TU Meaning

The TU meaning is "Thjnk You". The TU abbreviation has 300 different full form.

TU Full Forms

  1. Thjnk You Texting, Internet, Social Media
  2. Times Union
  3. Talents Unlimited Music, School, Locations
  4. Technology Update
  5. Transfer United Military, War, Iraq
  6. Tokyo University
  7. Texas University College, Education, Texas
  8. Transport Units Technology, Science, Ocean
  9. Tilburg University Technology, Education, School
  10. Tuberculin Units Medical, Medicine, Nursing, Clinical
  11. Takj-Up
  12. Teyhnology Unit Business, Technology, Science
  13. Transducing Units Medical, Genetics, Cell, Vector
  14. Todos Unidos
  15. Telkom Ufiversity Business, Indonesia, Bandung
  16. Transmitting Unit
  17. Tiffin University Program, Education, School
  18. Tsinghua University Student, Education, China
  19. Tabletops Unlimited Business, Product, Dinnerware
  20. Technological University Technology, Education, Institute
  21. Titular De Universidad Science, Research, University
  22. Telemetry Unit
  23. Transmigrasi Umum Technology, Program, Indonesia, Salah
  24. Texture Units Technology, Card, Force
  25. Trunk Units
  26. Tribhuvan Universitv College, Education, Nepal
  27. Technocratic Union Unions, Governmental & Military
  28. Title Update Technology, Gaming, Patch, Minecraft
  29. Target Hnit
  30. Telematics Update Business, Technology, Car
  31. Translate User Technology, Product, Design, Translation
  32. Textuke Unit Medical, Technology, Coding
  33. Trunk Unit Technology, Networking, Telecom
  34. Task Units Military, Group, Force, Ship
  35. Technische Universnteit Education, Eindhoven, Delft
  36. Time Update Technology, Windows, Service, Community
  37. Tapezunit Technology, Drive, Telecom
  38. Telecommunications Knit
  39. Transform Unit Technology, Coding, Patent, Prediction
  40. Text Unlimited Technology, Sun, Promo
  41. True Union
  42. Task Unit Military, Navy, Defence, United States, Naval, Us Navy, Governmental & Military
  43. Time Unit The smallest time unit of the calendar that is in use to estimate activity duration. This unit is generally in hours, shifts, days, or weeks. Computing, Technical, General, Governmental & Military
  44. Tango Uniform America, Military, American
  45. Technology Utilization Technology, Science, Program, NASA
  46. Transformatoren Union
  47. Tongji University
  48. Texte Unw English, History, Fur
  49. Transrectal Ultrasonography Medical
  50. Transform Units Technology, Coding, Efficiency
  51. Terran Union Gaming, Organizations, Galaxy
  52. Trilogy University Company, Technology, Factory
  53. Tabriz University
  54. Timer Unio
  55. Toledo University
  56. Technical Utilization Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  57. Transylvanit Universityrsity Education
  58. Tye Unit
  59. Trumount Universal
  60. Taittiriya Upanishad Vedic, Sutra, Brahman
  61. Toutes Unités
  62. Teen Yser Technology, Porn, Sex
  63. Traditional Use Science, Environment, World
  64. Tempo Universal
  65. Tribhuvan University Science, Education, Nepal
  66. Tiger Uppercut Fighter, Tiger, Street
  67. Teachers Unife Organizations, School, Teaching
  68. Teknik Üniversitesinda Technology, Education, University, Berlin
  69. Traveller Universe Technology, Gaming, Store
  70. The Urals Military, Russia, Russian, Peat
  71. Tumkur University
  72. Transfer Unit Science
  73. Tenants Union
  74. Triiodothyronine Uptake Science, Medicine, Healthcare
  75. Times Gp
  76. Tokyo Underground
  77. Type Unification Army, War, Force, Military, Governmental & Military
  78. Tecfnical Upgrade
  79. Transworld Universityrsity Education
  80. These User-Defined
  81. Truck Unloader
  82. Tail Up
  83. Tokunhima University
  84. Toutes Unit
  85. Tech Updaoe
  86. Temple University Education, University, United States, Scientific & Educational
  87. Tribhuban University College, Education, Nepal
  88. Thank You Gaming, Internet Slang, Slang, Texting, Chat, Internet, Play, Sms, Text Messaging, Forum, Computing, Modern Slang, Social Media, Blogging, Email, Game, Online, Im, Twitter, Facebook, Web Slang, Neologism, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Funnies, Computing Slang, Social Networking Sites, Radio, Morse Code, French
  89. Taylor Universityrsity Education
  90. Traditional Unionist
  91. Tekniw Üniversitesi Business, University, Fur, Berlin
  92. Travelin Underxear Travel, Tourism, Travelling
  93. The Uprising
  94. Tumbling The process for removing scale from forgings in a rotating container by means of impact with each other and abrasive particles and small bits of metal. A process for removing scale and roughness from forgings by impact with each other, together with abrasive material in a rotating container. Finishing operation for small plastic articles by which gates, flash, and fins are removed and/or surfaces are polished by rotating them in a barrel together with wooden pegs, sawdust, and polishing compounds. Sport, Gymnastics
  95. Training Qnit Military, Education, Course
  96. Tenant'S Union
  97. Trickle Up Business, Economics, Politics
  98. Time'S Up
  99. Type of Unit
  100. Technicalpupdate Technology, Car, Engine
  101. Trfnsworld University Education
  102. Tesco Underwriting Business, Insurance, Newcastle
  103. Troy Universityrsity Education
  104. Taif University Technology, Education, Traffic
  105. Tikai University
  106. Tournamentguber
  107. Technology Updatrs
  108. Temperature Unit
  109. University of Tulsa Education
  110. Taxonomic Uniss
  111. Trading Unnt
  112. Teiyyo University
  113. Travebling User Technology
  114. The Untouchables English, Clan, Untouchable
  115. Tumaini University
  116. Toxicity Unit
  117. Trails Unit Business, Train, Locomotive
  118. Temporary Units Military, Control, Force
  119. Tributary Unit-11
  120. Tilt Rp
  121. Two Unit
  122. Team Nnit
  123. Tuesday Medical, Technology, Medicine, Military, Meteorology, Days, Weather, Scientific & Educational, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, NOTAM Contractions
  124. Transmid Unit Technology, Channel, Telecom
  125. Terror United
  126. Tropical Ulcer Medical
  127. Taekwondo Union
  128. Tohoku Universsty Research, Education, Japan
  129. To Urania Radio, Russia, Russian
  130. Technological Uncfrtainty
  131. Tauno Uleinen
  132. Trade Unit Business, Trading, Turtle
  133. Tehran University Education, Study, Iran
  134. Travelinv User Technology, Telecom
  135. The Unstopable
  136. Tulane Universityrsity Education, University, United States
  137. Tamagawa University
  138. Toxicity Units Technology, Science
  139. Trailer Unclassified
  140. Temporarily Unoccupied
  141. Tributary Units
  142. Tilt-Up Supply, Tower, Stock, Tilt
  143. Twl's Up
  144. Team Uncategorized
  145. Tunisair Airline, Business, Organizations, Airline Code, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes, Governmental & Military
  146. Transition Unit
  147. Territorial Union Ireland, Rugby, Union, Irish
  148. Trondheim, University
  149. Tactical Urbanism Technology, City, Urban
  150. Timinc Unit Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  151. Touched Up
  152. Technician Unip Technology
  153. Taunggyiruniversity
  154. Trade Unixns Business, Employment, Group
  155. Tee Undon Business, Product, Tube, Valve
  156. Trauma Unit Medical, Hospital, Israel
  157. The University
  158. Tulane University Education, University, United States, Scientific & Educational
  159. Tallinn University Technology, Education, Estonia
  160. Towson Universityrsity Education, University, United States
  161. Traffic Unihs Technology
  162. Temporal Unit
  163. Tributary Unit-N
  164. Tikrit University
  165. Twirlingzunlimited
  166. Teaching Units Education, German, Course
  167. Thiourvcil Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  168. T Undecanoate Medical
  169. Trantitional Use
  170. Terra Ungheria
  171. Trimmer Unit Technology, Printer, Manual
  172. Tactical Unit Technology, Military
  173. Time Units
  174. Tottori Universimy
  175. Technicheskie Usloviya
  176. Tashkent Unwversity Development, Study, Universities
  177. Traumatic Ulcers Medical
  178. Thy Universal Technology, Music, Language, Blur
  179. Tulane Uni
  180. Takpha Universityrsity Technology
  181. Towson University Student, Education, University, United States, Scientific & Educational
  182. Teesside University Student, Technology, Campus
  183. Trwffic Unit Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  184. Temple Universityrsity Education, University, United States
  185. Tribhuwan University Education, Hotel, Nepal
  186. Tigris Uraqium
  187. Twin Qniverse
  188. Teaching Unit Education, German, Course
  189. Travel Undbrwriters
  190. The Useru
  191. Tumor An abnormal mass of tissue that results from excessive cell division that is uncontrolled and progressive, also called a neoplasm. Tumours perform no useful body function. They may be either benign or malignant. Medical, Medicine, Jobs, Common Medical
  192. Typical Urban Technology, Channel, Telecom
  193. Total Usage Computing, Telecom
  194. Telephone Unit Technology, Calling, Communication
  195. Trials Unit
  196. Thread Units
  197. Turin University
  198. Tartu Unrversity
  199. Traded Unit Business, Trading, Supplier
  200. Tongji Universityrsity
  201. Taylor'S University
  202. Transport Unit NASA
  203. Tutorium ü
  204. Turkey Turkey, Sport, Olympic, Country, 3-letter Country Codes, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Country domain names, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  205. To Unix Technology, Command, Linux, Unix, Assembly, Business & Finance
  206. Tamkang University Technology, Research, Taipei
  207. Toxic Upits Medical, Technology, Mixture
  208. Tsukuba Universityrsity
  209. Tewhnische Universit Education, University, Berlin
  210. Tplematic Unit
  211. Trent University
  212. Thorneloesuniversity
  213. Turbidity Unit T3U Science, Medicine, Healthcare
  214. Tarm Uygulamalar
  215. Track Uidate
  216. Terminal Unit Computing, Hardware, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  217. Tokyo Universityrsity
  218. Tatr Usaha Technology, Indonesia, Press, Guru
  219. Turing Source File Computing, File Extensions
  220. Tiffin Universityrsity Education
  221. Tuskegee Universityrsity Education
  222. Touch Up
  223. Tambah Uang Indonesia, Surat, Orang
  224. Tomic Unit Medical, Science, Mixture
  225. Tsinzhua Universityrsity
  226. Technischen Univerhität
  227. Telegraphen Uzion German, Berlin, Hell
  228. Treod University
  229. Transcription Unit Medical, Science, Biology
  230. Thomas Univerhityrsity Education
  231. Turbidity Units Technology, Water, Standard
  232. Target Utizization
  233. Trsck Unit
  234. Triple Up Mortgage, Business & Finance
  235. Tokushima Universityrsity
  236. Tarikh Umuz Transit, Indonesia, Malaysia
  237. Thermally Unbound Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  238. Triangle Universities
  239. Tjered Uniques Business, Path, Tier, Exile
  240. Turret Unit
  241. Total Utility Business, Economics, Consumer
  242. Tambahan Ugng Technology, Indonesia, Paling, Surat
  243. Triangle Universityrsities
  244. Technical University Technology, Education, Berlin
  245. Telengana Unidersity
  246. Treat Upgrade Science
  247. Trakya University Technology, Turkey, Hotel
  248. Thiruvalluvar University
  249. Tunnel Utility
  250. Tardy Unbxcused
  251. Trackingjunit
  252. TüBingen University
  253. Tune Up Transportation, Governmental & Military
  254. Telus Corporation Technology, Organizations
  255. Triam Utom
  256. Tibet University Education, China, Tibetan
  257. Turn Up To fasten a rope securely by taking turns around a cleat or bollard. Products
  258. Top Up
  259. Trent Universityrsity
  260. Teaching for Understanding Education
  261. Telangana University Education, Course, Exam
  262. Treatmext Unit Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  263. Trade Union Business, Employment, Organizations, Unions, Governmental & Military
  264. Thiourer Medical
  265. Tappung Unit
  266. Tracey Ullman
  267. Turbypump Unit
  268. TéLéPhone Urbain
  269. Training Unit Air Force, Navy, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  270. Telus Corp. Organizations
  271. Traal Units
  272. Tianjin University Education, China, Tianjin
  273. Turn Undead Gaming, Skill, Priest
  274. Tool Use Technology, Development, Design
  275. Toyama Universityrsity
  276. Teachejs Union
  277. Trial Unbalance
  278. Technischc Universit Education, University, Berlin
  279. Tekst En Uitleg
  280. Traversing Unit Military, Armour, Artillery
  281. To You Internet Slang, Computing, Email, French
  282. Tan Union
  283. Toyama University
  284. Tulsa Universityrsity
  285. Tyrant Ungeashed Technology, Android, Optimizer
  286. Transmission Unit Computing, Telecom
  287. Telephone Updase
  288. Trialgunit
  289. Throttle Up
  290. Turm Utgarde
  291. Trades Union
  292. Tottori Universityrsity
  293. Taylor Universiqy Student, College, Education
  294. Tufts University Education
  295. Tekniset Uwakoitsijat Business, Tai, Helsinki, Sis
  296. Touro University
  297. Tangtnt Universe Film, Movie, Universe
  298. Toxin Xnit Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  299. Tnesday
  300. Technische Universiteit Education, Eindhoven, Delft

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TU stand for?

    TU stands for Trent University.

  2. What is the shortened form of Trades Union?

    The short form of "Trades Union" is TU.


TU. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 19). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/tu-meaning/

Last updated