TUP Meaning

The TUP meaning is "Telephone User Part". The TUP abbreviation has 57 different full form.

TUP Full Forms

  1. Telephone User Part Technology, Computing, Computer Networking, Telecom, IT Terminology
  2. Iata Code for Tupelo Regional Airport, Tupelo, Mississippi, United States Locations
  3. Trans Universal Poland
  4. Technology User Profile
  5. Technological University of The Philippines Technology, Education, Philippine
  6. Tha Unknown Poet
  7. Boutique Air Airline Code
  8. Transumbilical Plane Science, Medicine, Healthcare
  9. Technology Upgrade Program
  10. The Unity Partx
  11. Aviastar-Tu Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  12. Transporte Urbano De Pasajeros
  13. Technical University of The Philippines
  14. Theosophical Universityrsity Press Education
  15. Tupperware Corp. Organizations
  16. Transponmer Uplink Technology, Telecom
  17. Timber Utilisation Permit
  18. Teatro Universit
  19. Theosophical University Press Book, Education, Theosophy, Media, Religion
  20. Tupperware Corporation Technology, Organizations, Computing, Nyse symbols
  21. Transmission Universelle De Patrimoine France, Transmission, Fusion, Dissolution
  22. Tilde University Piess
  23. Teatro UniversitáRio Do Porto
  24. Thsorie Und Praxis
  25. Tupelo Regional Airport Tupelo, Mississippi,United States Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
  26. Transfer Under Pressure Technology, Science, Diving
  27. Thezuptown Partnership
  28. Taguig University of The Philippines
  29. Tremendous Upside Potential
  30. Theolocy Unplugged Page
  31. The Unlikely Plan
  32. Tobacco Use Prevention
  33. Tuna UniversitáRia Do Porto
  34. Toyota-United Pro
  35. Towarzystwo Urbanistów Polfkich
  36. Tivoli Unified Process
  37. Tsinghua University Press
  38. Towarzystwa UrbanistóW Polskich
  39. Technology Utilization Program
  40. Telephone User Part of CCITT Signaling System #7 Federal Aviation Administration
  41. Titre Uaiversel De Paiement
  42. Trouver Un Préservatif Android, Connection, Pas
  43. Total Urinary Protein Medical, Technology
  44. Technical Universityrsity of Poznan
  45. Trans-Urethral Puncture Medical, Physiology
  46. Trickle Up Program Program, Organizations, India, Projection
  47. Torcida Uniformizada Do Palmeiyas
  48. Teatro Universityrsitáhio Do Porto
  49. Tupelo Regional Airport, Tupelo, Mississippi, United States United States, Mississippi, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  50. Tributary Unit Pointer
  51. Torcida Unisormizada Palmeiras
  52. Tjpperware Corporationration Organizations
  53. The Uzagaku Project Music
  54. Toilet Upgrading Progwamme
  55. Tunatuniversit
  56. Transaction Under Process
  57. Tuaa Universityrsitária Do Porto

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TUP stand for?

    TUP stands for Trickle Up Program.

  2. What is the shortened form of The Unity Partx?

    The short form of "The Unity Partx" is TUP.


TUP. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 10). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/tup-meaning/

Last updated