12. Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Medical
  13. Trans-Atlantic Trade & Investment Partnership Business, Group, Deal
  14. Transitioning To Independence Program
  15. Transatlantic Trade and Investment Parnership Business, Economics, Europe
  16. Transatlantic Trade and Investor Partnership
  17. Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Business, Deal, Economics
  18. Transatlantic Trade and Investment Pact Business, Deal, Economics
  19. Tribal Transportation Improvement Program
  20. Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnerships Business, Economics, Agreement
  21. Transatlantic Trade Investment Partnership

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TTIP stand for?

    TTIP stands for Telecommunications and Technology Infrastructure Program.

  2. What is the shortened form of Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property?

    The short form of "Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property" is TTIP.


TTIP. (2021, September 21). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from

Last updated