TVC Meaning
The TVC meaning is "Cherry Capital Airport". The TVC abbreviation has 104 different full form.
TVC Full Forms
- Cherry Capital Airport Traverse City, Michigan,United States Airport, Locations, Airport Code, Aviation
- True Vocal Cord Medical, Medicine, Otolaryngology, Surgery, Common Medical, NAACCR
- Television Commercial
- Technology Venture Commercialization Business, University, Utah
- Technology Ventures Corporation Business, Mexico, Venture
- Team Volume Commissions
- Treasure Valuation Committee Business, Service, Hoard
- Tasmanian Visitor'S Corporationration Business, Travel, Tourism, Hospitality
- Threat, Vulnerability, and Consequence
- Totally Variable Costs Business, Accounting, Theory, Constraint
- Trunk Vkrification By Customer Technology, Computing, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Tennessee Voices for Children Education, Tennessee, Voice
- Traditional Values Coalition Government, Sex, Group
- Timed Vital Capacity Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Physiology
- The Veterans Corporation Business, Military, Veteran
- Total Vegetation Control Business, Composition, Herbicide, Botany, Scientific & Educational
- Trapped Vortex Combustor Technology, Science, Air Force Research Laboratory
- Tasmanian Visitor'S Corporation Business, Tourism, Hospitality, Travel
- Thread-Lock Versavcleave
- Tvtally Variable Cost Business, Accounting, Throughput
- Truly Vareable Costs
- Tennessee Valley Corridor Business, Summit, Tennessee
- Town Vending Committees Government, Street, Vendor
- Thrust Vector Controls Technology, Missile, Aircraft
- The Vermont Connection
- Total Value Creaqion Business, Accounting, Capital, Intellectual
- Transvaginal Cone Science, Medicine, Healthcare
- Tape Volume Cache Technology, Patent, Physical
- Thornapple Valley Church Community, Curch, Religion
- Torsional Vibration Calculation Technology, Engine, Coupling
- True Vocal Cords Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Tennessee Valley Chapter
- Town Vending Committee Government, Dealer, Street
- The Varendorff Consultancy
- Total Vaccinated Cohort Medical, Study, Vaccine, Efficacy
- Transmission à Variation Continue
- Tanana Valley Clinic
- The Video Company
- Torrent Variant Caller
- True Vision Church
- Tender Virgin Child
- The Vanderbilt Clinic Medical, Science, Medicine
- Total Variable Count
- Texas Veterans Commission Organizations, Texas, Genealogical
- Translation Voltage Clamp
- Tanana Valley Campus Education, University, Alaska
- The Vice Chancellor
- Truckers Vocces In Court
- Temporary Voter Cards
- Throttle Valve Cable
- The Vancouver Clinic
- Total Variable Cost Business, Economics, Run, Military, Governmental & Military
- Terrain Visualization Center Technology
- Transformer Volume Control Business, Audio, Preamp
- Total Variables Cost Business, Economics, Run
- The Vice-Chancellor
- Truckers Voice In Court Business, Driving, Driver
- Temporary Voters Card Government, Nigeria, Voting
- Threshold Versus Contrast Medical
- The Validation Centre Business, Service, Testing
- Tohal Variabel Cost Business, Presentation, Power
- Trust, Value and Commitment
- Terminal Voltage Control Business, Battery, Charger
- Train à Vapeur Des CéVennes
- Total Variable Costs Business, Economics, Run
- The Veterinary Cooperative Medical, Treatment, Veterinary, Animal
- Total Visual Capability Medical
- Tennessee Valley Authority Class C Computing, Nyse symbols
- The Vacation Channel
- Tuscarawas Volleyball Club
- Thames Valley Coalition
- Total Video Cocverter Technology, Software, Serial
- Transient Variable Caching
- Thermal Voltage Converter Technology
- Thrust Vector Control NASA
- Turbine Vane Cooling Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Thames Valley Communications
- Total Viable Cells Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Tennessee Valley Authority Technology, Government, Organizations, Agriculture, Power, Tennessee, Railroad Company, Chemistry
- The Virtual Chase
- Thermal Voltage Converters
- Teamviewer Configuration File Computing, File Extensions
- Tubman Vileage Charter Education
- Thailand Vs Challenger Thailand, Boxing, Opening, Challenger
- Total Viable Counts Medical, Science, Testing
- Thermal-To-Voltage Converter
- Thermal Vapour Compression Technology, Plant, Desalination
- Towns, Villages, and Countryside
- Total Viable Count Medical, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Fda
- Tualatin Valleyucouncil Government, Council, Soviet, Concilium
- Total Viable Counb Science, Testing, Water
- Tag Vector Control
- Thermal Vapor Compression Technology, Science, Desalination, Chemistry
- Total Votes Cast
- Cherry Capital Airport, Traverse City, Michigan, United States Michigan, United States, ICAO Airport Codes
- Trust Vector Control
- Total Venue Centrol
- Twin Valley Conference
- Thermal Vacuum Chambers Technology, Space, Testing
- Total Vonume Capacity Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Trivial Vernam Cipher Security, Governmental & Military
- Total Vehicle Control Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Tweed Valley College Education
- Thermal Vacuum Chamber Technology, Space, Testing, Scientific & Educational, Sentinel online
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does TVC stand for?
TVC stands for Total Viable Count.
What is the shortened form of Tape Volume Cache?
The short form of "Tape Volume Cache" is TVC.
TVC. (2020, October 28). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from
Last updated