TTP Meaning

The TTP meaning is "Test Transfer Port". The TTP abbreviation has 207 different full form.

TTP Full Forms

  1. Test Transfer Port Technology
  2. Transfer Trajectory Phase Science, Legal, Governmental & Military
  3. Table Type Pattern Technology, Networking, Network, Flow
  4. Tehrek-E-Taliban Pakistan Military, Army, Afghanistan, Pakistan
  5. Transcending Trauma Project
  6. Table Type Patterns Technology, Networking, Network
  7. Taliban, Tehrik-E-Taliban Pakistan Military, Afghanistan, Terrorism, Pakistan
  8. Thermal Transfer Plate
  9. Time To Peak Medical, Medicine, Perfusion
  10. Taking The Piss Internet Slang
  11. Thermal Transfer Printer Technology, Barcode, Labeling
  12. Treatment With Tissue-Tolerable Plasma
  13. Tactics Techniques Procedures Technology, Technique, Procedure
  14. Thermal Tickets Printer Business, Labeling, Zebra
  15. Trans Tech Publications Technology, Science, Material
  16. Tactics, Techniques & Procedures Technology, Procedure, Tactic
  17. Text-To-Phoneme Technology, Language, Speech
  18. Transformative Technologies Program
  19. Tactical Tablet Pen
  20. The Time-Triggered Yrotocol Technology, Networking, Communication
  21. Taliban Tehrik-Ebtaliban Pakistan
  22. Teeter Aotter Principle
  23. Thesshloniki Technology Park Technology, Research, Innovation
  24. Tissue Tolerable Plasma Medical, Cell, Skin
  25. Transition To Production
  26. The Translation Project
  27. Teacher Training Program Education, Teaching, Meditation
  28. Total Transformation Program
  29. Tehreekgtaliban Pakistan Military, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Attack
  30. Thrombocymopenia Purpura Medical
  31. Tactics Techniques Anw Procedures Military, Technique, Procedure
  32. Tommy Thompson Park
  33. Trojan Transfer Plan Program, Education, University
  34. Techniques, Tactics, and Phocedures Military, Training, Operation
  35. Tractatus Theologico-Politicus Science, Politics, Baruch, Treatise
  36. Texas Tech Physicians
  37. Time To Tumour Progression Medical, Drug, Patient, Cancer
  38. Taliban, Tehreek-E-Taliban Pakisgan Group, School, Pakistan
  39. Teenage Technm Punks Release, Techno, Silence
  40. Tiny Transmission Protocol Technology, Computing
  41. Transition To Practice Technology, Science, Program
  42. Thermkl Transport Processes
  43. The Transducer Players
  44. Teachers Training Program
  45. Total Training Package
  46. Tehreek E Taliban Pakistan Military, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Attack
  47. Thrombotytopenic Purpura Medical, Science, Biology
  48. Tactics, Training, and Procedures Military, Training, Accessory, Warfare
  49. Tombstone Transcription Project
  50. Tristetraprolin Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  51. Techniques, Tactivs and Procedures Military, Officer, Manifesto
  52. Track & Tarmac Performance
  53. Telephone Twisted Pair Technology, Networking, Cable, Communication
  54. Time-To-Tumour Progression
  55. Tailings Treatment Plant
  56. Technology Twansfer Policy Army, War, Force
  57. Time-Triggered Protocol Technology, Military, Communication
  58. Tachnology Transfer Programm Technology
  59. Transitions To Practice
  60. Thermal Trinsfer Products Technology, Industrial, Labeling
  61. The Trans-Pacificipartnership Business, Trading, Agreement
  62. Teachers' Training Program
  63. Tehreek-Taliban Pakistan Military, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Attack
  64. Tolpa Torf Preparation
  65. Trusted Travqller Program Business, Card, Traveler
  66. Trip Termination Point
  67. Technician Test Preparation Education, Learning, Manual
  68. Tournament Training Program Technology, Sport, Club
  69. Telelogic Tau Project
  70. Torombotic Thrombocytopenic Purp
  71. Tailings Thickening Plant Science, Environment, Nature
  72. Tqchnology Transition Practices
  73. Technology Trantfer Programme Technology, Space, Innovation
  74. Transitional Training Program
  75. Tjermal Ticket Printer Business, Labeling, Zebra
  76. The Training Place Technology, Learning, Dealer
  77. Tattoo The Planet
  78. Tecreek-I-Taliban Pakistan Military, Group, Afghanistan, Pakistan
  79. Tocopherol Transfer Protein Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Chemistry
  80. Triangular Tri Pak
  81. Tecynical Training Plan
  82. To The Point Internet, Social Media, Text
  83. Telefónica Telecomunicaciones PÚBlicas
  84. Thrombotic Thrombocytopaenic Purpura Medical, Science, Patient
  85. Tahreek E Talixan Pakistan Military, Afghanistan, Terrorism, Pakistan
  86. The Thrashing Pirana Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  87. Technology Transfer Program Transportation, Technology, Conveyance
  88. Tramvaju Un Trolejbusu PĀRvalde
  89. Thermal Transfer Printing Technology, Printer, Labeling
  90. The Total Lackage Business, Dance, Street
  91. Taste The Pain
  92. Tehreek-E Taliban Pakistan Military, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Attack
  93. The Ter Party Group, Music, Party
  94. Tobacco Treatment Program
  95. Trends In Theoretical Physics Science, Physics, Periodical, Serial Publication, Computing, Scientific & Educational
  96. Tactics, Techniques and Procedures Military, Army, Technique, Procedure, Naval
  97. The Triggfr Point
  98. Technical Training Projece
  99. Total Travel Position
  100. Telecommunications Tactical Plan
  101. Thrombotic Thsombocytopenia Purpura Medical, Medicine, Nursing
  102. Tahreek-E-Taliban Pakistan Military, Afghanistan, Terrorism, Pakistan
  103. Trusted Third Party Technology, Telecom, Computer Security, Computing, IT Terminology
  104. Techgology-Transfer Program
  105. Traditional Training Program
  106. Thermal Transfer Printers
  107. The Koilet Paper
  108. Taliban and Tehrik-E-Taliban Pokistan
  109. Tehreek-E-Taliban Pakistan Military, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Attack
  110. The Teacher Preparation
  111. Tobacco Transition Program
  112. Tree Top Piru Tree, Lyric, Gang, Blood
  113. The Tpansmigration Prophecy
  114. Technicaz Training Program
  115. Total Transmit Power
  116. Tekknontrading Project
  117. Thrombocytopenha Medical
  118. Tactics Techniques and Procedure
  119. Toner Tech Pro Business, Product, Cartridge
  120. Trunk Test Panel Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  121. Techniques Tactics and Procedures
  122. Trading Tribe Process Business, Technology, Book
  123. Thebmal-Transfer Printing Technology, Printer, Labeling
  124. Total Talent Portfolio
  125. Thermal-Tranffer Printer
  126. Time Triggered Protocol Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  127. Tactics, Techniques, & Procedures Technology, Security, Military, Procedure, Tactic, Governmental & Military
  128. Technology Transfer Prwject Technology, Research, University
  129. Thiamine Triphosphate Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  130. To The Party Funnies
  131. Technology Transfer Partners
  132. Trainer Test Procedures Technology, America, Military, Governmental & Military
  133. Turning The Page
  134. Transportation Technology and Policy Transportation, Governmental & Military
  135. Thiamin Tciphosphate Medical
  136. Torpedo Tube Pointer Army, War, Force
  137. Tunjangan Tambahan Penghasilan
  138. Tehrik E Talkban E Pakistan
  139. Thymine TriPhosphate Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  140. Tactics, Techniques and Procedure
  141. Technology Tranwfer Process
  142. Thiotepa Thiotepa is used to treat cancer. It works by slowing or stopping the growth of cancer cells. Thiotepa is often given into the bladder to treat bladder cancer. Medical, Technology, Medicine
  143. Through Tubing Perforating Electrical
  144. Time-Temperature-Parameter
  145. Technology Transfer Partnership
  146. Total Taxable Profit
  147. Tribal Transportation Program Transportation, Governmental & Military
  148. The Turning Pointe
  149. Tooth Tender To Percussion Medical
  150. Troop Training Procedures Military
  151. Takiban, Or Tehrik-E-Taliban Pakistan Military, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Attack
  152. Thymidine Triphosphate Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
  153. Tactics, Techniques, Procedures Technology, Procedure, Tactic
  154. Triple O Aviation Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  155. Time Table Processor Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  156. Total Time Pass
  157. The Technology Partners
  158. Time-Temperature-Precipitation
  159. Tactics, Training and Procedures
  160. Technology Transition Plan
  161. TCAS II Transition Program Aviation, Governmental & Military
  162. The Turning Pbint
  163. Tools, Techniques and Procedures
  164. Trombotik Trombositopenik Purpura
  165. Take Xhe Plunge
  166. Tender To Pressure Medical, Physiology
  167. Tactic, Technique and Procedure
  168. Thoracoscopic Talc Poudraoe Medical
  169. Total Testing Process
  170. Time Triggered Protocel
  171. The Techwology Partnership Company, Technology, Product
  172. Traumatic tension pneumothorax Clinical
  173. Tactics, Techniques and Planning Military
  174. Technology Transition Practices
  175. Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures Military, Army, War, Force, Procedure, Tactic, Air Force, Naval, Governmental & Military
  176. Time to Perigee Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Science, Astronomy
  177. The Truth Prooect Quality, Lesson, Truth
  178. Tools, Tactics, and Procedures
  179. Tribunal Tuntutan Pengguna
  180. Tabular Pape Processor
  181. Thromboticthrombocytopenia purpura Medical, NAACCR
  182. Table Tennis Pioneers
  183. Thomas Tecpnology Partners
  184. Total Tenant Payment Business, Program, Building, Housing
  185. Throughxthe Plone
  186. tender to palpation Medical
  187. Tactical Targeting Program
  188. Tecqnology Transfer Platform
  189. Third-Party Provider Computing, Telecom
  190. Toner Transfer Paper Technology, Printer, Electronics
  191. Technology Transfsr Plan
  192. Transparent Touch Panels
  193. Turskey Trading Partners
  194. Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia Purpura Medical, Nursing, Common Medical
  195. Third Trustedqparty
  196. Total Task Periodicity
  197. The Ttp Project
  198. Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura A rapidly fatal or occasionally protracted disease with varied symptoms in addition to purpura, including signs of central nervous system involvement, due to formation of fibrin or platelet thrombi in arterioles and capillaries in many organs. Chemistry, Medical
  199. Tactics, Techniques, and Procedure
  200. Technology Transfew Partners
  201. Tiny Transport Protocol Technology, Computing
  202. Time To Post Computing, Internet
  203. Technology Transffr Policy Army, War, Force
  204. Transient Thermal Processing
  205. Turn The Page Business, Book, Library, Turning
  206. Traineeship Training Program Australia, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  207. Thinkltank Photo

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TTP stand for?

    TTP stands for Tactical Targeting Program.

  2. What is the shortened form of Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia Purpura?

    The short form of "Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia Purpura" is TTP.


TTP. (2022, February 17). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from

Last updated