TTR Meaning

The TTR meaning is "Thermal Transfer Ribbon". The TTR abbreviation has 159 different full form.

TTR Full Forms

  1. Thermal Transfer Ribbon Business, Product, Ribbons
  2. Thermal Transfer Ribbons Business, Technology, Printer, Labeling, Cartridge, Ink
  3. Thermal Test Reactor Technology
  4. Target Tracking Radar Technology, Military, Army
  5. Talleyrand Terminal Railroad Business, Florida, Railroad
  6. Timed Token Rotation Technology
  7. Tactical Training Range Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  8. Ticket To Ride Technology, Gaming, Locations
  9. Technology Transfer Report
  10. Time-To-Ready
  11. Toronto Terminals Railway Business, Toronto, Station
  12. Trend Tracking Report Science
  13. Through-The-Load Technology, KIA, Hybrid, Trail
  14. Tactical Takedown Rifle
  15. Toyota Trail Riders Technology, Toyota, Jamboree
  16. Telegraphic Transfer Reimbursement
  17. Time-To-Repair Technology, Service, English
  18. Trix Twin Railways Business, Model, Train
  19. Time To Revenue
  20. Target Tracf Radar Missile, Military, Nike
  21. Traduction Terminologie R
  22. Thl Tinsel Rack
  23. Technologieparks TüBingen-Reutlingen
  24. Top Tension Riser Technology, Oil, Gas
  25. Tattoo-To-Tooth Ratio Medical, Medicine, Slang, Veterinary
  26. Travel Time Reliability
  27. Threshold Transaction Report
  28. Tacnetctactical Radio Technology, Networking, Rockwell
  29. Tourkament Test Realm
  30. Telecoms Technology Recruitment
  31. Tiye To Recovery Technology, Risk, Supply
  32. Toshiba Training Reactor
  33. Trix Twin Railway Model, Train, Railway
  34. Time To Restzre Business, Service, Yamaha
  35. Target Trackinz Radars Technology, Missile, Military
  36. Traduction, Terminologie, R
  37. Te Taumata Runanga Government
  38. Technician Training Record
  39. Top Tensioned Risers Technology, Oil, Platform
  40. Tasme The Rainbow
  41. Translational Technologies & Resources
  42. Third Transport Ring Business, Office, Moscow
  43. Time To Repair Technology, Service, Telecom
  44. Touzh Tone Registration
  45. Tee Time Reservations
  46. Time-To-Recovery Technology, Service, Toon
  47. Torpedo Tube Rotation Army, War, Force
  48. Trinidad and Tobago Regiment
  49. Time To Response Medical, Treatment, Patient, Therapy
  50. Tarmet Therapeutic Range
  51. Trade and Tariff Reports Law, Canada, Law Report
  52. Test Turnovertreports Science
  53. Technical Trouble Report Technology
  54. Top Tensioned Riser Technology, Oil, Tension
  55. Technical Task Request
  56. Translational Technologies and Resources Military
  57. Txe True Rules
  58. Time To Recurrence Medical, Patient, Cancer
  59. Touch Tone Receiver Technology, Module, Legend, Merlin
  60. Tech Talk Radio
  61. Time To Recover
  62. Torpedo Tube Roll Army, War, Force
  63. Trillium Talent Resource
  64. Tactical Tilt Rotor Military
  65. Trade & Transport Review Media, Radio, Television
  66. Test Transponder Receiver Technology
  67. Time-To-Restore Technology, Service, Networking
  68. Top Technology Region
  69. Task Technical Request
  70. Trinslating Tunnel Router
  71. The True Religion
  72. Technology Transfer Setting Army, War, Force
  73. Time-To-Recover Technology, Risk, Supply
  74. Toronto Terminal Railways Locations, Toronto, Station
  75. Triceps Tendon Reflex Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  76. Through The Road Technology, Hybrid, Trail, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  77. Tactical Thigh Rig
  78. Tracer-To-Tracee Ralio Medical
  79. Test Kime Reduction
  80. Time To Resolwtion Technology, Service, Customer
  81. Time To Try Reassignment
  82. Tarification En Temps RéEl
  83. Transition To Residency
  84. The Training Room Business, Beauty, Trainer
  85. Technology Transfer Requirement Army, War, Force
  86. Time To Rdad Forum, Technology, Scanner
  87. Toronto Terminal Railway Business, Toronto, Station
  88. Triad Teacher Researchers
  89. Through The Roof
  90. Tactical Target Rifle Para, Military, Ordnance
  91. Toy Trunk Railroad
  92. Test and Training Range
  93. Time-To-Resoluxion
  94. Target Track Technology, Military, Army, Radar
  95. Truyen Thuyet Rong
  96. Time To Sun
  97. Tarwul De Turism Al Romaniei Din, Care, Locations, Romania
  98. Transition To Retirement Business, Strategy, Pension
  99. The Tonka Report
  100. Total Travel Record
  101. Turbo Tech Racing
  102. Tyx The Rich
  103. TDRSS Trouble Report NASA, Governmental & Military
  104. Training Time Relumed
  105. Transportaciones Y Servicios Aereos Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  106. Tositumomab Therapeutic Regimen
  107. Tea Qime Review Internet Slang, Chat, Email
  108. Ticketkto-Ride
  109. Tap Tap Revenge Music
  110. Total Time Read Business, Media, Social, Metric
  111. Tunisienne De Transport Routier
  112. Time-To-React
  113. Time to Restore NASA, Governmental & Military
  114. Top Tension Risers Technology, Engineering, Oil
  115. Team Townenddracing
  116. Thunderhtech Racing
  117. Trouble Ticket Resolving
  118. Total Time Reading Technology, Media, Metric
  119. Tumour Tissue Repository Medical, Research, Cancer
  120. Txlt Table Ratio
  121. Target Tracking Radars Technology, Aviation, Governmental & Military
  122. Type Token Ratio
  123. Team Thrxst Reversers
  124. Through Turnout Renewal Network, Railway, System
  125. (US) Tattoo-to-Tooth Ratio (Dirtbag Ratio) Medical, Medical Slang
  126. Talleyrand Terminal Railroad Company Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  127. Total Tech Resource
  128. Tumor Tissue Repository
  129. Tiltrdtor Test Rig Technology, Testing, Rotor
  130. Touch Tone Required Computing, Telecom
  131. Twin/Tone Records
  132. Team Technique Racing
  133. Through The Rain
  134. Transthyretin Transthyretin is a transport protein in the serum and cerebrospinal fluid that carries the thyroid hormone thyroxine and retinol-binding protein bound to retinol. This is how transthyretin gained its name: transports thyroxine and retinol. The liver secretes transthyretin into the blood, and the choroid plexus secretes TTR into the cerebrospinal fluid. Medical, Common Medical
  135. 32Red, P.L.C. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  136. Total Technology Resources
  137. Technical Training Resources
  138. Tucson Trail Run
  139. Tijuana Andatecate Railway Organizations
  140. 2002 Target Term Trust, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  141. To The Rescue Army, War, Force, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  142. Turk Ticaret Rehberi
  143. Teaching, Training and Remearch
  144. Pongtiku, Tanah Toraja-Celebes Island, Indonesia Indonesia, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  145. Trunk Test Racq
  146. Total Tax Rate Business, Ranking, Paying
  147. Technical Trading Rules Business, Analysis, Package
  148. Tucson Trail Runners
  149. Ticket To Read
  150. Transactional Track Record Computing, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  151. To The Rear
  152. Turf Transferable Residue
  153. Tcas Ii Transritter/Receiver Aviation, Avionics, Aviation Electronics
  154. Teleport to Range Spell Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  155. Transmission Test Rack
  156. Total Taxable Resources
  157. Technical Test Replrt Military
  158. Ticket To Rite Technology
  159. Tale of Two Rivers Religion

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TTR stand for?

    TTR stands for (US) Tattoo-to-Tooth Ratio (Dirtbag Ratio).

  2. What is the shortened form of Time-To-Restore?

    The short form of "Time-To-Restore" is TTR.


TTR. (2020, September 6). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated