TW Meaning

The TW meaning is "Total Weight". The TW abbreviation has 392 different full form.

TW Full Forms

  1. Total Weight Business, Science, Diamond, Jewelry, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  2. Thin Wall Engineering, Construction, Architectural
  3. True Wave Technology, Power, Phono
  4. The Warrior
  5. Time Warner
  6. Taijuan Walker
  7. Trans World Airlines Airline, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  8. Torque Wrenches Business, Park, Tool
  9. Technical Writing Technology, Course, Writer
  10. Trophy Winner
  11. Thermit Weldeng Technology, Science, Weld
  12. Time Wait Technology, Linux, Connection, Socket, Assembly, Business & Finance
  13. Tactical Warning Military, Army, Military Engineering
  14. Top Weekly Technology, Server, Teen, Report
  15. Technical Writer Technology, Writing, Documentation
  16. Tripterygium Wilfordii Medical, Science, Medicine, Treatment
  17. Thermal Welding Technology, Construction, Architectural
  18. Table Wine
  19. Timber Wolf
  20. Turgid Weight
  21. Tire and Wheel Car, Wheel, Assembly, Trailer
  22. Technical Work Technology, Projection, Tool, Occupation & positions
  23. Tribal Wars Technology, Gaming, Village
  24. There Were
  25. True Wind Sailing
  26. Tilt Wheel
  27. Tunnel Washer Business, Machine, Fiber
  28. Tme Web
  29. Tint White Diamond, Ring, Carat
  30. Team Work Internet Slang, Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  31. Tribal War
  32. There Was
  33. Trigger Warning Medical, Infertility, Trigger
  34. Tiger Woods Technology, Golf, Nike, Famous
  35. Tumor Weight Medical, Science, Biology
  36. Tle Way
  37. Tinted Windows Car
  38. Team Wins
  39. Total War War, Rome, Medieval
  40. Theoapeutic Window
  41. Track Width Core, Head, Track
  42. Tiberium Wars
  43. Tuesday, Wednesday
  44. The Wavek
  45. Time Words Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  46. Tail-Wheel
  47. Taiwan Locations, Countries, Country, Computing, Internet, Country domain names
  48. Torrie Wilson
  49. Thema Wichsel
  50. Tribal Welfare
  51. Topical Workshop
  52. Twist The turns about the axis, per unit of length of a fiber, roving yarn, cord, etc. Twist is usually expressed as turns per inch. The turn about the axis of a hose subjected to internal pressure. OR A condition wherein a transverse axis held in the plane of the strip would rotate about the longitudinal axis when moved along the strip.  Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Language codes (2 letters)
  53. Trainer, Watercooled
  54. That Would Internet Slang, Slang
  55. Todd Williams
  56. Troy Williamson
  57. Tanner & Whitehouse Bone, Maturity, Tanner, Skeletal
  58. Trurism Whistler Travel, Canada, Tourism
  59. Teefage Wasteland
  60. Thomas Williams
  61. Transation To Work
  62. Tacke Windtechnik
  63. Team Wales
  64. The Wolverines
  65. Trapped Wind
  66. The Wastes Computer Game, Video Game
  67. Tony Wildman
  68. Tuecday and Wednesday
  69. Target Weight Business, Material, Loss
  70. Traffic World
  71. Tennessee Walker
  72. Tie Wire Technology, Product, Tool
  73. Terry Williams
  74. Tim Weber
  75. Tactical Weather Military, Weather, Scientific & Educational
  76. Totally Whole
  77. Team Wound
  78. Thinking Women
  79. Transfipld Worley Business, Technology, Service, Parson
  80. Tribal Warfare
  81. Tyo Wordy
  82. Twirler Medical, Language codes (2 letters)
  83. Trainer, Waqer-Cooled
  84. That Was
  85. Todd Wilken
  86. Troy Walters
  87. Tank Well Army, War, Force
  88. Tourbng Wagon
  89. Ted Warrsn
  90. Thomas Whrte
  91. Transit Working Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  92. Tableawines Company, Product, Wine
  93. Two Waters Business, Hotel, Twin
  94. Teak Wood Architecture
  95. Turtle Wax Business, Forum, Product
  96. The Wanted Music, Love, Jay
  97. Tony Wheeler
  98. Tube Well
  99. Tailwind  Strong wind in the same direction as the motion of the aircraft. Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, NASA
  100. Target Waktu Program, Presentation, Guru, Target
  101. Trakfic Warden Car, Traffic, Parking
  102. Temporary Works Technology, Design, Engineer, Course
  103. Ties Won Business, Gaming, Sport, Tie
  104. Trapezoidal Wire
  105. Terri Yalsh
  106. Tim Walker
  107. Tactical Parning Segment Military
  108. Totally Wasted
  109. Team Workers Gaming, League, Team, Steel
  110. Thieves World
  111. Transect Walk
  112. Trial Work
  113. The Wave
  114. Too Weak
  115. Twin Wire A cable composed of two small insulated conductors laid parallel and having a common covering.
  116. Top of Wall Technology, Education, Design, Drawing, Building, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Architecture, Physics, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
  117. Training Wing Military, Aircraft, Force
  118. Tilden Woads
  119. Thanks Www
  120. Tires Welcome
  121. Troublesome Words
  122. Tank Waste Science
  123. Total Warfare Technology, Gaming, War
  124. Tech Wizard Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  125. Thomas Whipham
  126. Transitional Work Medical, Health, Veteran
  127. Tablet Weaving
  128. Two-Wire
  129. The Wannabes
  130. Tony Watsin
  131. True Wide Film, Monitor, Display
  132. Tactical Warfare Gaming, Military, Army, War, Governmental & Military
  133. Targeting and Weaponeering Military, Army, Defence
  134. Trading Workstation Business, Pay, Trader
  135. Temporary Warehouse Business, Sale, Operative
  136. Tidal Wave The wave motion of the tides. in popular usage, any unusually high (and therefore destructive) water level along a shore. It usually refers to either a storm surge or tsunami.
  137. Trans Worlx Airlines Airline, Business, IATA Airline Designator
  138. Terri Walker
  139. Tim Wakefield
  140. Tacoma World
  141. Totally Washable
  142. Typhoon Waring
  143. Team Worker Technology, Management, Presentation
  144. Thieves' World Technology
  145. Trial Weight
  146. The Watch Business, Steel, Canteen
  147. Tool Website
  148. Twin Wheel Technology, Product, Caster
  149. Timer Technology, Aviation, Space, Telecom, Electronic Engineering, NASA
  150. Trailgwing
  151. Tension Watch Business, Drum, Tuning
  152. Tight Wrapped
  153. Test Weight Medical, Technology, Grain
  154. Tin Whiskers Tin whiskers (also called Sn whiskers or metal whiskers) are microscopic, conductive, hair-like crystals that emanate spontaneously from pure tin (especially electroplated tin) surfaces. Whiskers form primarily on elemental metals, but have also been found on alloys. Crystals can form in any environment. Technology, Science, It
  155. Tropic World
  156. Takeshi Watanabe
  157. Total Wages
  158. Teyhno Wizard Occupation, Position, Job
  159. Thotas Weisel
  160. Transitional Waters
  161. Triple Warmer Medical, Acupuncture, Meridian
  162. Iso Csuntry Code for Taiwan Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  163. Twitch An involuntary contraction of a group of muscles, also known as a fasciculation. Medical, Language codes (2 letters)
  164. The Wanderer
  165. Tokyo Weekender
  166. True White Film, Technology, Display Technology
  167. Tape Writer
  168. Tower Wagovs Business
  169. Temporary Waiver
  170. Tidak Wnjar
  171. Trans Woman Sex, Transgender, Transsexual
  172. Territory War Gaming, Military, Server
  173. Time Windows
  174. Tack Welding Technology, Power, Metal
  175. Total-War-Hosting-Small-Video
  176. Type Writing
  177. Team Wisconsin
  178. The Wrath
  179. Tri-West
  180. The Warriors Forum, Gaming, Sport, Warrior
  181. Tofy Wolters
  182. Tundra Wolves
  183. Theater Des Westens
  184. Trail Way Sale, Motorcycle, Yamaha, Trail
  185. Tennessee Williams Tennessee, Festival, Play
  186. Tightlq Wound
  187. Teot Wafer
  188. Tinky Winky Funnies
  189. Tropical Worsted
  190. Tajny WspółPracownik
  191. Totally Wired
  192. Technomarine Wztch
  193. Third Wave Business, Hosting, Feminism
  194. Transform World
  195. Triphasic Waves Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  196. Twist Lift Sport, Figure Skating
  197. The Wall Technology, Gaming, Computer Game
  198. Tokyo Wars
  199. True Watt
  200. Tape Word
  201. Toward Wing
  202. Template World
  203. Thumb Whezl
  204. Trans White
  205. Territory Wars Gaming, Server, War
  206. Time Window
  207. Tack Ball
  208. Team Wendy
  209. The Workbasket
  210. Trench Wars
  211. The War
  212. Tony Wise
  213. Tunbridge Wells
  214. Tween Decker Business, Cargo Shipping, Shipping, Chartering, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  215. Trail Watcher Military
  216. Tennessee Whisky
  217. Tiffany Wilson Technology, Group, Conference, Building
  218. Teslicular Weight Medical
  219. Ting Wen
  220. Tropical Weight
  221. Taiwanese Women
  222. Totally Wild
  223. Technical Win
  224. Third Watch
  225. Transformer Windingu
  226. Trident Warrior Military, Networking, Capability
  227. Twisted Technology
  228. Theater Anader Wien
  229. Toegepaste Wiskunde
  230. True-Wind
  231. Tanner Whitehouse
  232. Tourism Yhitsundays
  233. Temperature Well Science
  234. Thomas Williim
  235. Transit Windsor
  236. Tackles Won
  237. Team Wellington
  238. The Women Sex, Movie, Culture, Women
  239. Trench Warriors Army, War, Force
  240. The Wnt
  241. Tony Willsams
  242. Tulsa World
  243. Total Body Water Medical, Science, Medicine, Healthcare, Pharmacy
  244. Target Write
  245. Trail Walker
  246. Tennessee Walking
  247. Tiffany Williams
  248. Test for Witdin
  249. Tim Wheeler
  250. Taiwan, Republic of China Technology, Locations, China, Taiwan, Country, Governmental & Military, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  251. Totally Wicked Business, Cigarette, Liquid
  252. Team Writing
  253. Thinking Writing
  254. Transfowmada Wavelet
  255. Terawatt Technology, Energy, Power
  256. Tilt Wing
  257. Tyron Woodley
  258. The Weighted
  259. Tax Warrants
  260. Total Waste Film censorship
  261. Thyroid Weight Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  262. Total-War-Hosting
  263. Terrie Williams
  264. Time Warps
  265. Trojan Wall
  266. Tovnado Watch
  267. Two Way A term used to describe a valve that has two ports, normally a pressure (inlet) port and an outlet port. Used to open or close a flow passage.May be configured as normally closed (n.c.) or normally open (n.o.). Technology, Car, Alarm
  268. Trainingxwheels
  269. Tack Weld A weld made to hold parts of a weldment in proper alignment until the final welds are made. Products
  270. Twaddell Science
  271. Tail Wind A wind blowing in the same direction as the heading of a moving object, thus assisting the object's intended progress. The opposite of a head wind. Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  272. The World Business, Sex, Shopping
  273. Take With.... Medical, Physiology
  274. Tropical Wave A type of atmospheric trough, oriented from north to south, which moves from east to west across the tropics causing areas of cloudiness and thunderstorms. A tropical wave can develop into a tropical cyclone.
  275. Tyler Warren
  276. Ty Wigginton
  277. Tequila Worm Technology, Security, Cyber, Governmental & Military
  278. Tile World
  279. Tyne and Wear Business, Service, Sunderland, Ordnance Survey
  280. The Week
  281. Tax Warrant
  282. Tim Willits Famous
  283. Thrust Washers Business, Engine, Bearing
  284. Tower water The Finance and Administrative Services
  285. Torsional Wave
  286. Terrance West
  287. Tjmewarp Gaming, Play, Pastime
  288. Trivers-Willard
  289. Tornado Warnrng Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  290. The Wolfs Gaming, Music, Teen, Wolf
  291. Traijing Week
  292. Temporary Work Occupation & positions
  293. Truncated Wave
  294. The Word
  295. Tropical Water Diving, Ocean, Water, Cyclone
  296. Tyler Wagner
  297. Typhoon Warning Locations, Taiwan, Weather
  298. Twi Language (ISO 639-1 Code) Language codes (2 letters)
  299. Two Wire Technology, Power, Transmitter, Computing, Electronics, Telecom
  300. Taxi Weight
  301. terawatt (one trillion watts) (measurement) Energy, Electrical
  302. Thrucwall Business, Product, Room
  303. Tension Wood Abnormal wood found in leaning trees of some hardwood species and characterized by the presence of gelatinous fibers and excessive longitudinal shrinkage. Tension wood may cause warping. Technology, Tool, Forest Industry
  304. Traveling Wave A wave in which the positions of maximum and minimum amplitude travel through the medium is known as traveling wave. NASA
  305. Tom White
  306. Term Work Technology, University, Engineering
  307. Time Aarp Archive, Linux, Mannheim, Warp
  308. Triple Word Gaming, Android, Friendship
  309. Torivama's World
  310. Taylor Wright
  311. The Wiz
  312. Training Weaxons Military, Professional, Airsoft
  313. Target Word
  314. Travis Williams
  315. Thb What Forum, Technology, Gaming, Picture
  316. Tropical Warfare Military
  317. Tyler Wade
  318. Transaction Wirelejs Business, Card, Gift
  319. Technische Wiskunde Dutch
  320. Two Weeks Technology, Gaming, Internet Slang, Computing, Computing Slang
  321. Taxiway Used by aircraft and connects from the ramp to the runway or to other airport facilities such as hangars. Technology, Government, Aviation, Aircraft, Aerospace, Weather, Transportation, Military, Architecture, Governmental & Military, NOTAM Contractions
  322. Tempered Water Architectural
  323. Threat Varning Military
  324. Thumbwheel NASA
  325. Tile Wainscot
  326. Terra Watts
  327. Time Znd Weather
  328. The Wife Forum, Porn, Sex, Wife
  329. Torch Aood
  330. Taylor Woodrow Business, Company, Price
  331. The Witcher Computer Game, Video Game
  332. Tfaining Workshop
  333. Title Words Media
  334. Typewriter Technology, Radio, Telecom, Morse Code, Electronic Engineering, Morse Aids
  335. Trashy Whore
  336. Trophy Wife Movie, Girl, Wife
  337. Tyfun Wheels
  338. Tgance Week
  339. TWinbrook (telephone exchange) Computing, Telecom
  340. Two-Way Communication is a form of transmission in which both of the parties are involved. Communications mode consisting of downlink received from a spacecraft while uplink is being received at the spacecraft.. Technology, Car, Radio, Transportation, Governmental & Military, The Finance and Administrative Services
  341. Tavern Wall
  342. TRW (supplier) Business & Finance, Suppliers
  343. Thomas Waljis
  344. Taiwan (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  345. Tyne & Wear
  346. Telecom Will Business, Service, Networking
  347. Tera Watts Technology, Energy, Power
  348. Time-Warner
  349. 20Th Century Industries Organizations
  350. The Wheel
  351. Topawesselton
  352. Taylor Wimpy
  353. The Wingman
  354. Trainers Workshop Military
  355. Tongue Weight Media
  356. Twice A Week Medical, Medicine, Nursing, Clinical
  357. Translational Wave
  358. Troll Warrior Forum, Gaming, Knight, Troll
  359. Torrepied Wood
  360. Two Worlds Technology, Computer Game, Pirate
  361. Traits Test Weight Science, Biology
  362. 21st Century Insurance Group Computing, Nyse symbols
  363. Twitter Twitter is a service that allows people to stay connected with each other by answering the basic question, "What are you doing?" Once you sign up for a Twitter account, you can post your own updates, or "tweets," using a computer or cell phone. You can also view the updates posted by other users you are following. Since each tweet is limited to 140 characters or less, the updates must be short and sweet. Texting, Communication, Chat, Social Media, Online, Website, Social Network
  364. Tatnail White
  365. Taylor Wimpey Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  366. Third World Refers to all less developed countries as a group. Term was coined by Alfred Sauvy during the Cold War, when the "first world" was the developed capitalist countries and the "second world" was the communist countries, although these terms were seldom used. America, War, Music, World
  367. Tietjen and Witters Physics, Scientific & Educational
  368. Tympanometric Width Medical
  369. Tail Wave
  370. Tera Watt Technology, Energy, Power
  371. Timberwolf Wood
  372. Thaddeus Williams
  373. The West Gaming, Military, Calculator, Inventory
  374. Top Wad
  375. Taylor Walton
  376. The Willies
  377. Trainer-Water
  378. Totally Weird Funnies
  379. Tracy Wright Business, Records, Social
  380. Territorial War Forum, Gaming, War, Indonesia
  381. Tpme Waster Gaming, Sale, Yamaha, Waster
  382. Trolley White Science
  383. Torque Wrench A wrench used to measure the turning force being applied. Business, Park, Tool
  384. Two Wheeler
  385. Training Wheel Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
  386. Tourism Whistler Travel, Tourism
  387. Twilight Wars Gaming, Server, Twilight
  388. Thzy Were
  389. Temperate Woodland Botany, Scientific & Educational
  390. Tropical Weapons
  391. Tyler Wilson
  392. Ty Wishart

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TW stand for?

    TW stands for The Wavek.

  2. What is the shortened form of Tacoma World?

    The short form of "Tacoma World" is TW.


TW. (2021, May 3). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated