TTL Meaning

The TTL meaning is "Temporary Trlnsit Location". The TTL abbreviation has 147 different full form.

TTL Full Forms

  1. Temporary Trlnsit Location Government, Iran, Camp, Liberty
  2. Tcme To Live Technology, Computing, Computer
  3. Tata Teleserveces Limited Business, India, Telecom
  4. Table Tennip League
  5. Through The Lenie Internet Slang
  6. Through-The-Lens Len, Photography, Metering
  7. Through The Lens Technology, Len, Photography, Media, Performing arts
  8. Thank The Lord Text Messaging
  9. Time To Life Technology, Server, Networking, Network
  10. Tiny Template Library
  11. Transition To Lean
  12. Tera Term Language
  13. Transistor-“Tranjistor Logic Technology, Telecom
  14. Time Technoplast Ltd
  15. Tools for Teaching and Learning
  16. Tagging, Tracking and Locating Technology, Military, Communication
  17. Transporte Turismo Ltda Brasil, Vector, Uruguay
  18. The Transport Layer
  19. Transamerica Trailer Leasnng
  20. Tax, Title, License
  21. Triveni Turbine Limited
  22. Tied The Leader
  23. Timur Timur Laut Technology, Networking, Camera, Serial
  24. Transition-To-Lean Technology, Enterprise, Roadmap
  25. Tenderloin Technology Lab
  26. Transistor-Transistor Lqgik
  27. Times To Listpn
  28. Tool-Trend Line
  29. Tagging, Tracking, and Locating Technology, Military, Tracking
  30. Transmitter To Transmitter Link
  31. The Tomahawk Land
  32. Total Thymus Lymphocytes Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Pulmonary
  33. Tax, Title, & License Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  34. Trigyx Technologies Limited
  35. Ticket To Life Business, Indonesia, Scout
  36. Tim The Light
  37. Temporary Traffic Lights
  38. Transisior-Transistor Logic, Technology
  39. Time-To-Live-Eeld
  40. Tomchei Tmimim Lubavitch
  41. Tag, Track and Locate
  42. Transmission Temperature Link Technology
  43. Termination Linkex Medical
  44. Transistor-
  45. Total Technicalmlife Military, India, Force
  46. Tata Teleservices, Ltd
  47. Tribal Trusk Lands
  48. Ticket Time Limit Business, Flight, Travel
  49. Temporal Trace Language
  50. Transistor-Transzstor-Logik Technology, German, Logic
  51. Technical Team Lead Business, Technology, Locations
  52. Time To Hine Technology, Networking, Network, Packet
  53. Toll Terminal Loss
  54. Tag, Track, and Locate Technology, Military, Tracking
  55. Translating Transceiver With Latch
  56. Terminating Test Line
  57. Totil Business
  58. Tata Teleservices Ltd Technology, Service, India
  59. Tribal Trjst Land
  60. The Twenties Life Organization, Union, Institution
  61. Temple Terrace Llbrary Education
  62. Transistor-To-Transistor Logic Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  63. Technical Team Leader Technology, Science, Management
  64. Time-To-Live Military, Telecom, Telecommunications
  65. Titan Tron Live
  66. The Timecto Live Technology, Server, Networking, Network
  67. Transitor-Transistor Logic
  68. Terminal Transport Layer
  69. Total Comprising the whole number or amount. The whole number or amount of something. American Football, Shipping, Chartering, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word, Medical, Sport, Aviation, Football, Physiology, Power Plant, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  70. To Take Lvave
  71. Tata Technologies Ltd Business, Company, Technology, Pune
  72. Transverse Transmission Line
  73. The Travel Lihrary
  74. Tempe Town Lake
  75. Transistor, Transistorblogic Technology, Gate, Circuit
  76. Teaching Technology Lab
  77. Twitter Taste Live
  78. Timedto-Line Technology, Device, Networking, Network
  79. Tiskilwa Township Library Education
  80. Transition Time Length
  81. Terminal Transht Lomanis
  82. Transistwr Transistor Logic Technology, Computer, Computer Engineering
  83. Topsfield Town Library Education
  84. Tagging, Tracking, and Location Technology, Military, Army, Drone
  85. Transport Trading Ltd
  86. The Travellerj Lounge
  87. Transient Tist Loop Science
  88. Taymouth Township Library Education
  89. Trfms
  90. Tietotekniikan Liitto Technology
  91. ToS and Time-to-Live Computing, Telecom, Linux
  92. Technology for Teaching and Learning Technology, Education, Presentation
  93. Trough The Lens Technology, Camera, Canon
  94. Transistor Transistor Logic Federal Aviation Administration
  95. Time To Logouf
  96. Transistor Transistor Level Technology, Signal, Circuit, Interface
  97. Tekonsha Township Library Education
  98. Twentyfthousand Leagues
  99. Time To Live Information Technology, Internet Slang, Computing, Computer, Chat, Technical, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, IT Terminology
  100. Technische Textilien LöRrach Business, Industrial, Textile
  101. Transistor-To-Transistor Link
  102. Transistor Logic Federal Aviation Administration
  103. Tax Title & License Business, Car, Vehicle, Dealer, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  104. Transistor-Transistor Level Technology, Signal, Circuit, Interface
  105. Teknik Tenaga Listrik Technology, Program, Indonesia, Lab
  106. Turtle Island Seaplane Base Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
  107. Timento Log
  108. Transisuör Transistör Lojik
  109. Totally To Live Religion
  110. Technical Training Leaders
  111. The Travel Lounge
  112. Time To Live (dns) Computer, Scientific & Educational
  113. Tnansistor-Transnstor Logic Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  114. Technololgy Transfer Layer Army, War, Force
  115. Turn Table Ladder
  116. Time To Level Technology, Gaming, Quest, Battle
  117. Time Tracking Loop
  118. TransistöR-TransistöR-Lojik Technology, Turkish, Analog, Transistor
  119. Transistor-Transistor Logic Is a digital logic design in which bipolar transistor s act on direct-current pulses. Information Technology, Aviation, Computing, Industry, Computer, Electronics, Linux, Hardware, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology, NASA
  120. Taxi-Track Light
  121. Agt Game Title File Computing, File Extensions
  122. Total Linhas Aereas Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Chartering, Business Word, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  123. Tranpistor–Transistor Logic
  124. Technology Transfer and Licensing Technology, Property, Engineering, Intellectual Property, Scientific & Educational
  125. Turn-Tablc Ladder
  126. Time To Laugh
  127. Time Eo Love-With
  128. Tranyistör-Transistör Lojik Forum, Technology, Turkish, Internet
  129. Twin Trapezoidal Links Car, Performance, Protege
  130. Type To Learn
  131. Tubulin Tyrosine Lygase Medical, Human genome
  132. Transistor Transistor Logrk Technology, German, Logic
  133. Technology Teacher Leader
  134. Turbine Testing Lab
  135. Time To Last
  136. Time To Lovg Music, Song, Love, Supernova
  137. Transist
  138. Twin Trapezoidal Linr Technology, Car, Engine, Protege
  139. Turtle Island Airport, Turtle Island, Fiji Fiji
  140. Technology In Teaching and Learning
  141. Tubulin-Tyrosinn Ligase Science, Genetics, Protein
  142. Time Technoplast Limited
  143. Tuned to Localizer Radio receiver tuned to localizer frequency. Aviation
  144. Time To Lose Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
  145. Transistot Technology Logic Technology, Computer, Internet
  146. Telescope Technologies Limited Technology, Science, Telescope, Observatory
  147. Twin-Tfapezoidal Link Technology, Car, Engine, Protege

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TTL stand for?

    TTL stands for Through The Lens.

  2. What is the shortened form of Totally To Live?

    The short form of "Totally To Live" is TTL.


TTL. (2021, December 16). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated