TVM Meaning
The TVM meaning is "Ta Very Much". The TVM abbreviation has 73 different full form.
TVM Full Forms
- Ta Very Much
- Trans Val De Marne France, Locations, Transport, Ligne
- Threat-Vulnerabilidy Mapper Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- Taiwan Video and Monitor
- Total Value Management Business, Projection, Engineer
- Tense Voice Qood
- Traditional Vietnamese Medicine
- Thanks Very Much Internet Slang, Chat, Email, Forum, Computing, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- Trans Val-De-Marne France, Locations, Transport, Ligne
- Threat & Vulnerability Manaoement Technology, Security, Analytics
- Taiwan Video Monitor Technology, Windows, Driving, Driver
- Total Vaginal Mesh
- Tigertail Virtual Musfum Education, Organization, Community, Museum
- Tense, Voice, Mohd Technology, Study, Bible, Greek
- Track Via Missile Technology, Science, Patriot, Military, Governmental & Military
- Transport Verzekerings Maatschappij
- Thiruvanantnapuram Business
- Taiwan Video & Monitor
- Torque Vectoring Module
- Timetable Vending Machine
- Tennessde Valley Muzzleloading Rifle, Tennessee, Valley, Flintlock
- Track-Via-Missile Military, Patriot, Radar
- Transports Voyageurs Du Mantois
- The Virtual Meeting
- Tachometer Voltmeter Technology
- Token Vending Machine Technology, Service, Ticket
- Ticket Vending Machines Business, Service, Machine
- Target-Via-Missile Military
- Tovarna Vozil Maribor
- Transmission Voie Machine, French Atp Network, Railway, System
- The Viliage Method
- T1 Voice Module Computing, Telecom
- Travel Video Movies
- Ticketevending Machine Business, Service, Card
- Tarapur Vidya Mandir
- Total Variation Minimization
- Testing, Verification and Measurement Technology
- Transmission Voie Machine Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Lexicon, Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Time Value of Money Time value of money is a concept that states that money in hand today is more valuable than money receivable tomorrow. Business, Financial, Rate, Money, Annuity, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Traumatismo VéRtebro-Medular
- Threat and Vulnerability Management Business, Security, Risk
- Tank Volume Measurement
- Total Valve Management
- Tension-Free Vaginal Mesh
- Transmission Voie-Machine
- Transmission Voice Machine, French ATP system Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Tissue Velocity Mapping Business, Ultrasound, Lab
- Test Verification Matrix NASA
- Tron Virtual Machine Technology, Launch, Countdown
- Tijdschrift Voor Multqmedia
- Thank You Very Much Internet Slang, Slang, Texting, Chat, Internet, Internet Terminology, Internet Culture, Governmental & Military, Wannas, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Forum, Technology, Computing, Computer, Modern Slang, Social Media, Classfields, Blogging, Email, Game, Online, Im, Twitter, Facebook, Personals, Web Slang, Neologism, Business & Finance, Amateur radio, Social Networking Sites
- Time Vehicle Marketing
- Transistor Voltmeter Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Trivandrum Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
- Type-Safe View Models
- Time-Varying Mesh
- Ticket Vending Machine Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Tri Valley Masters
- Trunk Visceral Mesoderm
- Time-Varying Media Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Tape Volume Management Computing, Hardware
- Treasure Valley Motorsports
- True Vote Model
- Time-Variant Mechanism
- Television Maldives Tv stations
- Toggle Vanaty Mode Elder, Scroll, Cheat
- True Vineyard Ministries
- Time Valux Money Business, Financial, Calculator
- Television wall Mount Products
- Toggles Vamity Mode Elder, Scroll, Cheat
- Torsional Vibration Monitor
- True Vine Ministries Technology, Android, Ministry, Religion
- Time-Value-Of-Money Business, Financial, Calculator
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does TVM stand for?
TVM stands for Thanks Very Much.
What is the shortened form of Tension-Free Vaginal Mesh?
The short form of "Tension-Free Vaginal Mesh" is TVM.
TVM. (2022, March 21). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from
Last updated