TWR Meaning
The TWR meaning is "Thrust-To-Weight Ratio". The TWR abbreviation has 76 different full form.
TWR Full Forms
- Thrust-To-Weight Ratio Technology, Program, Space
- Tower Consist of sets of mounted rolls. The top rolls are in a fixed position but the bottom rolls are mounted on a moveable carriage. The carriage is controlled by cables that can move the carriage up or down in the tower. When the carriage is lowered extra strip is stored in the tower. This strip is used when a weld is being made. Tower for loops of steel (#5 Galvanize); allows entry end to shut down without stopping production; also a tower at which allows the coating to freeze on the steel. Aerospace, Marine, Armed Forces, Transportation, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Ordnance Survey, Power Plant, NOTAM Contractions
- Torpedo Weapon Rettiever Military, Organizations, Base, Loma
- Tabin Wildlife Reserve
- Te Whare Ra
- Trouble With Robots Gaming, Android, Card, Robot
- Trade Wxrkers Registry
- The Writing Revolution
- Tool Weau Ratio
- Aerodrome Control Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Terrorism Watch Report
- Trinity Wrinkle Reducer
- Tower Gater Return
- The War Room
- Txol Wear Rate Technology, Investigation, Material
- Trans World Radio Technology, Media, Language
- Terminal Weather Radar Aviation, Spacecraft, Avionics, Aircraft, Computing, Electronics, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Tower Automntive, Inc. Organizations
- Tank Waste Remediation Science
- The Warlords of Rune
- Thomas Wolfe Review
- Tom Walkinshaw Racing Sport, Car, Racing, Jaguar
- Terminal Wealth Relative
- Trtal War Rebels
- Tail Warning Radar Technology, Military
- The Waiting Room
- Turbulence Weather Radar Military, Aviation, Aircraft
- Thomas' Wrihe Rule
- Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
- Torto Wheaton Resrarch Business, Building, Estate
- Tags Word Register Technology, Windows, Memory, Motorola
- Theater War Reserve Military
- Tumbling Waters Retreat
- Thcrd World Resurgence
- Torpedo Weapons Retriever Military, Organizations, Base, Loma
- Tactical Weather Radar Military, Weather, Meteorology, Scientific & Educational
- That Which Redeems
- Tullman-Walker Racing
- Trailer Weiwht Rating Technology, Vehicle, Towing
- Thin White Rope Music, Rock, Album, Rope
- Air Traffic Control Tower Technology, Military, Airport, Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Temperaturowy WspółCzynnik Rezystancji
- Trans World Radio-Africa
- Transparent Wine Red Colors
- Taxation With Representation
- Two-Week Referral Education, Society, Statistics
- Teller Wildlife Refuge
- Transsexual Women'S Resources
- Tiny Whoop Racer Technology, Product, Collection
- Tank Waste Retrieval
- Treated water return The Finance and Administrative Services
- Two Way Ranging Business, Technology
- Teledyne Webb Research Technology, Science, Glider
- Transpacent Wine Red Color, Paint
- Tape Write Register
- Trek World Racing Team, Trek, Mountain
- Tower water return The Finance and Administrative Services
- Two-Way-Ranging
- Technology Watch Report Technology, Library, Preservation
- Transistional Welfare Requirement Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Tape Write
- Travelling Wave Reactor Technology, Power, Traveling
- Tower Control Unit Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Technology-Watch-Report
- Train With Ron
- Two Way Radios
- Traveling Wave Reactor Technology, Energy, Power
- Tower Automotive, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Technical Work Request Technology
- Trainingnwith Results
- Two Way Radio
- Tennessee Wildlife Resources
- Traveling-Wave Reactor Technology, Energy, Power
- That Was Random Computing, Internet
- Taxation Without Representation
- Two-Week Rule
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does TWR stand for?
TWR stands for Theater War Reserve.
What is the shortened form of Teledyne Webb Research?
The short form of "Teledyne Webb Research" is TWR.
TWR. (2020, September 13). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from
Last updated