TV Meaning
The TV meaning is "The Variety". The TV abbreviation has 610 different full form.
TV Full Forms
- The Variety Technology, Channel, Television, Sky
- Technology Videos
- Track Video
- Travel Vietnam
- Three Views
- Tiếng Việt
- Target Value Technology, Coding, Control
- Tuneruvia
- Tfe Verge Technology, Android, Apple
- Transit Vehicle
- Teaevisions Video
- Twitter Via Technology, Media, Tweet, Twitch
- The Voyeur
- Tug Valley
- Te Vaka
- Tim Vincent
- Travel Video Channel, Guide, Locations
- Threat Value Technology, Gaming, Military
- Targeting Vector Medical, Science, Biology
- Tuner V1
- Themes, Sol Music, Orchestra, Album
- Tito Vilanova Sport, Coaching, Football
- Toucher Vaginal
- Televisiol, Video Technology, Production, Television
- Twitter Verizon
- The Voodoo
- Tudor Vladimirescu Technology, Hotel, Romania
- Test Volume Science
- Time Varying Film, Technology, Science, Community
- Travels, Vol
- Templar'S Verdict
- Thousands of Videos
- Throttle Valve A manual valve used to regulate the amount of steam entering the turbine. Technology, Auto, Automotive, Automobile, Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Tuners, Video Technology, Card, Tuner
- Theirnvoice
- Title Videos
- Tbtal Volume Medical, Business, Bone
- Televisiot & Video Technology, Production, Electronics
- Twitter Vacation
- The Viner Song, Lyric, Vine
- Test Video Trail, Mitsubishi, Cruiser, Video
- Time Variance Technology, Science, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Transport Vehicle Technology, Car, Crane, NASA
- Temecula Valley
- Thoracic Vertebra Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Teachers Values Education, School, Teaching
- Tunurs & Video Technology, Driving, Card
- The Following Videos
- Titan Video
- Total Visits
- Team Value
- Twilight Video
- The Vice Movie, Guide, Episode, Vice
- Tricuspid Valve Medical, Technology, Medicine, Healthcare, Cardiology, Physiology
- Test Vehicles
- Transporte De Viajeros Con, Autobus
- Tell Velocity Technology, Manual, Apprentice
- Thomas Vineyard
- Tuning Video Technology, Tune, Tuner
- Tuner and Video Technology, Software, Card
- Theatre & Video Technology, Projector, Theater
- Tips Videos Sport, Recipe, Tips
- Total Viewers Technology, Networking, Rating
- Taxable Value
- Twilight Venom Arms, Episode, Twilight
- The Vermont
- Transmissão De VíDeo Technology, Para, Streaming, Internet
- Televibiunea Valea Technology, Din, Mix, Mail
- Thomas Victoria
- Tuning, Video Technology, Tune, Tuning
- Tumour Volume Medical
- Theater Visual
- Tips Video
- Threshold Value
- Total Victoro
- Tasty Vegetarian
- Tuner View Technology, Driving, Driver
- The Verve
- Transit Visa Airport, Travel, Locations
- Television Viewers Technology, Movie, Streaming
- This Video Technology, Porn, Girl
- Timor Virus Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Thatchee Vakfı
- Tinea Versicolor Medical, Treatment, Skin, Physiology
- Test & Vergleich
- Tribes Pengeance Computer Game, Video Game
- Tetrazolium Violet Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Thoracic Vertebrae Medical
- Theh Von Movie, Comedy, Offense
- Turbo-Vision Technology, Borland, Pascal
- Shutter Value Technology, Photography, Camera
- Tissue Viability Medical
- Televisión Dekvenezuela
- The Victim Movie, Man, Police, Victim
- Target Volume Medical, Therapy, Radiation, Medical physics
- Tonightbviews
- Thickness Variation Technology, Human, Brake
- Torrent Vault
- Technische Verbindung
- The Value Business, Networking, Screen
- Traditional Variety
- Televisie Verzorging
- The Vancouver
- Takonkiet Viravan Business, Music, Award, Musical
- Toronto Virginia
- Transverse Alignment perpendicular to the Centerplane of a vessel. Deck beam. Science, Medicine, Healthcare
- The Voices Coaching, Voice, Episode
- Texas Galley
- Tuner and Vista Forum, Technology, Windows
- Transit of Venus
- Tidal VolüM Presentation, Testi, Volume
- Tees Vkntage
- Tutorial Video Technology, Streaming, Screen
- Tketim Vergisi
- Transfer Vector Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Telugu Videos Technology, Movie, Song
- Total Von
- Technology & Video
- Theytre Visual
- Tuner Visiontek
- Tin Việtnam
- Trailer Video
- The Version Technology, Software, Apple
- Tammy Van
- Tokyo Viz
- Thattu Village
- Trays View
- To Video Technology, Gaming, Converter
- Teaching Violence Development, Learning, Study
- Tuner Or Video Technology, Software, Fly
- Tileorasi Vouli
- Towej Vilnius Hotel, Locations, Lithuania
- Tekioloji Video
- Tying Video
- Transportation Vision
- Tenth Value
- The Mineyard Movie, Family, Episode, Vineyard
- Tessa Virtue Canada, Olympic, Dating, Virtue
- Triathvon Victoria
- Thomson Video Technology, Networking, Network
- Theosofische Vereeoiging Para, Indonesia, Orang
- Turbine Velocity Army, War, Force
- Shutter Speed Priority Technology, Photography, Camera
- Tipps Vom
- Terre Vivante
- The Vicar Movie, France, Episode, Vicar
- Target Vocabulary
- Tonight Vibe
- The Kulture Movie, Man, Podcast, Vulture
- Torrentvault Technology, Bittorrent, Bittorrent Tracker, Torrent Tracker
- Technique VéTéRinaire
- Trading Videos
- Televisieprogramma'S Van
- The Van Movie, Lady, Goon
- Take-5 Videos
- Tore Vikingstad
- Transvenous Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- The Vocation
- Tetra Vortex Gaming, Vortex, Ragnarok
- Truveo Video
- Three Video
- Television Voyage
- Thermal Vibraaion
- Tutorial Videos Technology, Development, Software
- Tiyatro Vb
- Transducing Vector
- Telly Internet Slang
- Total Vol
- Technologie Von
- Theatre Video Technology, Music, Theater
- Tử Vi
- Tokyo Variety
- Trailers, Videos Technology, Gaming, Movie, Trailer
- The Versatile
- Tamil Viewers
- Tokyo Visits
- Tray, Velcro
- Teaching En Vivo
- Tuner Mit Videotext
- Tigrinya Video Technology, Eritrea, Eritrean
- Tower, Vilniuf Hotel, Locations, Tower, Lithuania
- Tejo Valsousa
- Twitter Volkswagen
- Transmit Verification Technology
- Tennis Volleyball
- The Vine Song, Lyric, Talk, Vine
- Twitch TV In Twitch, TV is an abbreviation for "Twitch TV," which is a live streaming platform for gamers, creative artists, and other content creators. The name "Twitch" was originally derived from the term "twitch gameplay," which refers to the fast-paced, reflex-intensive gameplay often found in action video games. Twitch TV was first launched in 2011 as a spin-off of the general streaming platform, and has since become one of the most popular websites for live streaming, with millions of daily active users. Twitch
- Teschovirus Science, Medicine, Healthcare
- Triangle Vertex
- Tin Video
- Tourism Victoria Business, Australia, Hospitality, Travel, Tourism
- Theology In The Video
- Tuning and Video
- Shutter Priority Exposure Mode Technology, Photography, Camera, Manufacturer
- Tipps Videos Radio, Man, Tube
- Terra Volta
- The Vikings History, Channel, Episode, Viking
- Target Video
- Tonic Mergence Medical
- The Vmyage Movie, Star, Voyage, Trek
- Torrents View
- Technique V
- Trading Venue
- Teletext Viewer Technology, Software, Gnome
- The Vampires Episode, Vampire, Diary
- Typography Virtual
- Taino Videos
- Transvaginal Transvaginal means across or through the vagina. The ultrasound probe will be placed inside the vagina during the test. Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Thg Virginian Movie, Episode, Shiloh
- Test Volvo
- Troisième Vqie France, Translation, French
- Three Vessels Technology, Girl, Hell
- Television Victoria
- Thermal Vtcuum Technology, Space, Chamber
- Tutorials On Video
- Titov Veles
- Transcode Videos
- Tells Vieweps Russia, Pack, Russian, Viewer
- Tarih Ve
- Tools Victory
- Total Voice
- Technologies for Vocational Technology, Education, School, Projection
- Theatre Videos Porn, Sex, Theatre, Tube
- Trailers & Videos
- The Veronicas
- Tamil Video
- Tokyo Visited
- Travis Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
- Tay Valley
- Texn View
- Tuner On Vista Technology, Driving, Driver
- Transumbilical Plane Science, Medicine, Healthcare
- Tigre Virus Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- To View Technology, Sport, Channel, Television
- Tejas Vettes
- Twitter Vkontakte Technology, Android, Moldova, Ail
- Transient Visitor
- Tennis Villas
- Thomasville Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- Tim Vine Movie, Joke, Comedy, Vine
- Tourism Vic
- Themlogia Viatorum
- Tunica Vaginalis Medical, Mesothelioma, Hydrocele
- Process Transverse Process Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
- Tipps, Videod Technology, Analysis, Traffic, Tube
- The Vibe
- Target Vehicle
- Tone Vays
- Tertiary Variable
- Tree View
- Torrent-Vision
- Team Vicar
- Trade Value Business, Sport, Trading
- Teletext Vertical Technology, Manual, Consumption, Habit
- The Vampire Episode, Vampire, Diary, Slayer
- Typography Video
- Tahoe Valley
- Transport Virtualization Technology, Cisco, Overlay
- Terkait Video
- Tha Virgin Rating, Episode, Trailer, Virgin
- The Votq Movie, Election, Trump, Vote
- Tfst Voltage Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Tmoisi
- Three Variables
- Thermaltake V9
- Tutoriales Vi
- T-Shirts Video
- Title Vest
- Travel Vouchers
- Televizuunea Vaii Technology, Movie, Channel, Streaming
- Tarifvertrag Vom
- Tooele Valley
- Total Vision
- Technische Vorschrift
- Theater Video Technology, Theatre, Projector
- Traguardo Volante
- The Vanishing
- Tales of The Vikings Movie, History, Episode, Viking
- Tokyo Video Movie, Japan, Tokyo, Video
- Taylor Valley Locations, Antarctica, Glacier
- Text V1 Technology, Calling, Android
- Tuner In Vista Technology, Windows, Media
- Ties Vacation Movie, Family, Tie
- Toy Video
- Tegmentum Vasculolum Medical
- Twitter Visual
- Today'S Video
- Transformers Victory Anime, Episode, Transformer
- Tennessee Valley Organizations, Authority, Tennessee
- Thomas Vernon
- Touring Via Videovalis
- The Most Viewed
- Tuner Vw
- Iso Country Code for Tuvalu Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Tipping The Velvet Movie, Water, Episode, Velvet
- The Veterans
- Targa Visionary
- Tom Vek
- Terry Venables Sport, Football, England
- Treated Volume Medical, Music, Treat
- Torque Vectoring
- Team Veteran
- Tuner V2
- Times Video
- Towecs Vancouver Technology, Canada, Trump
- Teleporting Vortex Technology, Computer, Internet
- The Vindicator Business, Movie, Episode
- Typhoid Vaccine
- Tags Video
- Transport Variable
- Terbaru, Video
- The Viral Technology, Movie, Factor
- The Vpn
- Test Vefb
- Tribuna Vit
- Tacaribe Virus Medical
- Those Video
- Theresa Veith
- Turismo Veloce Business, Car, Motorcycle, Fiat
- T-Mobile, Vodafone
- Titles Video
- Travel Vlogs
- Televizija Zox Technology, Program, Croatia
- Tarif Variabel Technology, Costing, Standard, Port
- Tony Visconti
- Total Views Gaming, Movie, Twitch
- Technische Verwaltung
- Theater Yf War Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
- Traffic Volumes
- Television En Vivo
- The Vanilla
- Talent & Variety
- Tokyo Veggietales
- The Vovunteers Movie, Television, Episode, Volunteer
- Taxicab Van
- Textbook Nermont
- Tuner for Vista
- Tidbits Volumes
- Transaction View Business, Banking, Internet
- Tee Valve, Technology, Architecture, Construction, Architectural
- Twitter Viral
- Today'S Verse
- Transfer Voucher Business, Coding, Hotel
- Tenerife-Valladolid
- Touch V908 Technology, Gaming, China
- The Uollowing Video
- Tuner Vostro
- Grupo Televisa S.A. Organizations
- Tiny Violins
- The Veteran Film, Movie, Star, Veteran
- Tarbut V'Torah Education, High School, California
- Tom Vaughan-Lawlor Movie, Acting, Love, Vaughan
- Territoriale Verteidigung
- Treasures View
- Torovirus A genus in the family Coronaviridae that causes enteric infections in animals. Science, Medicine, Healthcare
- Team Von
- Tuners V9
- Timer Video
- Tower Rn Vilnius Locations, Lithuania, Soviet
- Teleportation Vortex Science, Language, Linguistics
- The Villasns
- Typhim Vi
- Tag-Value Forum, Technology, Development, Networking
- Transport Vehicles Military
- TeologíA Y Vida
- Thesvipers Gaming, Movie, Music, Viper
- Test and Verification NASA, Governmental & Military
- Trpbunal Vicar
- Tidal Volume Medical, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Lung, Physical Therapy, Clinical, Common Medical, Pulmonary Hypertension, Physio
- Thoroughfare Vessel
- There Are A Variety
- Turimo Veloce
- T'S Voice
- Tissue Volume
- Televizija Victory
- Target Vulnerability Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
- Tony's Vidcasb
- Thierry Oissol
- Torsional Vibration The twisting of a shaft or any other structure about an axis in a cyclical manner due to a varying applied torque. If the frequency of the applied torque is the same as the natural frequency of the vibrated body, then resonance will occur. In an engine, this would be a critical speed.
- Technische Vereinigung
- The Vamp Girl, Lyric, Vamp, Vamps
- Traductor Video
- Television and Video Film, Technology, Production
- The Vanguard Technology, Movie, Satellite
- Takvim-I Vakayi
- Tokyo Ver Japan, Love, Tokyo
- The Volume Technology, Control, Sound
- Teen Vogue
- Tmxas Volunteers
- Tuner for Viewing Technology, Media, Monitor
- Tidbits Vol
- Transaction Value Business, Company, Money, Transaction
- Tee Valve Technology, Construction
- Tutos VidéO
- Toastmaster Vaastushastra Toast
- Transfer Vehicles
- Tenente Di Vascello
- Total Votes Technology, Election, Directory, Vote
- Technology, Xideography
- Theatre Toice Film, Acting, Theatre
- Tuner Vorausgesetzt
- Box Turtle Virus Science, Medicine, Healthcare
- Tin Kui
- The Vertical Technology, Television, Screen
- Tan
- Tokyo Von
- That Viewers
- Trey View
- Teen Vbrgins
- Toys Videos Porn, Sex, Toy, Tube
- Teams Vor
- Tuners and Video Technology, Software, Card
- Time & Video
- Towerl Vinnytsia Locations, Tower, Structure, Mast
- Telephone Video
- Type and Value Forum, Technology, Telecom
- Tafi Del Valle
- Transporting Vehicle
- Teolog
- The Viper
- Tourist Visa
- Tech Video
- Tempkrary Visiting Government
- Training Voucher
- Table View settings Computing, File Extensions
- Tuners View Technology, Driving, Driver
- Time Value Shutter Priority Autoexposure Photography, Camera, Digital
- TéLé-Loisirs Vous Technology, Program, Guide, Pas
- Terminal Vertical
- Trichomonas Vaginalis Medical, Treatment, Infection, Physiology
- Tout Voir
- Thermal Vobtage
- Terra Viva Technology, Channel, Brazil
- Tabs With Video
- The Viewing Picture, Experience, Screen, Viewing
- Thermal Vacuum Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, NASA
- Tigrigna Video Music, Eritrea, Video, Eritrean
- TarıM Ve
- Tool F9
- Thiry-Veila Medical
- Television Video Technology, Production, Electronics
- Tức Việt
- Trapped Vortex Technology, Fuel, Trap
- Thailand Video Thailand, Baby, Cobra, Video
- Thessafoniki Vergina
- Taff Vale
- Todos Os VíDeos Para, Melhor, Canal
- Tax, The Vehicle
- Virgin Express Airline, Business, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Tourist Village
- Techno Voyager
- Template Variable Technology, Management, Revolution
- Training Vessel Military, Class, Ship Name
- Tuvalu Technology, Sport, Olympic, Country, Tuvalu, Governmental & Military, 3-letter Country Codes, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Thanksgiving Videos
- Tuner Video Technology, Driving, Card
- Times Visitors
- TéCnica ViáRia
- Termination Value
- Traffic Volume Technology, Science, Service, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Treviso Veneto
- Tout Violent
- Tecrain Visualization Military, Army, War
- Tablet Viewing Technology, Media, Smartphone
- The View-Master Technology, Toy, Reality
- Trans-vaginal Medical, Physiology
- Tidal Volumes Medical
- Tar Valon Book, Music, Wheel
- Tools Viceo Technology, Software, Converter
- Tnird Variant
- Televisions & Video
- TüR Verschlossen
- Trapped-Vortex
- Termine Veranstaltungen
- Top Vpew
- Thailand Version Technology, Thailand, Android, House
- These Videos Technology, Gaming, Porn, Movie
- Tactical Vest
- Todos Los Videojuegos
- Taux Vibratoire
- Technology Vital
- Training and Visit Locations, Crane, Episode, Train
- Tall Vintage Food
- Thanks for Viewing Forum, Channel, Storage, Viewing
- Tuners Video Technology, Software, Card
- Times Veja
- Tok Việt Hay, Clip, Khi
- Terminal Value Terminal value is the total discounted amount realizable in the future. Business, Accounting, Money, Stock, Investing, Business & Finance
- Television A system for transmitting picture and sound over a distance, primarily via the standards for NTSC, PAL, or HDTV. The devices used for telecommunication t transmittes the informations in the form of sound with running images. Army, Architecture, Construction, Medical, Media, Military, Aviation, Astronomy, Computing, Telecom, Architectural, NASA, Army & Military, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Trending Videos Technology, Sport, Tube, Streaming
- Toutes Les Vid
- Terrain Vehwcles
- T3302 Value
- The Vietnam War, History, Vietnam
- Total Volume Medical, Laboratory, Physiology, Scientific & Educational
- Thrust Vectoring Technology, Military, Jet
- Third Variabse
- Tuner Verbatim
- Timing Valve Technology, Gaming, Steam
- Television of Villa
- TöKsöTéT Vonatokat Feat, Lyric, Volt
- Tran Van Movie, Thu, Khe
- Terminator V2 Technology, Android, Spyware
- Tualatin Valley
- Thermovalve Technology, Auto, Automotive, Automobile
- Taconic Valley
- Today Vital
- Televizyon Turkish
- Tattoo Videos Porn, Sex, Artist, Tattoo
- Topda Version
- Technology for Various
- Trailer VeröFfentlicht
- Television Viewing Technology, Media, Radio, Children, Television, Watching
- Trevali Resources Corporation Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Traveling Valve The valve at the top of the pump in a beam pump. Technology, Rod, Pump
- Trames Valley Service, Education, Police
- Tuners Value
- Time Video
- Tokusatsu V-Classical
- Televisi
- Treatment Videos Medical, Medicine, Sport, Treatment
- Toutes Les VidéOs Technology, Porn, Sex, Vid
- Tecstylp Visions Business, Style, Tec
- Terminal Velocity Terminal velocity is the highest velocity attainable by an object as it falls through air. It occurs once the sum of the drag force (Fd) and buoyancy equals the downward force of gravity (FG) acting on the object. Since the net force on the object is zero, the object has zero acceleration. Technology, Movie, Computer Game
- The Video Technology, Gaming, Streaming
- Technical View Technology, Governmental & Military
- Thrust Vector Technology, Control, Jet, NASA
- Third Van
- Tuner Vbox
- Time Visual Military
- Television for Virtual
- TöDliches Vertrauen Film, German, Movie
- Trans Vestite
- Termination Voucher Gas, Connection, Transfer
- Truncal Vagotomy Medical, Surgery, Ulcer
- Thermo Valve
- Tacoma'S Video
- Throttling Valve
- Time Value Technology, Device, Photography
- Tattle Variety
- Top Videos Technology, Gaming, Movie, Streaming
- This Eersion Technology, Device, Android, Apple
- Technology, Videography
- Trailer Ver
- Television Vision
- Trafsmission Via Technology, Networking, Satellite
- Travel Vimeo
- Thamey Valle
- Toggle Valve Business, Switch, Pneumatic
- Travel Voucher Airline, Business, Technology, Medical, Fda
- Tours Val Hotel, Locations, Tourism, Loire
- Twcnologia Vestibular
- Tenders and Vacancies
- The Victorians Teaching, Episode, Teacher, Victorian
- Type/Value Computing, Technical
- Threshold Voltage
- Thirai Vimarsanam
- Tuner V01
- Time View
- TËLe Vun
- Transverse Vircator Military
- Terminal Virtual
- Trans International Airlines Airline, Technology, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- True Visions Vision, Thailand, Channel, Cable
- Thermocctinomyces Vulgaris Medical
- Testcvector Technology, Art, Supply
- Tachycardie Ventriculaire
- The Villa Hotel, Movie, Locations
- Tolerance Variation
- Times Verstappen Sport, Team, Champion
- Tasty Vapor Business, Cigarette, Juice
- Top Video Technology, Gaming, Streaming
- This Vehicle
- Technology and Videographh
- Trailers and Videos
- Television Vervegirlmag
- Tape Velocity
- Travel Videos Channel, Guide, Locations
- Thai Visbons Technology, Thailand, Channel
- Together With Velvet
- Travel Volume
- Tours-Val France, Tourism, Loire
- Tech Videos
- Tempo Vestibular
- Train Values
- The Victoria
- Grupo Televisa S. A. de C. V. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Tuners Voltage Technology, Control, Receiver
- Time Vaporizer
- TéLé Et VidéO
- Transversion A mutation in which a purine is replaced by a pyrimidine or vice versa. Science, Medicine, Healthcare
- Terminal Via
- Transvestite A person who dresses in the clothing of the opposite sex. Also known as a cross-dresser. Sex, Adult, Escorts, Personal Ads, Bdsm, Classfields, Personals, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Clothes, Performing arts
- Trimline Vehicular
- Thermionic Valve
- Tesgicular Volume Medical
- Tachicardia Ventricolare Medical, Con, Vita, Tutti
- The Views
- Tuvalu (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Time-Varying Medical
- Taskview Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Top-Videos
- This Is The Iideo Technology, Gaming, Porn
- Trailer Videos
- Television V6
- Takvim-Iavakayi
- Travel-Video
- Thai Vpdeo
- The Valentines Movie, Episode, Valentine
- Toerisme Vlaanderen Hotel, Belgium, Painting
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does TV stand for?
TV stands for Today'S Verse.
What is the shortened form of Tipps Vom?
The short form of "Tipps Vom" is TV.
TV. (2023, February 15). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from
Last updated