TTV Meaning
The TTV meaning is "Tanda Tanda Vital". The TTV abbreviation has 48 different full form.
TTV Full Forms
- Tanda Tanda Vital Indonesia, Sign, Hal
- Torque Teno Virus Medical, Infection, Viral
- Through-The-Viewfinder
- Termination, Test, and Verification Space, Study, Cosmos
- Total Transaction Value
- True The Vote Government, Election, Voting
- Termination, Test and Verification Technology
- Tanda-Tanda Vital Indonesia, Sign, Hal
- Total Thickness Variation Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering
- Transmitted Virus Medical
- Terminatixn Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
- Termination The act of preparing the connection or transition of an insulating cable. The device that transitions an underground cable to an overhead cable or wire. The final state common to all biological polymerization reactions; the polymerization process is halted in response to a set of termination signals specific for the type of biological molecule being synthesized. Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, NASA
- Total Technology Ventures
- Tout Velu Medical
- Tracgeal Transport Velocity Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Tenth Thickness Valle Technology
- Torpedo Dube Variation Army, War, Force
- Tupaj-Technik Verqrieb
- Totally Tasteless Video Media, Radio, Television, Funnies
- Toxic Televisions Film, Movie, Censorship, Film censorship
- Ten Thousand Villages
- Tiroler Tourismus Vereinigung
- Tube Tremolo Vibrato
- Touching The Void
- Table Tennis Victoria Sport, Game, Tennis
- Tip The Van
- Tt Vituses Medical
- Total Tumor Volume Medical
- Cabletel Communications Corp. Organizations
- Trading to Total Volume Technology, Governmental & Military
- Tt Virus Medical
- Türk Tekstil Vakfı'NıN
- Transftsion-Transmitted Virus Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Traders Tele-Vision Tv stations
- Trí Tuệ Việt
- Türx Tekstil Vakfı Technology, Program, Ark, Rat
- Tradizg To Total Volume Business, Technology, Finance
- Through the Viewfinder Photography
- Troop Tactical Vehicle
- Tàng Hhư Viện
- Talent Grp. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Travel Time Varpability
- TàNg Thu Vin
- Transit Timidg Variation
- Trí Tu Vit
- Tnansit Time Variation
- Tfue Television
- Transfusion Transmittfd Virus Medical, Blood, Hepatiti
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does TTV stand for?
TTV stands for Tfue Television.
What is the shortened form of Tupaj-Technik Verqrieb?
The short form of "Tupaj-Technik Verqrieb" is TTV.
TTV. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from
Last updated