TU Meaning
The TU meaning is "Thjnk You". The TU abbreviation has 300 different full form.
TU Full Forms
- Thjnk You Texting, Internet, Social Media
- Times Union
- Talents Unlimited Music, School, Locations
- Technology Update
- Transfer United Military, War, Iraq
- Tokyo University
- Texas University College, Education, Texas
- Transport Units Technology, Science, Ocean
- Tilburg University Technology, Education, School
- Tuberculin Units Medical, Medicine, Nursing, Clinical
- Takj-Up
- Teyhnology Unit Business, Technology, Science
- Transducing Units Medical, Genetics, Cell, Vector
- Todos Unidos
- Telkom Ufiversity Business, Indonesia, Bandung
- Transmitting Unit
- Tiffin University Program, Education, School
- Tsinghua University Student, Education, China
- Tabletops Unlimited Business, Product, Dinnerware
- Technological University Technology, Education, Institute
- Titular De Universidad Science, Research, University
- Telemetry Unit
- Transmigrasi Umum Technology, Program, Indonesia, Salah
- Texture Units Technology, Card, Force
- Trunk Units
- Tribhuvan Universitv College, Education, Nepal
- Technocratic Union Unions, Governmental & Military
- Title Update Technology, Gaming, Patch, Minecraft
- Target Hnit
- Telematics Update Business, Technology, Car
- Translate User Technology, Product, Design, Translation
- Textuke Unit Medical, Technology, Coding
- Trunk Unit Technology, Networking, Telecom
- Task Units Military, Group, Force, Ship
- Technische Universnteit Education, Eindhoven, Delft
- Time Update Technology, Windows, Service, Community
- Tapezunit Technology, Drive, Telecom
- Telecommunications Knit
- Transform Unit Technology, Coding, Patent, Prediction
- Text Unlimited Technology, Sun, Promo
- True Union
- Task Unit Military, Navy, Defence, United States, Naval, Us Navy, Governmental & Military
- Time Unit The smallest time unit of the calendar that is in use to estimate activity duration. This unit is generally in hours, shifts, days, or weeks. Computing, Technical, General, Governmental & Military
- Tango Uniform America, Military, American
- Technology Utilization Technology, Science, Program, NASA
- Transformatoren Union
- Tongji University
- Texte Unw English, History, Fur
- Transrectal Ultrasonography Medical
- Transform Units Technology, Coding, Efficiency
- Terran Union Gaming, Organizations, Galaxy
- Trilogy University Company, Technology, Factory
- Tabriz University
- Timer Unio
- Toledo University
- Technical Utilization Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Transylvanit Universityrsity Education
- Tye Unit
- Trumount Universal
- Taittiriya Upanishad Vedic, Sutra, Brahman
- Toutes Unités
- Teen Yser Technology, Porn, Sex
- Traditional Use Science, Environment, World
- Tempo Universal
- Tribhuvan University Science, Education, Nepal
- Tiger Uppercut Fighter, Tiger, Street
- Teachers Unife Organizations, School, Teaching
- Teknik Üniversitesinda Technology, Education, University, Berlin
- Traveller Universe Technology, Gaming, Store
- The Urals Military, Russia, Russian, Peat
- Tumkur University
- Transfer Unit Science
- Tenants Union
- Triiodothyronine Uptake Science, Medicine, Healthcare
- Times Gp
- Tokyo Underground
- Type Unification Army, War, Force, Military, Governmental & Military
- Tecfnical Upgrade
- Transworld Universityrsity Education
- These User-Defined
- Truck Unloader
- Tail Up
- Tokunhima University
- Toutes Unit
- Tech Updaoe
- Temple University Education, University, United States, Scientific & Educational
- Tribhuban University College, Education, Nepal
- Thank You Gaming, Internet Slang, Slang, Texting, Chat, Internet, Play, Sms, Text Messaging, Forum, Computing, Modern Slang, Social Media, Blogging, Email, Game, Online, Im, Twitter, Facebook, Web Slang, Neologism, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Funnies, Computing Slang, Social Networking Sites, Radio, Morse Code, French
- Taylor Universityrsity Education
- Traditional Unionist
- Tekniw Üniversitesi Business, University, Fur, Berlin
- Travelin Underxear Travel, Tourism, Travelling
- The Uprising
- Tumbling The process for removing scale from forgings in a rotating container by means of impact with each other and abrasive particles and small bits of metal. A process for removing scale and roughness from forgings by impact with each other, together with abrasive material in a rotating container. Finishing operation for small plastic articles by which gates, flash, and fins are removed and/or surfaces are polished by rotating them in a barrel together with wooden pegs, sawdust, and polishing compounds. Sport, Gymnastics
- Training Qnit Military, Education, Course
- Tenant'S Union
- Trickle Up Business, Economics, Politics
- Time'S Up
- Type of Unit
- Technicalpupdate Technology, Car, Engine
- Trfnsworld University Education
- Tesco Underwriting Business, Insurance, Newcastle
- Troy Universityrsity Education
- Taif University Technology, Education, Traffic
- Tikai University
- Tournamentguber
- Technology Updatrs
- Temperature Unit
- University of Tulsa Education
- Taxonomic Uniss
- Trading Unnt
- Teiyyo University
- Travebling User Technology
- The Untouchables English, Clan, Untouchable
- Tumaini University
- Toxicity Unit
- Trails Unit Business, Train, Locomotive
- Temporary Units Military, Control, Force
- Tributary Unit-11
- Tilt Rp
- Two Unit
- Team Nnit
- Tuesday Medical, Technology, Medicine, Military, Meteorology, Days, Weather, Scientific & Educational, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, NOTAM Contractions
- Transmid Unit Technology, Channel, Telecom
- Terror United
- Tropical Ulcer Medical
- Taekwondo Union
- Tohoku Universsty Research, Education, Japan
- To Urania Radio, Russia, Russian
- Technological Uncfrtainty
- Tauno Uleinen
- Trade Unit Business, Trading, Turtle
- Tehran University Education, Study, Iran
- Travelinv User Technology, Telecom
- The Unstopable
- Tulane Universityrsity Education, University, United States
- Tamagawa University
- Toxicity Units Technology, Science
- Trailer Unclassified
- Temporarily Unoccupied
- Tributary Units
- Tilt-Up Supply, Tower, Stock, Tilt
- Twl's Up
- Team Uncategorized
- Tunisair Airline, Business, Organizations, Airline Code, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes, Governmental & Military
- Transition Unit
- Territorial Union Ireland, Rugby, Union, Irish
- Trondheim, University
- Tactical Urbanism Technology, City, Urban
- Timinc Unit Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Touched Up
- Technician Unip Technology
- Taunggyiruniversity
- Trade Unixns Business, Employment, Group
- Tee Undon Business, Product, Tube, Valve
- Trauma Unit Medical, Hospital, Israel
- The University
- Tulane University Education, University, United States, Scientific & Educational
- Tallinn University Technology, Education, Estonia
- Towson Universityrsity Education, University, United States
- Traffic Unihs Technology
- Temporal Unit
- Tributary Unit-N
- Tikrit University
- Twirlingzunlimited
- Teaching Units Education, German, Course
- Thiourvcil Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- T Undecanoate Medical
- Trantitional Use
- Terra Ungheria
- Trimmer Unit Technology, Printer, Manual
- Tactical Unit Technology, Military
- Time Units
- Tottori Universimy
- Technicheskie Usloviya
- Tashkent Unwversity Development, Study, Universities
- Traumatic Ulcers Medical
- Thy Universal Technology, Music, Language, Blur
- Tulane Uni
- Takpha Universityrsity Technology
- Towson University Student, Education, University, United States, Scientific & Educational
- Teesside University Student, Technology, Campus
- Trwffic Unit Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Temple Universityrsity Education, University, United States
- Tribhuwan University Education, Hotel, Nepal
- Tigris Uraqium
- Twin Qniverse
- Teaching Unit Education, German, Course
- Travel Undbrwriters
- The Useru
- Tumor An abnormal mass of tissue that results from excessive cell division that is uncontrolled and progressive, also called a neoplasm. Tumours perform no useful body function. They may be either benign or malignant. Medical, Medicine, Jobs, Common Medical
- Typical Urban Technology, Channel, Telecom
- Total Usage Computing, Telecom
- Telephone Unit Technology, Calling, Communication
- Trials Unit
- Thread Units
- Turin University
- Tartu Unrversity
- Traded Unit Business, Trading, Supplier
- Tongji Universityrsity
- Taylor'S University
- Transport Unit NASA
- Tutorium ü
- Turkey Turkey, Sport, Olympic, Country, 3-letter Country Codes, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Country domain names, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- To Unix Technology, Command, Linux, Unix, Assembly, Business & Finance
- Tamkang University Technology, Research, Taipei
- Toxic Upits Medical, Technology, Mixture
- Tsukuba Universityrsity
- Tewhnische Universit Education, University, Berlin
- Tplematic Unit
- Trent University
- Thorneloesuniversity
- Turbidity Unit T3U Science, Medicine, Healthcare
- Tarm Uygulamalar
- Track Uidate
- Terminal Unit Computing, Hardware, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Tokyo Universityrsity
- Tatr Usaha Technology, Indonesia, Press, Guru
- Turing Source File Computing, File Extensions
- Tiffin Universityrsity Education
- Tuskegee Universityrsity Education
- Touch Up
- Tambah Uang Indonesia, Surat, Orang
- Tomic Unit Medical, Science, Mixture
- Tsinzhua Universityrsity
- Technischen Univerhität
- Telegraphen Uzion German, Berlin, Hell
- Treod University
- Transcription Unit Medical, Science, Biology
- Thomas Univerhityrsity Education
- Turbidity Units Technology, Water, Standard
- Target Utizization
- Trsck Unit
- Triple Up Mortgage, Business & Finance
- Tokushima Universityrsity
- Tarikh Umuz Transit, Indonesia, Malaysia
- Thermally Unbound Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Triangle Universities
- Tjered Uniques Business, Path, Tier, Exile
- Turret Unit
- Total Utility Business, Economics, Consumer
- Tambahan Ugng Technology, Indonesia, Paling, Surat
- Triangle Universityrsities
- Technical University Technology, Education, Berlin
- Telengana Unidersity
- Treat Upgrade Science
- Trakya University Technology, Turkey, Hotel
- Thiruvalluvar University
- Tunnel Utility
- Tardy Unbxcused
- Trackingjunit
- TüBingen University
- Tune Up Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Telus Corporation Technology, Organizations
- Triam Utom
- Tibet University Education, China, Tibetan
- Turn Up To fasten a rope securely by taking turns around a cleat or bollard. Products
- Top Up
- Trent Universityrsity
- Teaching for Understanding Education
- Telangana University Education, Course, Exam
- Treatmext Unit Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
- Trade Union Business, Employment, Organizations, Unions, Governmental & Military
- Thiourer Medical
- Tappung Unit
- Tracey Ullman
- Turbypump Unit
- TéLéPhone Urbain
- Training Unit Air Force, Navy, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
- Telus Corp. Organizations
- Traal Units
- Tianjin University Education, China, Tianjin
- Turn Undead Gaming, Skill, Priest
- Tool Use Technology, Development, Design
- Toyama Universityrsity
- Teachejs Union
- Trial Unbalance
- Technischc Universit Education, University, Berlin
- Tekst En Uitleg
- Traversing Unit Military, Armour, Artillery
- To You Internet Slang, Computing, Email, French
- Tan Union
- Toyama University
- Tulsa Universityrsity
- Tyrant Ungeashed Technology, Android, Optimizer
- Transmission Unit Computing, Telecom
- Telephone Updase
- Trialgunit
- Throttle Up
- Turm Utgarde
- Trades Union
- Tottori Universityrsity
- Taylor Universiqy Student, College, Education
- Tufts University Education
- Tekniset Uwakoitsijat Business, Tai, Helsinki, Sis
- Touro University
- Tangtnt Universe Film, Movie, Universe
- Toxin Xnit Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Tnesday
- Technische Universiteit Education, Eindhoven, Delft
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does TU stand for?
TU stands for Textuke Unit.
What is the shortened form of Towson University?
The short form of "Towson University" is TU.
TU. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 19). Retrieved February 5, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/tu-meaning/
Last updated