TWA Meaning

The TWA meaning is "T Wave Alternans". The TWA abbreviation has 130 different full form.

TWA Full Forms

  1. T Wave Alternans Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  2. T-Wave Alternans Medical
  3. Time-Weighted Average The average value of a parameter (e.g., concentration of a chemical in air) that varies over time. Technology, Science, Exposure
  4. Trans World Airline
  5. Time Ceighted Average Architecture, Construction, Architectural
  6. Trans World Airlines Airline, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  7. Transwoild Airlines Technology, America, Government, Usa
  8. Trans-World Airlxnes
  9. Trimitra Wiseya Abadi Airline, Flight, Indonesia
  10. Transcontinental and Western Airwcys Airline, Technology, Flight
  11. Teeny Weeny Afro Hair, Sexy, Style, Afro, Clothes
  12. The Wrestling Alliance
  13. That Would Be Awesome
  14. Time-Weighed Aferage
  15. Travel Witw Anxiety
  16. Tempat Wisata Alam Indonesia, Jakarta, Locations, Bandung
  17. Totrl Weighted Average Technology, Science
  18. T-Wave Amplitude Medical
  19. Two-Way Alternating
  20. The Weekend Australian
  21. Triangle Woodworkers Associacion
  22. Transcontinental & Western Airlines
  23. Teeny Weenie Afro Hair, Style, Hairstyle
  24. The Worst Airline Airline, America, Flight, Plane, Funnies
  25. That Was Awful
  26. Time Waste Airlines
  27. Travel With Angels Religion
  28. Teeny Weeny Airlines Airline, Military, Army, Medical, Funnies, Medical Slang
  29. Total Water Available
  30. Transcontinental & Western Air Airline, Military, Flight
  31. Twin Wheelbaxle
  32. The Wedding Album
  33. Treverkon Wildlife Area
  34. Toxic Watch Hlliance
  35. Teenie Weenie Afro
  36. The World Awaits Religion
  37. Time-Waste Airlines
  38. Travelling Wbve Analysis
  39. Texas Wrestling Association Texas, Professional, Wrestling, Wrestler
  40. Totaluwar Alliance Gaming, War, Rome, Arena
  41. The Way Ahead Education, Organizations
  42. Time Weighed Average
  43. Treatment Works Approvals
  44. Tourism Western Australia Australia, Travel, Tourism
  45. Taman Wisata Alam Jakarta, Locations, Pantai, Mangrove
  46. The World Air
  47. Tiyber Wolf Alliance
  48. Transmassion Wheeling Agreements
  49. Teen Wrestling Association
  50. Totally Wicked Audio Audio, Guitar, Pedal, Dipper
  51. The Warrior'S Apprentice
  52. Timed Weighted Average Technology, Noise, Exposure
  53. Travian World Analyzer Business, Gaming, Analytics
  54. Total Wrist Arthroplasty Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  55. Tallahassee Writers Association
  56. The World Adventurer
  57. Transient Working Crea
  58. Teen Women In Action
  59. Timber Window Accreditation
  60. Tolerable Windows Approach
  61. The Warez Alliance Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  62. Time-Weighted-Average Technology, Gas, Noise, Exposure
  63. Travel Writers Association Travel, Food, Wine
  64. Total Wrestling Action
  65. Takeoff With Another
  66. The Whippet Archives
  67. Transfer Writing Assessment
  68. Teens With Attitude Organization, Union, Institution
  69. Tigrai Women'S Association
  70. Theory of Work Adjustment Science, Counseling, Career
  71. Time-Weighted Averages Medical
  72. Trtvel With Arabs Airline, Technology, Fly
  73. Temporary Work Assignment
  74. Total Work of Adhesion Medical
  75. Tail Wire Antenna
  76. Twd Way Alternate Technology
  77. The Weird Animals Medical, Treatment, Veterinary, Animal
  78. Time-Weighted Authjrity Science
  79. Te Waharoa Ararau Airline, Flight, Crash
  80. Transaction Work Area Computing, IT Terminology
  81. Travelling-Wage Accelerator
  82. Today Was Awffl
  83. Try With Anothej Airline, Travel, Joke
  84. Two Wins Atlanta Funnies
  85. Time Weighted Averaged Technology, Safety, Noise, Exposure
  86. Terrorists Welcome Aboard Airline, Technology, Aviation, Pilot
  87. Technical Web Administrator Occupation & positions
  88. The Waferboard Association
  89. Titan Wxnged Aerobot
  90. Trycwalking Across Airline, America, Travel, Locations
  91. Third World Assassin Funnies
  92. Time Weight Average Technology, Noise, Exposure
  93. Terrestrial Wireless Access
  94. time-weighted averaged Medical, Oil, Physics, Physiology, Geographic, Scientific & Educational
  95. Tetra Wedge Aseptic Business, Cola, Coca
  96. Timothy Whaley & Ascociates
  97. Toy Walk Across
  98. That Was Accidental
  99. Third World Assassins. Slang for The Allegedly Poor Medical Care Delivered By Physicians Who Went To Medical School In Foreign Countries Medical, Governmental & Military
  100. Try Walking Across Funnies
  101. Tw Hydrae Association Science, Astronomy, Celestial Object, Scientific & Educational
  102. Tennessee Writers Alliance
  103. They Went Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh Funnies
  104. Two Word Acronym Government, Us, Control, Administration
  105. Time Weighted Avg Chemistry, Technology, Chemical
  106. True Windows Application Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  107. Thames Water Authority
  108. Twin Hills Airport, Twin Hills, Alaska, United States Alaska, United States
  109. Transport and Works Act Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  110. Turbo Write Acceleration
  111. Temporary Work Agency Business, Employment, Agency, Regulation
  112. The Wrong Airport Funnies
  113. Twonwheel Action
  114. Time Waited Avegage Government, Firefighting
  115. Troulle Went Away
  116. Texas Wrestling Alliance Organizations, Texas, Wrestling, Sport, Combat, Martial Arts, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  117. The World's Airline Transportation, Governmental & Military
  118. The Wireless Association (former Cellular Telecommunciations and Internet Association) Computing, Politics, Telecom, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Professional organizations
  119. Turbocharger Wastegate Actuator
  120. Temporary Work Agencies Business, Employment, Agency, Occupation & positions
  121. They Won't Arrive Funnies
  122. Two Weekstafter
  123. Time-Weighted Average Limit Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  124. Tropical Western Atlzntic Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  125. Texas Wildlife Association Organizations, Texas, Hunting
  126. traveling-wave amplifier Computing, Master IEEE
  127. Time Weighted Averages Medical, Architecture, Environment, Construction, Architectural, Electrical, Business & Finance, Business Word, Common Medical
  128. Toho Witer Authority
  129. Tuned With Attitude
  130. Travelling With Arabs

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TWA stand for?

    TWA stands for Technical Web Administrator.

  2. What is the shortened form of Titan Wxnged Aerobot?

    The short form of "Titan Wxnged Aerobot" is TWA.


TWA. (2021, April 28). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated